
Works well with Kate Winthrop for econ or stat boost when you need an uneven boost to maximize the chances of succeding by exactly x (although ideally you want Steady Hands for that). She runs lots of insights and tools, so this card will be relevant for most of her deck.

midnatssol · 2

I love this card!

On the surface it's just another green economy card, with stipulations and risk factors that make it hard for it to compete with the likes of Faustian Bargain. However, when used as a combo piece, this card can be incredibly clutch. First of all it's a trick that requires the presence of an enemy. This makes it a perfect target for Bewitching.

The real beauty of this card however, is in combination with the many "succeed by" skills. Both within the rogue class itself, and elsewhere. Need to take out an Acolyte? Just commit a copy of Momentum to your Grift to get one extra resource (assuming you succeed and wouldn't already have done so by 6). And as long as you succeed by at least 3, you'll be fighting that Acolyte at 0 difficulty. And because Grift is a parley, there is no attack of opportunity.

I love pairing Grift with cards like Nimble, Purified and Lucky Cigarette Case for big value plays.

Other great synergies include: Opportunist, "Watch this!", All In, and Manual Dexterity.

And if you're playing without the taboo list, adding a Double or Nothing to any of the aforementioned combos is a great way to make 100% certain you will draw an auto-fail token. Jokes aside this card goes crazy with Double or Nothing and it is a very fun time as long as you don't make a habit of abusing it.

Uffruption · 109
What’s even better, as illicit card this can be stored in underworld market and be played fast with fence. — Django · 5108

I brought this card to a convention meetup play. The removal of exhaust condition on the compared with Lv. 0 one make it very suitable for high player count, where you get more enemies and the team can flex and perform both evasion and fighting. A single flex fighter that evade before doing stuff (Sneak Attack, Dirty Fighting, etc.) might be filling your evidence many times in their round. You just have to make sure you are present there.

The maximum 3 evidence you can spend discovers 4 clues, so it covers all the way to 4 players if you found a high shroud 1 victory location. With peace of mind if somehow you failed with +6 you can try again later without losing neither clue compression nor accuracy.

5argon · 10820
Hand-Eye Coordination

It's a lil' bit costly way to gain a specific type of action once per game, because this card does only that. Have a look at the Shortcut. You gain the same amount of value from those two cards, but Shortcut is 0xp 0 resource and can be used on any player creating opportunity for some wild shenanigans. On the other "Hand" -Eye Coordination special effect could be sth like avoiding attacks of opportunity. Sometimes. In very rare and strange occasions it might be a thing you need. So as long as you have access to pool whenever you start to think about this card, just remember Shortcut. In fact guardians have more much nicer action compression cards like Safeguard, Ever Vigilant, Geared Up or even Galvanize, so if you find use for Galvanize and you don't care for its exhaustion effect and it's possibility to play events than maybe it's a card for you.

Drostt · 134
Marion Tavares can't use shortcut. For her, this is a fast "play another event" card. — MrGoldbee · 1473
The costs are ok if you consider that the usual cost of an action are 2 resources (skids ability and quick thinking). Also an action with tools or weapons are two of the main types of action you do to progress the scenario. — Tharzax · 1
Amazing card in a Shotgun deck. — liwl0115 · 41
I believe you still use the ammo part of the cost, however. — Phelpsb83 · 215
Olive McBride

I updated foobar's excellent jsfiddle from their Olive McBride (0) review to include Olive McBride (2) as well. You can play around with the chaos bag to see specific values. However, to summarize:

  • Olive McBride (0)'s weakness was that she was often not worth it. If you were up by 2-4 on a skill test, which is common on Standard difficulty, Olive's ability would often lower your chance of success. The same is also true if you were even (up 0) on a skill test and didn't have Father Mateo's auto success on Elder Sign to save you.
  • Olive McBride (2) does not have that weakness. Using her ability raises your chance of success for almost any chaos bag and skill value, sometimes up to 10-20% more.

Even without considering token-hunting shenanigans (Elder Sign for Father Mateo, Skulls for Jim Culver, Bless/Curse in general), Olive McBride is a considerable upgrade just for passing skill tests, and should be prioritized accordingly.

blackjet3 · 12
Amazing, I was terribly sad that it wasn't accessible anymore. One thing, it asks for a login at the moment when I click on the link — Valentin1331 · 74835
@Valentin1331 Thanks for letting me know. I don't see a way to make the full-screen view visible without login, so I changed the link to the editor view which should work. — blackjet3 · 12