This is the workhorse survivability card rogues have been waiting for all these years; the green answer to the survivor's Cherished Keepsake and Leather Coat.
Forget about the option to save a friend for a minute. That's nice to have, but your friends don't necessarily have the money and they should have their own survival plans, anyway. This worth playing just as the green answer to Rotting Remains.
People were very happy with the red assets that cost only an action to put down, and then soaked 2 damage or horror. Sure, part of what made them great was looping them with Scavenging, William Yorick, or Resourceful. But spending a card and an action to eat 2 horror was perfectly good value.
Blocking 2 with I've Had Worse costs 2 resources but saves you an action, which I consider a perfectly fair trade in any class capable of making decent money, which rogues certainly are. You don't get the tutorability and Lonnie Ritter interactions of Leather Jacket, nor the option to soak two separate 1 point hits with this event, so in that sense it's worse than an asset would be.
But I've Had Worse gives you the option to block up to 3, and to stop damage or horror or both with just one card, and you still get the option to use it for a friend. Seems like something any low sanity rogue should strongly consider bringing.