This is the worst. How the hell do you deal with this? Lucius Galloway already has low sanity and the horror hits him again and again due to the reshuffle.
- Versatile + Peter Sylvestre? The agility boost would actually fit Lucius Galloway.
- Short Rest? Although a nice combo card, it still costs 3 resources at once if you want (and even manage) to get its full potential.
- Forensic Kit? Also a good card for Lucius, so that makes sense.
- Lonnie Ritter + Trench Coat? Probably the safest way and the Coat offers a nice benefit for Mr. Getaway on its own, but Lonnie does nothing besides the soak and eats an ally slot, so... Maybe if you want to run Bum's Rush, but it's still not reason enough to include her in your deck, I'd argue.
- Don't discover clues? C'mon, no.
Even with ways to deal with the horror, the fact that this card gets shuffled back into the deck when you do you main thing potentially eats actions and the opportunity to draw into the cards you need.