Does this work with drawing thin? Is this still considered “initiating a skill test”? If so this’ll be even more amazing with Calvin, because then you can just boost the difficulty of the test to draw cards or gain resources, while still knowing that you will win. Additional plus of using this in conjunction with Counterpunch to just annihilate a monster in a single action.
Espírito. Tática.
Cost: 0.
Lute. Este ataque causa +1 de dano e é automaticamente bem-sucedido. Como custo adicional para realizar este ataque, o inimigo escolhido realiza um ataque contra você.

No faqs yet for this card.
Surprised in the number of reviews that Carolyn or Vincent are not mentioned at all for this card as they are perhaps the best users of it. As test-less damage for them is really good... like really really good:
1) They have one less stat overall so get rewarded more for test-less actions
2) They have one more health/sanity overall so are more tanky for the enemies attack
3) They get rewarded for healing the damage/horror they took
4) They can combo it with Empirical Hypothesis's 1xp upgrade for when you take damage/horror to also draw a card from it
5) For Carolyn she can stick it on Stick to the Plan
So for example, watch as your Carolyn clears a nearby room full of cultists or helps the actual Guardian smack an annoying enemy into the discard pile on demand. All while she grabs a test-less clue, resource, and card per turn (Field Agent, Empirical Hypothesis, Ancient Stone). A support character than can free flex into a Guardian role a few times a scenario all the while actively keeping the act progress going with getting clues and keeping others alive is very strong and this card helps complete that.
Daniela can use Toe to Toe on health damage enemy to instantly obliterate it without touching the chaos bag, by having the additional cost go to her Guard Dog. Spilled horrors can go to Precious Memento (Former Life) and spilled damages on Daniela if enemy hits harder than 1 damage required for the dog. Dog bites for 1 damage. Dog is considered "you". She is angry her dog is hurt and auto-whack for 1 damage. Then this Toe to Toe fight deals 2 damages, to the total of 4 damages which should kill most annoying enemies. The dog gets Bandages. Memento can be restored perhaps with Relic Hunter + Bangle of Jinxes to help over-succeeding, which would got jinxed as a part of Toe to Toe. The test to over-succeed can be the next Fight or Earthly Serenity (4), which its difficulty is 0 vs Daniela's 4 , which would also restore some chip damages/horrors off Daniela taken while distributing leftovers from the dog and the stone. Handy!
(This combo also needs only 2 packs : Revised Core and EotE Investigator.)
Automatic stuff is good. Resist the attack with some soak because I'm not actually sure you're allowed to cancel it with cards like Dodge, because that's cancelling the "cost of taking at attack.
You can commit skill cards, Vicious Blow for example, Nathaniel Cho gets a bonus, Daniela Reyes obviously.
Note, this might seem a steep and risky price to pay for one hit, compared to playing Monster Slayer or One-Two Punch, but automatic hits are worth their weight in gold in hard and expert, where the chaos bag is like a coiled snake, full of terrible tokens.
Most incredibly, it's level 0, a whole heap of charactes can sneak this into their decks to reap the benefit.
How does this card (and similar cards that bait enemies into attacking) work with the enemy keyword elusive?
"If a ready enemy with the elusive keyword attacks or is attacked, after that attack resolves, that enemy immediately disengages from all investigators, moves to a connecting location (with no investigators, if able), and exhausts. This effect occurs whether the enemy was engaged with the attacking investigator or not."
It seems as though it would immediately make the enemy move away before you can finish resolving the rest of the card. But I'm not really sure.
How does this work with swarming enemies? Let's say Daniela is facing a swarming 2 enemy (that's 3 enemies total), can she chooses just one of them to attack her to play this card, or the 3 of them?
Thanks in advance
I just wanted to add a little note of great value here, since the other reviews here already cover it nicely: when an enemy attacks, they exhaust and do not attack again in the enemy phase. They do stay engaged. Exhausted enemies do not make attacks of opportunity.
Imagine you go toe to toe with an enemy, then you you become besties for the rest of the round because they stick with you even when walking!
It’s weird an I like it. Please correct me if I’m wrong! See rules for enemy phase for the exhaust rule.
Hank Samson wants, at least that's my believe, flip his investigator card as soon as possible. Since this is done by taking dmg/horror Toe to Teo may be of great use to him. Not only it gets the job done → kill/damage enemy but also gets him closer to flipping his investigator card.
According to the Rules Reference (, in the Cancel section, you totally can play Dodge to cancel the incoming attack, and Toe to Toe will still work!
"Any time the effects of an ability are canceled, the ability (apart from its effects) is still regarded as initiated, and any costs have still been paid. The effects of the ability, however, are prevented from initiating and do not resolve."