The Last Blossom

This is a stupid OP campaign asset that can easily trivialize the entire Scarlet Keys run, especially when you get it online early enough. Healing investigators for 1 damage and 1 horror at the same location pretty much means you do not have to worry about any semi-evenly distributed trauma. Let's say you are in a 2-player game and both have mental and physical trauma. The moment one enemy shows up, you can deal 2 damage to it, then immediately heal 1/1 for each investigator at its location. If you can then evade the enemy, you can Shift the key again on the next round, keeping a healthy amount of restoration with minimal investment of actions/resources to keep at least 1 damage on an enemy. Strongly advise houseruling this thing out of your games if you want a real AH game and not some trivial stuff.

MarTom · 1
Father Mateo

Seems OP to always have Favor of the Sun builded into your investigator and have access to Ancient Covenant and also start with 5xp by keeping the old back. No reason to ever go classic Mateo unless you specifically want to run Blessing of Isis or some full support style. But even then its debatable what's better

Son_of_Gothos · 110
Ancient Evils

Here's an idea for when you break out those early scenarios where this card is the most problematic.

Errata it to have Victory 1 if it places a doom on the agenda. No victory if you cancel it.

Fixes a few problems. First you can never get hit by each copy more than once and you get a bit of a bonus for the acceleration comparable with playing a Delve Too Deep which can be nice boost on some of those super low exp early scenarios.

shoefly · 1
I would rather give it Victory 0 and forfeit the option to cancle it. (Assuming, you mean, the card giving you an option to cancle it on it's own.) Giving an XP for the card to work the way, it is usually intended to work seems overly problematic to me. — Susumu · 366

This card seems particularly interesting in Darrel Simmons. Not only is it a good enemy management tool allowing him to evade with his base 5, he also discovers a clue in the process, immediately moving the evidence from the enemy to his Kodak. This solves the puzzle of getting the evidence from an enemy drawn during the mythos phase and engaged to Darrel, usually in that situation the goon would start his turn first and defeat that enemy before Darrel can get the evidence.

Ramun · 599

Outside of obvious overachieve rogue synergy, this card, being Practiced, can be very very strong for Amanda Sharpe with a bit of setup.
Sure, you need to pass a test with a base value of 3, but if you have a couple of static boosts, start your turn with an easy enough test or are willing to spend some of the other skills you will surely have in your hand (you're Amanda, after all), you will just snowball the entire turn into a series of almost-auto successes.
This card is not balanced around being able to chain it 2 tests in a row, let alone 3.
It's a shame the effect lasts until the end of the phase only, or it would be an execellent encounter protection as well.

tinybreeder · 21