Dianne Devine

Evading this enemy won't prevent her from moving, since the effect that moves her is not the Hunter keyword. Even if she is stuck at a location with a bystander with 0 clues, she might still bother you if a clue gets placed on the location for any reason. You would be unable to discover that clue until there is another bystander with 0 clues to become a valid target for her forced move. Or until that bystander leaves play for some reason.

While you could fight and defeat her with little trouble (remembering to Engage first since she is Aloof) the actions are probably better spent working on the bystanders.

Signum · 14
Quickdraw Holster

For the gunslinger who wants to blast away with one-handed firearms, there is a sweet interaction with Galvanize. There aren't a whole lot of assets that you need to ready with it, but the Holster takes the cake in that it functionally turns Galvanize into TWO additional fight actions at fast speed. This combo is available, not just to Guardians, but to Tony Morgan and "Skids" O'Toole as well.

Glavin! — MrGoldbee · 1454
Abbey Tower

Since discovering clues is an effect of a successful investigation action, you are still able to investigate this location with any number of cards in your hand. This allows you to commit matching cards to the investigation skill test, which gets them out of your hand in the same action as investigating. And on top of that, you can commit as many cards as you want to your own skill test, which can empty your hand more quickly than the three per action ability on the location, as long as they have the right icons.

You will need to use some other means (such as the ability on the location) to get rid of cards that can't be committed to an investigate skill test.

Signum · 14
Similarly, if you comitted Perception (or similar Seeker skills) to your investigate to empty your hand, you'll need to choose to resolve the normal effect of successfully investigating before the effect of Perception. (Sadly, you can't order things in a favorable way for effects like Scavenging (0), you're going to have to miss either the recursion or the clue there) — Thatwasademo · 58
Through the Gates

This weakness has a lucky interaction with Lily Chen, who sports up to 4 copies of Burden of Destiny. When Through the Gates draws one of the Burdens of Destiny cards, resolve the Burden. Then Through the Gates' 'if' phrase has been "successfully resolved in full", so the last sentence kicks in, and all other copies of Burden of Destiny get removed for the game! Cull 5 weaknesses from your deck for the price of 1!

MrWeasely · 42
Similarly, it prunes Bloodlust from a The Hungering Blade deck, but that's maybe not a good thing in your book. — MrWeasely · 42
But Burden of Destiny is a weakness, so the 'if' phrase isn't resolved in full (it's not even resolved at all), which doesn't trigger the 'then' clause? — toastsushi · 74
Yeah, doesn't work — MrGoldbee · 1454
What part isn't resolved? You draw the second weakness. Some cards get special "if" treamtent. Others proceed on to resolution effects from being drawn. Nothing is cancelled. In both cases, all instructions have been resolved. — MrWeasely · 42
"If it is not a weakness, remove that card from the game" was not fully resolved. A card wasn't removed from the game, so that portion of the pre-then ability did not fully resolve. — PaxCecilia · 417
in general, a card preventing its own effect with an "if" clause doesn't count as that effect successfully resolving in this game — Thatwasademo · 58
this card's wording actually hints toward that, somewhat, since it says to remove the other copies "as well" — Thatwasademo · 58
I think it's more clear for you to check Kidnapped! encounter card. Kidnapped! has similar structure of a sentence (if ~~, do ~~~. Then, do ~~~). — elkeinkrad · 486
Notice that even if no "then" exists, it's arguable to perform second effect. Strange Solution (unidentified) is good example. It states "Test [intellect] (4). If you succeed, ~~~. Record in ~~~." Could I record in my campaign log even if I failed the skill test? In my opinion, nobody knows. — elkeinkrad · 486
@MrWeasely The 'then' here refers to the previous clause, not the full sentence. By your logic, if I have Recall The Future in play, I should always name a chaos token that isn't in the bag because then it will never exhaust but I will always get +2 on every skill test! — Death by Chocolate · 1453
and Three Aces would draw three cards and give me three resources even if I only committed one (and failed!) — Death by Chocolate · 1453
That's a very good discussion. I believe the key to interpret the weakness-situation are the last 2 words: "as well". You remove each other copy you found only if you have removed top card of your deck. Otherwise it would be the first removal, not a removal "as well". — Trady · 167
This card has three sentences. The first tells you to do a thing. The second tells you to do a thing. The third tells you to do a thing. Insisting that the third sentence pry into the internals of the second sentence, strip it of it's guard, and extract it without context is certainly a way to interpret it, but a simpler explanation of "resolve in full" is "do the first two sentences". Sentences are the building blocks of meaning, and short of pronouns or some other anaphor selecting the phrase buried in the bowels of the second sentence, I don't see why one would do that. — MrWeasely · 42
You can rules-lawyer this as much as you want, but we all know what the intention of the card is. The game designers clearly did not design this card as a means to remove additional weaknesses from the game, so it's probably best not to play it like that. — snacc · 982
It absolutely does not work as the MrWeasely interpreted it. You resolve the weakness step-by-step. Step 1 - draw a crad (if it is anoter weakness, resolve it's revelation effect). Step 2 - if it is not a weakness, remove a card from the game. Step 3 - "then" clause which triggers ONLY if the pre-then aspect is resolved in full. "Pre-then aspect" here is removing a card from the game and it could not resolve if you drew a weakness. — chrome · 57
Come on, guys... If the "then" does not convince you that the third phrase is a direct continuation of the second, observe that it ends with an "as well". Remove all other copies AS WELL. If it is a weakness, you don't remove the first copy nor any other. — RFreitas · 45
Sled Dog

A Principle Guide to Play These “Good” Dogs and Be a Winter Olympic Champion:

Contra to some of the previous negative reviews, I shall argue that this combo is actually a "good" combo in its own right when properly built. Here's how the combo can or should be set up:

1) It requires your “full commitment” from the get go in order to make it shine. The combo will cost you 5-6 desk space, 1-2xp (4 dogs + I recommend 2 Rod of Animalism for consistency. If you commit to this build, you might as well go all in for it), five actions and $10 to set up (almost always play your Rod first before the dogs). Seriously consider In the Thick of It for 2 Rod from the start if you really are going for this build.

2) Choose the characters who can make this combo reliably works: they are those with the (innate) ability to do consistent + fast card draws (+ good economy). You want to get Rod and dogs out reliably so that by mid to mid-late game you are all set for it.

3) For example: Harvey Walters can reliably cycle his desk 2+ times per scenario. He’s get strong economy to put the combo down (with free actionless cash in Cryptic Writings, as well as Dr. Milan Christopher, Crack the Case and Burning the Midnight Oil). The same can be said for Winifred Habbamock, especially once you have got Lucky Cigarette Case + Pickpocketing (and, better, its lv. 2 version) down for draws, and $ isn’t an issue for Rogue. Carolyn Fern is another candidate who will find this combo beneficial, and can make is combo work, although her card draw will still be significantly slower comparing to Harvey and Wini.

4) Now the last obstacle for making this combo work is the total amount of action (5!) that it requires (unless you are using Leo Anderson which I won’t address his case here. Guardians minus Carolyn in general don’t need the dogs to help them fight anyways). This obstacle is real, and my advise is to realistically think of this combo as (usually) a mid-to-late game combo. You can get this combo set up early-mid game if you’re lucky. But it’s perfectly fine to be patient and wait. The key is to not feel that you are “forced” to play Rod and dogs down when you have other more important things to do in early game (i.e., stuffs that help you to get clues!). In early game you usually don’t need to use the dogs’ strongest +4 move and +4 fight/damages abilities anyways. So, if you are Harvey, in early game play Rod and dogs down only if you need their soaks that protect you from being badly damaged by his weakness Thrice-Damned Curiosity. Or, If you are Wini, start playing the combo down when you have nothing better to do after your Lockpicks is exhausted. Remember, having 1 dog down is useless, having 2 down is weak (although it occasionally helps you move 2x for an action), having 3 down is the turning point, and with all the commitment you really want all the dogs to fight for you & teleport you across the map.

5) For low fight characters, you will need to prioritize and pack ?? (or fist) skill cards that can help you to land the dog bites. For example, Harvey fight at +5 with 4 dogs out. So you want to pack some (upgraded better) Essence of the Dream (via Dream Diary translation), Plan of Action, Inquiring Mind and maybe even an Unexpected Courage or two. I would take Plan of Action over Perception, for example, if I know I am using this combo in a Harvey desk. And, of course, another way to help with having your dog bites land on a tough enemy is to ask your teammate to give you one of their Promise of Power or Overpower, etc. Wini can fight with +7 with 4 dogs down, plus you will have her signature Anything You Can Do, Better + multiple ? skill cards (Opportunist, Unexpected Courage , "Watch this!", Momentum, Quick Thinking, etc.), so this should not be an issue for her.

6) In conclusion: Is this the most efficient or powerful combo in the game? Well, it isn’t. But it's still rightfully good when properly built. Sure, it is certainly the one combo that requires both careful planning and commitment. So why do it? Because coming with this level of commitment I would argue that the level of satisfaction that you will be rewarded after all the effort made, is also unparalleled. It’s a satisfactory 10/10 level combo when it works and you see your dog bites landed and finished off a boss, dealing as much damages as your fellow Guardian teammates and stealing the show from them; or when you see your dogs sled you to the finish line to resign or pick up that final clue from afar just before that stupid final doom ruin your scenario and spare you from taking (another) mental trauma. You are a Winter Olympic champion in the story of Arkham when all is said and done.

liwl0115 · 41