Quickdraw Holster

I was really excited by this card at first, sure it sounds cool, but then comparing it to Bandolier (0), it does:

  • Gives you 1 action when you need to use a small gun, so either to deal with a small enemy or to finish a bigger one after your main weapon
  • 2 more resources to play
  • 4 more XP - 8 for 2 copies.

So the question is: how much do you value 1 extra action to fight an enemy every once in a while? Would there be a way to use 8xp that would bring you more efficiency?

To me, it feels like the cost and XP difference is rather stiff compared to how much of a difference it can make in my campaign.

Valentin1331 · 73318
Body slot to extra action, pretty highly, rogue guns love you to have as many actions as possible and this doesn't deny you a slot that could have been +1 fight. — Zerogrim · 294
+1 Lockpick per turn cuz your hand's free. — MrGoldbee · 1470
Dude, compare it to sign magick. This card is so mediocre. — AussieKSU · 1097
Also note that you need a free hand to replace an empty gun attached to this card — Django · 5107
Chicago Typewriter

Most rogues are going to need to use hard Knocks to hit with this weapon. The damage is good, but it's quickly going to become an expensive weapon either from action uses, resource uses to buy success, or both.

Then along came sawed off shotgun. You'll have to boost that just as much as you would this gun, but succeed and you get a big pay out.

All In all, this is the ideal gun build for rogues that don't want to risk a lot... which is the opposite of how I typically play rogues. The rogues that want to go all in on a test to one shot a boss though probably want to stick with sawed off instead.

drjones87 · 193
Without other boosts this grants +2 attack, that’s what most rogue weapons grant at this level? succeed by x Decks almost always need other ways to achieve that. Exceptions being lockpicks and that rogue evade spell — Django · 5107
I recommend well connected and knight over hard knocks — Django · 5107

Many have tried. None have succeeded. Armageddon puts you at too high of a risk for retaliate. Wither cant kill anything. Azure flame hits mystics where they are weak.

This is the de facto Mystic damage spell card. Cheap and with easily manageable side effects with powerful modifiers and powerful damage.

drjones87 · 193
Azure Flame is really good for Lilly as well as a few other mystics. Wither is amazing in Sign Magick, which is an amazing deck. Shriveling might be 'old faithful' and is unlikely to ever not be the default, but don't blind yourself to the other options! — dezzmont · 218
"Azur Flame" is generally quite a good (albeit a bit boring/ samey) choice. A typical mystic with health 6 and sanity 8 will redcuce his/ her samity down to 6 with "Arcane Research". They also spend a bit horror on "Ward of Protection". So the difference is not that great. Sure, they likely rather heal horror than damage (Fearless, Earthly Serenity, Call for Backup) and mostly have better horror soak on their allies. Core Set Agnes likes horror for extra damage, parallel A. does not like splash damage from spells, because she needs to pay damage as an aditional cost and Akachi has a great Shrivelling combo with "Wish Eater", that does not work on the "bad" tokens for AF. But I would give all of them at least 1 copy AF for consistency, as a defacto "third Shrivelling", and other mystics like Diana clearly prefere AF over it. (She has a 7/5 health-sanity pool with AR and likes to play "Ward of Protection" more than twice a game.) — Susumu · 371
Regarding "Armageddon": it's less straight forward and beginner friendly, but there are definitely good builds to exploit this card, e.g. with some covenants. I played Luke with Paradoxical C. and Favors of Moon & Sun, and it worked really well. (You don't need to resolve tokens from both sealing cards, just wait, until you reveal one of them, then release the other. — Susumu · 371
*But I would give all of them at least 1 copy AF for consistency: Parallel A. probably not, because I would build her more with events. But if I would build a II A. with Shrivelling, she would likely get a third copy of it non the less. — Susumu · 371
I am soooo bored of this card. I refuse to put it into decks. You're dead right: the other spells don't really surpass it, so we end up going all the way back to core set to build a fighter mystic (yes, exceptions exist to this generalisation). I've pretty much abandoned playing Mystics altogether because of this! — acotgreave · 865
Eh, I dunno. Declaring a card "boring" or "essential" shows a lack of imagination. There are some decks where Shrivelling is great, there are others where it is weak, abd, or unnecessary. That's the point of a flexible deck building game, right? There are a lot of staple cards from the starter set that I've seen a lot of -- is Flashligh boring or essential? How about Overpower? Usually, the correct question is "what is this deck trying to do, and does this card help it do that?" — LivefromBenefitSt · 1066
There is no fighting mystic deck where Shriveling is "weak, abd, or unnecessary." There are class cards that do what flashlight and overpower do, but better. There is no upgrade to shriveling, no choice. You're either taking this card or making a mistake while building your deck. — nen · 2
Elspeth Baudin

The more she collect Memories, the more she's weak ? That's strange Don't we have a problem ? Isn't it should be Agnes memories wich weakened her ? or can we consider she's totaly unminded berserk sorceress and the more memories she get, the more "human" she became ?

Jashugan · 10
Bad memories. — MrGoldbee · 1470

This one is a whiff. Contrast to Eye of Chaos, which is basically an upgraded version of Rite of Seeking, this spell fails in nearly every way to supplant the gold standard Shriveling.

Let's compare...

Eye of Chaos vs Rite of Seeking/Sixth Sense

-Similar resource cost. -Eye of Chaos is at default a "double success" like Rite of Seeking with 1 less charge and no downsides. -Unless you're playing TCU no downsides for failing a check (i.e. drawing six curse tokens on an investigate only benefits the spell, often hugely).

Armageddon vs Shriveling -Armageddon is more expensive. -Armageddon is at default a "single success" with a weapon, dealing 2 damage base. Shriveling however, deals 3. -Shriveling has a larger modifier for attack (+3 vs +2). -Unlike Investigation actions, many fight checks do have penalties for failing (i.e. Retaliate). So even pulling one curse token is going to start making you nervous with even the most hearty spell casters. You'll need to pull at least 2 for the effect to even matter on game state, default putting you at -4 starting out. -Steals curses from Eye of Chaos.

Overall, I find this spell is severely underpowered. Its almost useless on bosses because most of them have retaliate and if you power up the spell at all you're basically guaranteeing you'll get crunched, which mystics have minimal ability to survive. You could pair it with some evasion tool (i.e. sword cane) but then you're using two actions to attack, and of you don't pull at least four curse tokens you're still behind what you would have been with shrivelling.

As such, I tend to skip this spell and just run Shriveling with Eye of Chaos for curse based builds.

drjones87 · 193
You are not comparing like cards, matching Shrivelling (5) with Armageddon (4). You also ignore that Shrivelling (5) has a "bad stuff token" negative effect that can mess up a Mystics pretty quickly. Sure, you can deal 12 damage in 4 actions, but you can also take 8 horror in the process.In my experience, both Eye of Chaos and Armageddon require a bit of set up to really work. I used Luke with Blasphemous Covenant and Favor of the Moon, and it carried me through TIC pretty handily. The Curse spells are pretty fiddly, though, and depend on you ability to get and hold Curse tokens, which I can see some players not liking too much. I'm not in any great hurry to run them again, but I enjoyed the one attempt. — LivefromBenefitSt · 1066
I imagine you meant to put this review on the Armageddon (4) page? — Soul_Turtle · 461
You're really undervaluinf Armageddon. It works really well in its intended deck. 1 less charge but you can get charges back easily, that's worth easily the extra cost it has. And as above, it's not a fair comparison in the first place comparing level 5 vs 4 spell. — fates · 54