This is, hands down, the best card in the game (currently released, as of 2/23/2017). Identifying the solution is very often the difference between winning and losing, and including 2x in your deck (mandatory in the current meta) can ensure that you identify it twice in a single game, which is just incredible. It seems reasonably costed at 1, though I'm kind of surprised it is level zero. It seems to me that the card is at least level 1, if not 2 or higher.
Solução Estranha
Não Identificada
Item. Ciência.
Cost: 1.
Teste (4). Se você tiver sucesso, descarte Solução Estranha e compre 2 cartas. Anote no seu Registro de Campanha que “você identificou a solução”.

Related Cards
- Strange Solution: Empowering Elixir (4) (Return to the Dunwich Legacy #4)
- Strange Solution: Restorative Concoction (4) (Where Doom Awaits #262)
- Strange Solution: Acidic Ichor (4) (Where Doom Awaits #263)
- Strange Solution: Freezing Variant (4) (Where Doom Awaits #264)
No faqs yet for this card.
I'm shocked that the only review for this card is basically a joke.
Strange Solution is a fantastic card for Seekers, perhaps another example of how the designers seem to greatly favor this class of investigators. For the cost of a single test, which still draws you two cards, you gain the ability to upgrade the Strange Solution to a powerful asset that can answer any problem that exists in your team.
I'd like to also note that each of the upgraded Solutions can re-supplied with Emergency Cache (4), although that is a pretty heavy investment for Seekers, who have a LOT of options to spend their XP on.
The level of the identified solutions (4) does prevent any Investigators other than Seekers (and Monterey Jack, the Seeker in disguise) from taking this.