The name of this card, "Unrelenting", obviously refers to when your secretary absolutely WILL NOT put down the fantastic Broadway script she's reading.
When she's caught reading, she'll lose a lot of paperwork, but that also means she's not likely to miss those 0s & 1s, and the card draw on success helps her catch up on that lost paperwork.
Good for any job your manager needs you to Get Back To Work on... running errands, taking out the trash, telling visitors who don't have appointments that "He's not in right now...", even staying on hold when you're trying to get something cancelled.
As anybody who's had to look busy when the manager is around knows, you get good at it after a while.
Another thing she may have been perfecting is... uh... crucis... ing. ...Sorry, can't think of a joke here (also surprised-but-pleased that Signum is Practiced)... Anyway! It means there may be bless tokens floating around, which are ideal for sealing as doing so won't increase autofail chance.
Look, some folks just like kicking back with a good book on Thursday afternoon when there's not a lot of people coming in to the office, but sometimes the boss really needs you to set aside your penny-dreadful and shove a merman off a boat before you clock out at 5.
TL;DR: I didn't see it mentioned above, so I figured I'd mention this is a fantastic counter to Minh's signature weakness. ? makes it always usable, the +6 pip requirement means you're probably succeeding, & the card-draw cancels the 3-skill tempo-loss. PMP existing is just icing on the cake.