Extensive Research

Let's imagine you are Joe Diamond, and this is the first card that shows up on your hunch deck during the first turn of the game. You have 5 cards in hand. This card can already be played for a discount of 7, for 2 clues at 3 resources. That's really good.

Card effects often value buying a clue for 1-2 resources - see Scene of the Crime, Intel Report, Connect the Dots, Working a Hunch, etc. Drawn to the Flame is a notable exception but handling the ensuing encounter card is a cost that is often equivalent to 1-2 resources or even more. So, if you can get this down to at minimum 4r, which outside of Joe, is 6 other cards + Extensive Research in hand, then you can feel comfortable playing this knowing that you are paying the average rate for what a clue is worth in money. If you can get it even lower than 4, than you can feel great about playing this.

Notably, Joe can play this for 0r if it is on top of his Hunch Deck and his hand is full with no hand size bonuses.

Soloclue · 2604
Played this with a slight variation of your Joe deck and it was great. Consistently played it for less than 2 resources. — StyxTBeuford · 13028
Three Aces

Mandy + Lucid Dreaming can get the two other copies of Three Aces into your hand so long as you have 1 copy in your hand to start with and the other 2 copies are not discarded. This makes Three Aces very reliable and easy to pull off in Mandy. If you have some way to cycle through your deck really fast (not impossible for Mandy with her card draw and Research cards removing themselves), then you might be able to do a Three Aces test more than once.

Soloclue · 2604
Except you will find shocking discovery using lucid dreaming, so you need to get that out of the way first... — aurchen · 1
I find while Lucid Dreaming is a strong combo with all Myriad cards, the more immediately impactful combo is Mandy + Three Aces + Practice Makes Perfect. There's something to be said about doing a test, using Practice Makes Perfect, getting a +2 on it, and then grabbing the copies for a full use later. — Ruduen · 1004
Sawed-Off Shotgun

This is a really good target for your Three Aces success. If you are running a Three Aces Rogue deck anyway, and are also wanting to get in on some damage, I would recommend going for this as a combo piece to that.

Soloclue · 2604
Three Ace grant you the automatically success. It doesn't count as success test because it skipped. So you didn't succes by X amount — AquaDrehz · 197
Automatic success counts the skill test difficulty as 0. You’d “succeed by” whatever your total skill value is. — Kergma · 11
You are right. Kergma. — AquaDrehz · 197
Oh man, when is someone going to build a Double Double-Lucid Dreaming-Three Aces deck to pull off this combo! — Zinjanthropus · 229
Nightmare Bauble

This card cancels 3 autofails. Combo that with Eucatastrophe, which also cancels an autofail (and recurs on itself in Yorick). Combo that with Live and Learn which can redraw on an autofail. Wendy can discard a card to redraw an autofail token. Combo that with a Mateo being present on your team, who can also cancel an autofail, and can provide a free Elder Sign draw with his signature and an Elder Sign draw with Seal of the Elder Sign in his starting XP.

Once you get your XP going, you just don't really fear the autofail token as much anymore. How useful that will be depends on the rest of what you have going on, but dang, that can certainly open a lot more options.

Soloclue · 2604
Cool card, but really, I just like the name!! — bern1106 · 2
You can go to all that effort, or you can get your Mystic to take one for the team and Seal of the Seventh Sign with some way of tutoring for it (no stone/Mandy). — suika · 9471
/word of command) — suika · 9471
Perhaps the best thing to do with Nightmare Bauble would be to Teamwork it to a Rogue, as they are generally much more afraid of the auto fail than Survivors. Yorrick + Wini team maybe? — Zinjanthropus · 229
Rogues can take it themselves with You owe me one. An added benefit is that since the Rogue doesn't have any Dream Parasites in their bonded cards, it also doesn't have any drawbacks to the autofail cancelation. — suika · 9471
Wait no, with no Dream Parasites it'll have 0 charges. — suika · 9471
Yeah, sadly YOMO+Nightmare Bauble is a nonbo due to the way that bonded cards work T_T. — Zinjanthropus · 229
But it works with teamwork. As when you use it the Parasites go to their owners deck not your (you are only the controller of them) — vidinufi · 69
This seems particularly good for Darrell Simmons, who prefers to push skill tests to zero. Not only is the Auto fail the only that at that point, but adding -2 skill value is a non-issue. So barring some really bad timing Darrell should be set. — Taevus · 775
Dream Parasite

Important considerations, a.k.a, Why Dream Parasite Is Not The Worst:

-If you have Charisma to put Jessica and Peter out, which is not unheard of since that set up is amazing, the damage and horror will be healed passively by your allies.

-If you have Lucky! in hand, it can potentially counter Dream Parasite's -2 skill value.

-If you have Live and Learn in hand, it can redo the entire test and Dream Parasite will be gone for the 2nd try (although you will have to resolve the damage and horror).

-If you are Calvin, taking 1 damage and 1 horror gives you stats.

-If you are Silas, you can return Dream Parasite to your hand once per round, and dodge the damage and horror on a fail, because you did in fact still commit the card.

-Potentially, you can engineer what skill test this goes to. You can do something really easy that you can pass even with -2, such as a Flashlight on a Shroud 2, or you can do it on a low value test where you don't care if you fail or even want to fail, and can activate when you fail effects like Take Heart.

Soloclue · 2604
Interesting addition: if you have the weakness The Tower in hand, this card cannot be committed. (They'll still count towards your hand size, though.) — Prinny_wizzard · 251
Stella can ignore it with her uniques. — MrGoldbee · 1469
You could also commit it to someone else's test if their skill values is huge — OrionAnderson · 77
@OrionAnderson: Interesting observation; it only works if there is another player's test before your own, though. — AlderSign · 301