Springfield M1903

Question for all our rules lawyers out there:

Does the latest Taboo stack with scope?

“This attack may target a non-Elite enemy up to one location away from its standard range, ignoring the aloof and retaliate keywords.” Taboo basically reads "Standard Range +1 Location away".

Scope as a reaction allows a Firearm to target adjacent location. Would that be considered the new standard range then and allow the Springfield plus Scope to target two locations away? WHich would be awesome and very unique

If not it would mean, you could gain basically the same effect but better with sticking the newly tabood scope to your shiny 4 or 5-xp-firearm. you would only ever take the springfield to save on some xp as the BAR or the Lightning Gun are still better in their own right. You could always take a higher value two-handed firearm and stick a scope on it for whatever xp your weapon costs +3xp for the scope. And lets face it, which guardian skims on the xp concerning the primary weapon?

Don't get me wrong. This new version stands head and shoulders above the old one. But XP should not be a concern for the guardians primary. So I would always take the best or most flexible base weapon and stick scope to it, if wanted to target adjacent. But targeting two locations away by adding a scope on top? That would really allow some unique camper playstyle in MP where you guard your team by sitting at a center location and picking everything off from a distance.

Skeith · 2431
Yes, this is the explicitly intended reaction. The article announcing and explaining the latest taboo made it very clear that the Springfield and Scope effects were designed to stack. — Death by Chocolate · 1479
And you could add a Brand of Cthugha for enemies at your location and if you are Leo a Cat Burglar to change location and snipe. That would be really clunky but fun! — Valentin1331 · 73589
Just to clarify: is this rifle now a 3 pip, 3XP weapon with the upgraded text above? Or is it back up to 4 pip, 4XP for to the extra buff? — Quantallar · 8
Serpent of Tenochtitlán

This enemy can be an annoyance with that poisoning attack. Even if you can hit the 3 Evade target reliably, that's still a loss of actions as it chases you.

The ability gain conditions cause it to stay on an Ancient location with clues, which you can potentially use to leave it behind. You won't be able to clear that location without confronting this enemy again, but it will be easier to clear all the others. You could deal with the location it guards last, or even just consider it abandoned.

Or maybe you just take the vengeance point.

Signum · 14
There are also some other options since this enemy isn't elite: Hancuffs, mind wipe, slip away etc — Tharzax · 1
Good point, Tharzax. We always killed this guy, because the Victory sweetens the Vengeance. But if we would ever challenge us to a zero vengeance run, "Mind Wipe" and Handcuffs would be certainly availble in the team. — Susumu · 371

This is quite an underrated card. It gives you (your ally) +1 health and + 1 sanity for $1 without the need of spending the cost of an action. In most cases, a free action is more valuable than $1. So this card fares better than Leather Coat and Cherished Keepsake, both of which are very fine cards in themselves. Trusted also cost one less than other comparisons like Leather Jacket, and it certainly fares better than Fine Clothes, a more situational card that cost an action to play. In most cases, I also like Trusted over other lv. 0 healing cards ex. (Soothing Melody) because spending actions to do passive healing is, a many have pointed out, one of the least efficient things to do in the game. Another selling point of this card which the above mentioned cards don't have is that it not only gives you more health/sanity protection but gives your ally more mileage. Putting 2 Trusted on allies such as Aquinnah all the sudden turn her into 3h/6s worrior and Beat Cop into a 5h/4s Sergeant. Trusted really maximize their power, getting more values out of their already very strong xp ability.

liwl0115 · 41
the advantage to most healing is it can be used on the person who needs it, though you could put trusted on Xavier to tank for the team. — Zerogrim · 294
Usually I prefer using Calling in favours to cycle my allies, recharge their uses, heal them, "dig up" my deck, ... Of course it means I need to spend actions to play Calling in favours and replay my ally later but I routinely play 2 copies of Ever vigilant to have a good action economy. — AlexP · 252
At 1 cost, no action (!), +1HP +1 Sanity, this really is one of the most efficient soak cards out there. — Blackhaven · 9

Winifred Habbamock loves this card. Being able to access to Track Shoes is a pretty good deal. She's using many ability cards that allow you to draw cards from your deck on top of her own ability. You will run through your whole deck many times most of the times anyway. A bigger deck means you'll take more time to cycle it and get less horror from that. Same for Patrice Hathaway

One or even two of Versatile can help to counter some nasty weaknesses as Doomed -> Accursed Fate -> The Bell Tolls or treacheries as Beyond the Veil

Masnonet · 4
Lightning Gun

When this card appeared, it was the first real big gun, with Shotgun being a little bit in a weird spot.

Unfortunately, by now it has been overpassed by a range of other weapons in every aspect:

  • High value: Of course the Cyclopean Hammer which is slightly cheaper, same XP and offers the chance to go higher with Reliable x2 and a potentially unlimited amount of 3-damage hits.

  • Big damage per round: Flamethrower does 4 damage per attack, comes with more Ammo and is cheaper. It has been tabooed to 8xp 6xp now though, yet if you get 1 and refill it with Ammo, you're still in a better spot.

  • 3 damage, 3 times: Brand of Cthugha (4) is significantly cheaper, uses a vastly unused slot for , and offers the flexibility to not spend an ammo for 1hp left. It is a bit the M1918 BAR, with just a little less peak damage but also much cheaper and leaving your hands free. The only advantage of the Lightning Gun is in case you plan on refilling the ammos with Extra Ammunition or Venturer as doing so is useless on the Brand of Cthugha/M1918 BAR.

  • Honorific mention to the Holy Spear that can deal 3 damages also more times if you can generate enough tokens find a way to unseal the tokens on it.

So unfortunately, no matter how cool and thematic this gun is, the +5 makes it a complete overkill that is now obsolete in the vast majority of the cases. This could still find play in Expert mode where shooting at 10+ can still be a strategy but it still requires a lot of build around to maintain a constant flow of ammo.

Valentin1331 · 73589
Compared with the above weapons the lightning gun has much advantages over the other weapon (except the Ammo): you have no succeed by condition for the third point of damage compared with the hammer; you don't need to be engaged with the enemy compared with the flamethrower; it doesn't need as much ammo as the bar; you can use upgrades like custom ammunition which doesn't work on the brand and you don't need bless tokens like the spear. So technically this weapon is the best, but sadly in practice other weapons are good enough to handle your problem without much preparation. — Tharzax · 1
Flamethrower was taboo'd to 6xp (not 8xp). — Death by Chocolate · 1479
with the introduction of black market lightning gun does become a lot more powerful, handing it to non guardians and letting them fight at a minimum of 6 is pretty wild. — Zerogrim · 294
You could do this more reliable with teamwork and even then it's an expensive option for a problem you can usually solve with events — Tharzax · 1
Fighting with a base of 6 is not enough, even on standard, when the enemies you want to take care of have a fight value of 4 or 5, which is often the case on the enemies worthy to hit for 3 damage. 4 can be feasible, if the special tokens don't punish going just 2 above, 5 is never a good idea. Besides that, it's a question, if the group really needs an offclass Lighning Gun wielder, or if these causes goons to do nothing, while the group falls behind on clues. And what would be the advantage of that vs. a Mystic with Shrivelling (5) or the like? — Susumu · 371
In addition to that: if you go this route, you are asking the Guardian to spend 10 XP to basically improve the deck of somebody else. These XP will be missed in the Guardian deck itself to fuction properly in later scenarios. — Susumu · 371
Thanks Death by Chocolate, I corrected. And for all your points, of course there are advantages certain restrictions to the other weapons, the lightning gun being the reference. Is it "the best" though? I personally think that it makes it actually the worst as it could fit anywhere, but with a little bit or work, any other weapon could be better. Reliable for the Hammer, Riot Whistle/Taunt for the Flamethrower, bless for the spear. What I was trying to show here is that if you like this weapon for 1 aspect in particular, then another weapon is probably doing it better. — Valentin1331 · 73589
Lightning Gun has the advantage of not taking the body slot so that you can use it in combination with an other weapon thanks to Bandolier (and so save you ammo), or in combination with Backpack to "store" your Extra ammunition. So I think I would still play Lighting gun (in combination with an other weapon, ideally without ammo) in a 3+ investigator games. — AlexP · 252