Unfortunately after several attempts I just can't justify this weapon in anyone's hands with the current card pool.
Anyone going for this is obviously setting out for the great task that is monster control.
Guardians or Mystics have access to Cyclopean Hammer which is just objectively better in every way.
Currently the only combat oriented rogue is Tony, and he has a much better pool of weapons to choose from (even a 1 exp switch blade is better than this in his hands due to the fast action, and has similar dps over three turns).
Seekers have their laser books.
Survivors have chainsaws. Yorrick has endless chainsaw recursion through act of desperation, and Silas is better off with his base sea change harpoon than this.
It has many problems that keep it from being viable.
1.) It's two damage. Most enemies have 3 HP, meaning this weapon doesn't actually offer that significant of action compression. You're still going to have to take two actions to deal with most enemies, assuming you pass both checks. You can augment this with vicious blow or plus damage cards, but you don't have to with any of the other options on this list.
2.) Very low might boost. Take someone with a might of 5 and they're testing at a 7. Considering you need to be at a +4 reliably on Expert to hit things, this will struggle to inflict damage on enemies with a fight of 3 or higher, which is most enemies in the game.
3.) It's saving grace is its one handed, but you don't need your other hand for anything else if you are monster hunting.
4.) Cost. 5 resources is extremely expensive and makes this one of the most expensive assets in the game. The other similarly costed assets do major damage.
5.) Its "big hit" is once per game and really only does two attacks at once.
One of the few cards that needs a retroactive buff. Dropping experience requirements to 3 and resource cost to 3 would probably more accurately reflect the power of this card, or removing the once per game restriction on the exhaust. Otherwise, there are just better cards now.