Moonlight Ritual

It's noted that a card at a location includes the location itself. It's common to remember some scenarios as soon as that remainer is heard.

To avoid the spoiler, I hide the name of scenarios and just use link utility. Please avoid putting a mouse onto the hyperlinked text if you want to avoid spoiler.

elkeinkrad · 497
A isn't doom. — MrGoldbee · 1470
@MrGoldBee // what I want to talk is the second forced effect, and as I know that is doom. — elkeinkrad · 497

This card is extremely niche- but if you have the right space for it, it can become a powerhouse. I'm currently running an Extra Actions Dexter Drake and this might be the best extra action card in the deck - for 1 card and 1 resource, you get two free evades and extra actions, which you can stack into the same turn. This card doesn't solve any problems, and it's not going to be an early upgrade for anyone - but if you can get enough draws, resources, or play actions that the up-front cost becomes less important, it can be part of some silly recursion builds.

Walker · 29
Uses it in Akachi while playing a 4-player scarlet keys run. She can abuse the hell out of it with spirit speaker. It made dealing with concealed cards a joke. — Therealestize · 73
Every person I've seen take this card has dominated the game. As Valentin pointed out in his review, you do need consistently high test value but that's not a problem for so many investigators. To be honest though, I've never seen a rogue take this card, only mystics. Rogues just have so many ways to get bonus actions and evasions that I think it's not as immediately attractive to them. But gawdamn playing a mystic Cluever with this card just makes you feel so safe. It doesn't matter if a monster spawns on you or not, you'll just evade it and not even lose an action. — aNRana · 3
The Rogue who loves this the most is probably Kymani since they need to exhaust an an enemy anyway before using their ability to evade and kill. Finn also enjoys it. — StyxTBeuford · 13028
Joe Diamond

One thing that previous reviews didn't touched on yet is that the Hunch Deck revealed card is visible unlike cards on hand. (Thematically weird that his hunch is visible? The Insight so exciting it shows on his face?) If you play as play guide suggested that cards on hand are hidden information for immersion, Hunch Deck opens up some interesting table talk and essentially "upgrades" team-play cards.

If you got the new format The Circle Undone Investigator Expansion, it comes with cards that already can take this advantage : Delay the Inevitable (Allow others to request for it, discuss who needs it the most, and play first then move into Joe to take it once his turn begins. As opposed to you having to give it to them), Crack the Case (Can come in just to take the share or even finish the location and take the bounty).

Classics like Cryptic Research is an instant 3 cards for everyone to consider on their own, and request Joe to go first and give them cards to get more icons to deal with tests they are going to take (in normal use if you want to give someone 3 draws, Joe would only know about everyone's card count but don't know if they are good or bad), Shortcut which let Joe push anyone in his turn, but now you can discuss even before anyone take their turn how to use this Move. Emergency Aid / Logical Reasoning is similar to Delay the Inevitable that allows others to request for it as opposed to be in mercy of Joe. A situational Evidence! let you plan about exact damage to left for Joe to finish off and get the clue, like when playing with Roland Banks everyone knows he has the ability and can plan around it.

Designing the Hunch Deck around team-wide ability is fun and can improve the table's efficiency, similar to once you use Scrying and saw what cards are coming you do things differently than before. Some team-play cards don't have the luxury of pre-planning like Joe's Hunch Deck, like Bob Jenkins which only allows revealing Item asset (and not any other cards) to each other when at the same location, or Untimely Transaction that you have the opportunity to reveal only 1 Item card (which funnily might not sell!), or "You owe me one!" that you get to look only after playing it (and might find nothing interesting, it's a Gambit after all).

5argon · 10702
One of those PI's who always narrates his hunches. — MrGoldbee · 1470
Michael Leigh

Darrell Simmons would love Michael Leigh if he had access to him. He generates evidence for every successful investigation while pushing Darrell to 6 . 2-3 evidence per turn from a single card is better than anything Darrell can achieve on his own.

Yes, five experience is a lot to ask from a fellow investigator. But if you and your teammate think the reward is worth it, there are a few straightforward ways to borrow an ally in even without getting into Teamwork or similar effects:

This can even be combined with On Your Own to make either of the above events cheaper as long as Darrell isn't bringing his own allies.

blackjet3 · 12
Maybe in a team with Carson? He is already into support, so that's a way to even spent his XP for support. — Susumu · 371
Knowledge is Power

This card is still broken if combo with the Research Notes , even after applying the taboo. The taboo on Research Notes says "max 3 evidence spent per round". However, it's not clear how this card works when it comes "max XXX spent". One can argue that there's no maximum limitation if using "Knowledge is power", as it ignore the cost and actually spend nothing. In this case, using this card on Research Notes can still collect around 10 clues by committing cards, ignoring the shroud value and using 0 action.

I think it's more reasonable if there's clear FAQ about how this card works when the chosen Tome or Spell has a "max" limition. Or just change the taboo on Research Notes to "max 3 clues collected per round in this way".

else · 1
Incorrect. Knowledge is Power no longer ignores additional costs that must be paid when resolving an ability. See (2.24) "Ignoring all costs" in FAQ 2.1. — Soul_Turtle · 461
Thanks for the information! I feel this combo is broken and there should be some restrictions. But it's hard to find the bug fix I want though a number of FAQs. It's still a bit unclear as paying the evidence on Research Note is not explicit mentioned as "additional cost", but I can accept this explanation. — else · 1
Does anyone have any insight into how the FAQ applies to cards that are in the hand when KiP is played? For example, if Earthly Serenity is in my hand and I use KiP to reveal and resolve the Earthly Serenity, can I use charges from Earthly Serenity for the healing, and then it will "recharge" when I place it back in my hand? Or am I prohibited from using any charges for healing? Or am I required to track the charges on cards in my hand? The FAQ left me with more questions than it answered. — dapamdg · 1