
Item. Supply.

Cost: –.


While Pelt Shipment is in your hand, your maximum hand size is reduced by 3.

When the game ends or you resign, if Pelt Shipment is in your hand: Reduce the experience cost of the next new card you purchase before the next scenario by 1.

Rafal Hrynkiewicz
O Banquete de Hemlock Vale Expansão de Investigador #109.
Pelt Shipment


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If you’re trying out the new combo of Hunting Jacket + Dark Horse, this card is an easy addition. While parked on the jacket it’s not reducing your hand size, and you can free XP (like Mystics!) at the end of the scenario.

An alternate use case is with Scavenging, helping you to exceed your hand limit to shunt Items to the discard pile. Janky, but can surely it help to earn free card draw while grabbing clues. Even if you discard the Pelts in such a build, it’s an Item itself that can grabbed late in the game for the free XP…

It sounds like a nice combo indeed, but I dont like the wording on Pelt that says " the experience cost of the next NEW card". It does not work for upgrading, just for buying new ones — Wittebaard · 299

If you're able to run Pelt Shipment and take Down the Rabbit Hole, it cancels out the increased experience cost to add new cards to your deck for at least one card. If you're crazy enough to run the second copy and have only the two Pelt Shipments in your hand you're back at a net gain for experience, right?

Ahoge-dono · 17
That is technically true, but only for 1 card. So if you buy 2 new cards in a scenario, you are technically neutral on the cost of xp, and just get the +2 from DtRH. Though how many scenarios you can juggle having 2 pelt shipments in hand when the scenario ends is supremely questionable in the half dozen investigators who can take these together. More likely you may draw both pelt shipments early, and need to discard one just so you can have a hand size. Which still helps offset some of the cost for sure. — Rolandironfist · 24