
Item. Supply.

Cost: –.


While Pelt Shipment is in your hand, your maximum hand size is reduced by 3.

When the game ends or you resign, if Pelt Shipment is in your hand: Reduce the experience cost of the next new card you purchase before the next scenario by 1.

Rafal Hrynkiewicz
O Banquete de Hemlock Vale Expansão de Investigador #109.
Pelt Shipment


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"Buddy, you're the one coming ahead here! Trust me when I tell you, you absolutely need this!" the salesman remarked. "Think of all the fine coats you'll be able to make! You're winning in the long run."

"I guess you're right," responded his customer. "Alright, deal!" Preston then handed over a beautiful watch that had been handed down by his family.

"Smart boy! Pleasure doing business, son!" said Bob with a grin from ear to ear and a firm handshake. For Preston, he may have just done the worst deal of his lifetime.

For Bob, it was just another Tuesday.

The more I look at this, the more excited I get to run this on my favorite salesman. Bob's looking to get his hands on only the finest selections the vendors have to offer. All these shiny cards are so expensive in experience!

But Bob is an experienced salesman. He's witty, charming, and most of all, adaptable.

You can't play this. So it's going to be eating up a spot in your hand, and shrinking your hand-size while you're at it. Not the greatest, but fortunately, Bob's capable of tossing this away if grabbed early and finding at some point down the road. He's got access to the right tools for this job. On his quest from rags to riches , there's going to be a lot of new cards Bob wants to take. The key here being NEW.

There's no denying that some of the recursion cards are better left targeting other great options. But in the event that you find yourself with this leftover and just cant seem to find where the hell you put it, why not? Gotta keep in mind that Bob here is greedy after all!

It's perfect. Load up with the shipments early in a campaign. Buy all of the shiny new goodies Bob deserves. And then you can even ditch it once you've made your fortune.

It's time for Bob to sell some pelts.

Cosmic · 17

If you’re trying out the new combo of Hunting Jacket + Dark Horse, this card is an easy addition. While parked on the jacket it’s not reducing your hand size, and you can free XP (like Mystics!) at the end of the scenario.

An alternate use case is with Scavenging, helping you to exceed your hand limit to shunt Items to the discard pile. Janky, but can surely it help to earn free card draw while grabbing clues. Even if you discard the Pelts in such a build, it’s an Item itself that can grabbed late in the game for the free XP…

It sounds like a nice combo indeed, but I dont like the wording on Pelt that says " the experience cost of the next NEW card". It does not work for upgrading, just for buying new ones — Wittebaard · 331
I wonder if you could play Pelt Shipment, e.g. for making money with Joey... — AlderSign · 321
I am quite certain it does not work since no costs to be paid are defined. BUT it can be put into play via Sleight of Hand :) — AlderSign · 321
I mean. You still need to kill hunting jacket late game. assuming it hasn't already died to soak before then. But its a good way to hide the card and just pick it up the round before you intend to finish. — Rolandironfist · 37
Even given that it doesn't apply to upgrades (which I believe it does not) I would add that upgrading is optional. So, I think the pelts should work just fine for for replacing a level 0 card with its level 2+ version. This should render it close to being reliable +XP outside of "Don't spend" situations like Innmouth has. — RichardPlunkett · 12

If you're able to run Pelt Shipment and take Down the Rabbit Hole, it cancels out the increased experience cost to add new cards to your deck for at least one card. If you're crazy enough to run the second copy and have only the two Pelt Shipments in your hand you're back at a net gain for experience, right?

Ahoge-dono · 18
That is technically true, but only for 1 card. So if you buy 2 new cards in a scenario, you are technically neutral on the cost of xp, and just get the +2 from DtRH. Though how many scenarios you can juggle having 2 pelt shipments in hand when the scenario ends is supremely questionable in the half dozen investigators who can take these together. More likely you may draw both pelt shipments early, and need to discard one just so you can have a hand size. Which still helps offset some of the cost for sure. — Rolandironfist · 37
But you can just resourceful them back to hand come the end of the scenario, or scavenge them, or, if you are playing someone with access to Stick to The Plan you can just slot one on there. — atowncalledmalus · 8

Does this card stack if you end a scenario with two Pelt Shipments in hand? e.g. You get +1 experience towards TWO new cards whose names are different?

Does this card stack if you end a scenario with two Pelt Shipments in hand? e.g. You get +1 experience towards TWO new cards whose names are different?

Does this card stack if you end a scenario with two Pelt Shipments in hand? e.g. You get +1 experience towards TWO new cards whose names are different?

littlisk · 1
Due to the term "next item" I think it's a 2xp discount for the first card you purchase (not upgrade) — Tharzax · 1
You don't need to exceed 200 characters, if you ask questions on BGG or Reddit. You don't need to exceed 200 characters, if you ask questions on BGG or Reddit. You don't need to exceed 200 characters, if you ask questions on BGG or Reddit. — Susumu · 372
You disappointed me susumu by forgetting the mythos buster discord. — Tharzax · 1
Should remember this for the future. Personally, I'm neither on Reddit nor Discord, only on BGG. — Susumu · 372
But now I need to ask you what BGG is ;) — Tharzax · 1
Board Game Geek — MindControlMouse · 44

How this card interact with a backpack? Its a supply card so it can be attached to backpack... however as it has no cost, it cannot be played. I guess i cannot just draw that card from a backpack (for a action) right ať the end of the game... and cards in the backpack are not considered to be in the hand...

You are right. You would have to get rid of Backpack first and then fetch Pelt Shipment from your discard pile (which is not that hard with certain cards). — AlderSign · 321
Or You can simply don't put Pelt Shipment under backpack from its research and draw it "manually"!! :-) — Piegura · 7
As AlderSign says, attaching it is usually sadness. As Piegura says, you can always not attach it. But beware, the rules say that when searching for one or more things, you have to find something if there is something ot be found. So if a Pelt Shipment is the only legal candidate you see, to put in your backpack, you must put it there. — RichardPlunkett · 12

If I discard this card during Upkeep, resulting in my hand size not exceeding the limit, do I need to continue discarding or stop? I'm not native English speaker,have read the rule about upkeep phase and still not sure. For example, I have 8 cards in hand after drawing, including this card and reduce hand size to 5, I need to discard 3 cards. Then I discard this, hand size reset to 8 and I have 7 cards in hand, stop discarding now, or continue discard 2 cards?

Farevell · 1
You can discard just the pelt shipment and keep the rest. Then try to get this back near the end of the scenario with resourceful or scavenging — OrionAnderson · 94