Ativo. Accessory

Item. Tool.

Cost: 3.


Uses (3 supplies).

Supplies on Cleaning Kit may be spent as if they were supplies or ammo on assets you control.

"It cleans! It fixes! It picks, plucks, shines, and swishes!"
-Schoffner's Catalogue, Winter 1924 ed.
Pixoloid Studios
O Banquete de Hemlock Vale Expansão de Investigador #20.
Cleaning Kit
  • Cleaning Kit (3) (O Banquete de Hemlock Vale Expansão de Investigador #33)


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"Okay... okay. We're alive. I gotta calm my nerves. Anything in that flask?"

"Well... technically, yes? But-"


* swig *


"Holy... HELL... tastes like... battery acid... and gasoline!!!"

"Funny you should say that-"

"From now on I'm only drinkin' stuff that's labeled. The Sour Mash ain't empty, right?"

"... Well..."

HanoverFist · 738
I have an emergency cache under the floorboards... — MrGoldbee · 1470

When I first saw this card, I thought "big gun deck". Up until this point, the level 0 ammo refill has been slim. This lets you have 3 ammo on any weapon you want. Ornate Bow (no more reload!), Lightning gun, Old Shotgun or even regular Shotgun are all good picks for this. The fact that it is an accessory slot makes it even better if you need a good ally (one of the weaknesses of venturer). It's even an item, so it can be found in a backpack. It's an asset, so it can be played alongside your weapon with ever vigilant. As a cherry on top, it can be used as supplies! This means you can use it on your flashlight or Fingerprint Kit. It's a very flexible card that a lot of investigators could use for a variety of reasons, but works best with those high XP, low ammo/supply assets.

maxamaster90 · 11
With the simultaneously released Tinker card, you don't even have to give up other good Accessories to use this- even at L0. Admittedly, L0 Guardian accessories are easily the worst of all 5 classes, but if you have any L0 Rogue, Survivor, or Mystic access, then you probably had plans for that slot. — HanoverFist · 738
What good accesory do seeker and survivor have? — Jota · 7
Sorry, I did want to end the post like that — Jota · 7
Ok, this sounds stupid, but the Burton to add another psragraph sends the message -.- sorry. I wanted to say that seekers dont have any particular good accesory and survivor only the Teddy bear afaik. Gusrdians have the new bless one and the mirror at lvl 0 — Jota · 7
I noticed the Ornate Bow interaction too. Seems a little broken to have this card completely ignore the limitations of the bow. And resupplying with Emergency Cache (3) too. — KakuRainbow · 97
Holy shit you're right. It makes Kinamy even more absurd. Take the bow at lvl 0 and go pew pew, doing more damage than guardian against bosses while you just discard winnies with your ability. — mugu · 223

Not sure if it's because it's a guardian card or because of the versatility of ammo/supplies, but when I first saw this card Carson Sinclair came to mind. My group usually makes 3man campaigns so there is always a flex investigator. Adding this (or the Cleaning Kit lvl3 version) can help both the fighter to add more ammo and the cluever to resupply their fingerprint/flashlights. Along with Venturer it's a pretty big time support for the rest of the group. Great card overall even for a fighter to use for his own (found it pretty useful on a flex Wilson Richards that I tried as well, reloading his tools as needed (Chainsaw in particular)

Cleaning Kit only only supplies your own assets, not your friend's assets — OrionAnderson · 78
Yes, but you can supply your own Venturer which can in turn supply the group ;) — AlderSign · 301