- Q: When I commit All In to an another player's skill test and that test succeed by 5, who will draw 5 cards? A: Neither player draws in that situation. All In is worded in such a way where only its owner draws cards if they succeed at the test. If you commit All In to another investigator’s test, “you” do not succeed by any amount, so you do not draw any cards. (Rules Forum Answer, June 2024)
XP: 5.
Máx. de 1 comprometida por teste de perícia.
Se esse teste for bem-sucedido, compre 1 carta para cada ponto que você tiver sucesso, até um máximo de 5. Embaralhe cada fraqueza comprada por este efeito de volta em seu baralho, sem resolvê-la.
Latest Taboo
At the end of its ability, this card gains: "Remove All In from the game."

Related Cards
- All In : Safe... For Now (The Dunwich Legacy #68)
(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)Reviews
So for me the obvious comparison for this card is Cryptic Research, as they are both high XP, fast sources of card draw.
Cryptic Research has the advantages of being guaranteed card draw and costs one fewer XP. All In has the advantages of being able to draw you more cards in the best case scenario, not being able to draw weaknesses, and having two wild skill icons. 5XP is a lot to pay for an Unexpected Courage so I imagine this is mostly going to be used on easy skill tests to try to draw a bunch of cards, but there's always the option to commit it to a difficult test that you have to succeed, so I suppose its an upside.
Personally, Cryptic Research has never quite gotten there for me, and I never find myself with enough spare exp to justify running it. In theory, Rogue's should have even less spare exp floating around, so if this is really just the green Cryptic Research then it's terrible, right?
Well, maybe... but probably not! I don't think All In is a card that you can throw into a random late campaign rogue deck and expect to get value out of, I think this card is actually a big pay-off card for the "Succeed by Two" archetype. The ideal combo turn for the succeed by two deck looks something like.... find an easy test like a low shroud location or low fight enemy, attempt it and commit some combination of Watch This, Quick Thinking, Double or Nothing plus whatever cards you need to feel confident in over-succeeding, and then gain a bunch of extra actions and money and maybe a card if you had Pickpocketing or a Lucky Cigarette Case.
Enter All In.
With the +2 this card gives you to the test you can reasonably expect to be drawing 6-8 cards off your big combo test, even on hard or expert. What this does is let you add a huge injection of cards to that combo turn, which can then let you really get maximum use out of all those extra actions, and then end your turn still with a full grip of cards to let you combo off again next turn. This is all of course very risky as drawing the Tentacles on your big test can ruin your entire week, maybe you can convince your friend to play mystic....
A hellova payoff for the Double or Nothing combo rogue build and what really helps make the deck super powerful late-game. For those that haven't tried it, the idea is to find a test that you can pass by a lot, and then throw out a ton of cards on the skill test such as Quick Thinking, "Watch this!", Gregory Gry bets, and potentially either versions of Deduction or Vicious Blow or a Fingerprint Kit or super attack from Timeworn Brand, boosting your stat further potentially with Streetwise or other various skill cards, and then using Double or Nothing to double all the bonuses you get from succeeding. This combo can already be absolutely nuts when it goes off, scooping up an entire location's worth of clues or 1-shotting all but the most bulky of enemies while also giving you 2 extra actions and a ton of resources. But that combo was somewhat limited by the fact that you could generally only do it at max twice in one scenario since you would have to go through your entire deck to be able to get more copies of Double or Nothing, and without a ton of card draw or assistance from allies it might be difficult to even assemble it more than once.
Enter All In, which can be tacked onto that whole combo to, in addition to ALL the other stuff you'd already be getting, draw you 10 cards with all weaknesses shuffled back into your deck. This is a godsend in several ways. Firstly, drawing 10 cards is absolutely nuts, even if you have to discard during Upkeep (And you often do) it's very helpful to restock your hand with helpful cards. Secondly, it will often either draw you into being able to perform another combo or will get you pretty close to being able to do one. Finally, it draws through your deck and lets you reshuffle all your key combo pieces back into your deck so you can draw and play them again. This means that with good draws and long scenarios it's not unfeasable to get 3 or potentially more full combos off each scenario.
If all of this sounds completely insane, it's because it is and is likely what led to Double or Nothing getting hit on the taboo list. Even with the XP hit I still think this is definitely a powerful and certainly extremely fun way of playing Rogue, and if you feel safe enough to run Charon's Obol or you got a Mystic or two running Delve Too Deep it's still totally worth springing for. For decks that aren't running Double or Nothing though I'm not sure if All In quite gets there. There's just so many insane cards to spend XP on for Rogues such as Ace in the Hole or The Gold Pocket Watch if you're playing with 2-4 players that dropping 10 XP for two copies of this feels kinda weak.
The existing reviews have already touched on the bonkers combo potential that this has with Double or Nothing. Indeed, it is the core (along with Quick Thinking) of the well known Rogue infinite actions combo. In spite of these cards being tabooed, it is still quite possible to go infinite, it's just easier for it to be disrupted by a . My tip, for those who want to engage in this degeneracy, is to take Swift Reflexes, as it gives you a bit of a buffer zone on this disruption, and Three Aces, which allows you to guarantee the full payout on (usually) every other test. Unfortunately, the resources and cards from Three Aces can't actually be doubled, but they're still good.
I wanted to add a few points on using All In that don't require DoN:
For one thing, All In allows you to basically draw a whole new hand if you want, while cashing in on various skills. This is actually pretty great even without DoN. You could quite easily get +6 or more to the test without actually depleting your hand, or with very minimal net loss of cards. That might even be enough for you to pass a test in some cases, while still profiting handsomely from succeed-by effects. This works best if you have a lot of s in your deck because you're basically replacing generically useful cards with other generically useful cards, while drawing through your deck. Did I mention that any weaknesses you draw get shuffled back into your deck? Yeah, it's really good.
Another point about All In is about its synergy with Ace in the Hole. Ace in the Hole is an extremely powerful card that gives you +3 actions! This can be clutch even if you only draw it once. Those 3 actions can be the difference between being defeated by some treachery and defeating a boss to advance the final act. If you have All In in your deck, along with a few other sources of card-draw, it is not unlikely that you can see Ace in the Hole several times in one scenario. I would even go as far as to say that Winifred Habbamock, with a high-xp deck, (going into Shattered Aeons, for example) that includes both Ace in the Hole and 2 copies of All In, feels completely busted. This is even true without DoN, but with, it's even more insane.
The other side of that synergy is that getting 3 extra actions can help you play or commit any excess cards you have in hand from All In, so that they don't just get discarded. That's generally the only drawback of using All In, IME.
The final point is that, because this card lets you shuffle back weaknesses, if you have a nasty weakness that shuffles itself back into your deck unless there are 5 or fewer cards left in it, All In can help you get through the part of your deck that is most vulnerable to repeated draws of that (perhaps between 5 and 10 cards). I'm not sure how likely you are to be able to actually wait to get to that point, but even without that benefit, this is still a good choice for Sefina, because she runs a lot of events, and so wants to keep her hand full, anyway.
A stupid fun combo build (not taboo appropriate) with basically only ~ 9 exp.
-Versatile with Olive McBride. -Backstab -Streetwise overcommit -Gregory Guy bet -Double or nothing, quick thinking, all in, watch this. -Manual Dexterity 2.
Grats you just dealt six damage in one attack, gained 18 resources (12 from watch this, six from guy), either broke even on actions or netted two (one action to play olive and one to take this test, then depending on if you had one or two copies of quick thinking up) and drew 14 cards in one action that was a guaranteed success, for roughly Nine experience.
It only gets more stupid from there. With two copies of this card and double or nothing you can basically draw your deck naked in a single turn, and multiple times per turn if you have assets out.