This is one of those cards Wendy Adams, Rita Young, Silas Marsh and other 4+ characters use to dig themselves and/or friends out of trouble. It seems EXTREEMELY niche, but for that niche, it's very useful. The more players you get at the table the more likely the niche and more useful the card.
The kicker is that "another enemy at your location" clause, since it allows them to evade threats other than those engaged with themselves.
The reason Expeditious Retreat is in my opinion uniquely good is that it really delivers on it's intended task, like a Decoy or Bait and Switch as a means to keep pressure off a friendly fighter or clue-er and along with those other cards you've actually got a useful cardbase of mechanics to depend on.
This effect, "managing enemies" as I call it, is getting more and more useful.