Crystallizer of Dreams

Heads up, seems liek this think was a projected release intended for the upcoming lady Winifred. Yeah. It's gonna be cool.

Smack a variety of small/middling events with a variety of pips, such "You owe me one!" or Followed in there and then dump them on tests to score free cards.

Tsuruki23 · 2552
Running it with Versatile in Patrice to build a hand-outside-the-hand. She loves those Mystic events with wild pips anyway; might as well double-dip when the events are useful. — Yenreb · 15
If I get it right, you can return played events to your hand with Winifred by committing the cards attached to Crystallizer of Dreams and draw the Elder Sign during the skill test. Crazy!? — Miroque · 25
Expeditious Retreat

This is one of those cards Wendy Adams, Rita Young, Silas Marsh and other 4+ characters use to dig themselves and/or friends out of trouble. It seems EXTREEMELY niche, but for that niche, it's very useful. The more players you get at the table the more likely the niche and more useful the card.

The kicker is that "another enemy at your location" clause, since it allows them to evade threats other than those engaged with themselves.

The reason Expeditious Retreat is in my opinion uniquely good is that it really delivers on it's intended task, like a Decoy or Bait and Switch as a means to keep pressure off a friendly fighter or clue-er and along with those other cards you've actually got a useful cardbase of mechanics to depend on.

This effect, "managing enemies" as I call it, is getting more and more useful.

Tsuruki23 · 2552
This card is especially good with Silas since it allows him to control 2 strong enemies as long as he continue to recycle this — Makaramus · 5
Card doesnt force you to evade enemy with highest evade value too so you can choose an enemy with agilty like 2, evade it by a lot and evade big dude that is almost imposible to evade too. Then take your card back at hand and use it again until you kill your enemies either by your butcher's knife or rifle — Makaramus · 5
A question. As You can commit this for other investigator evade attempt does it mean after success he/she can evede enemy at his location or you at yours? It is a bit confusing looking at where wording is more clearly. Any1? — Bany · 14
You can normally only commit cards to test taking place in your location, the only exception I can think of being [Minh]( with [Analitycal Mind]( — MetalFrame · 1
aaaaaaaaagh i failed linking card pages, anyway I believe the intended location is the one containig both enemies, it wouldn't work on an enemy elsewhere — MetalFrame · 1
Brute Force

Edit: more detail.

There is a slew of characters that can dependably land any sort of skill test they desire, often via judicious skill use and test manipulation like Lucky! or Live and Learn. For them landing a Brute Force is child's play, even from a startpoint of just 1 or 2 base . Its even easier for the characters starting at 3 or 4.

Silas Marsh particularly can thread the needle and land 3 damage on every Brute Force he plays.

Static buffs, skill cards or Cornered will greatly help land the bonus damage too. Also give extra consideration to it in latter campaigns, where 3 health foes are more commonplace.

Brute Force can be a brilliant backup or addition to a deck that fights with 2 damage weapons (most 1 hand weapons), if you cant find a weapon the punch can tide you over and you can use it to nail an odd-health foe in less actions then a 2-damage weapon would. It can save a bullet and it costs no resources!

Tsuruki23 · 2552
It's a great splash option for Tony Morgan since it enables other "succeed by"s, and I quite enjoy it for William Yorick in solo but probably would've take it in multi. — StyxTBeuford · 13028
wouldn't've * contractions are hard — StyxTBeuford · 13028
Minh with Dream Diary. Wendy with Trial by Fire. Preston with Well Connected/Money Talks. Rita with good old Overpower. It might be more for evade-first solo gators or funky cluevers and require some combo work but it's an excellent card that will see a ton of burn. — housh · 171
I agree with the comments here; generally, converting several actions into one is great. Converting several Fight actions into one is extremely great because the devs seem to value Fight actions higher than any other. Dedicated fighters will have better options with greater reliability, but evaders and support characters can run this as their "I have one way to fight if I need it" card and it doubles as help for the tank. Very strong. — SGPrometheus · 821
Most weapons deal 2 damage, so options to remove 3 or other odd hp stuf is quite useful. — Django · 5107
Edge Case: Use on Vicious Blow Amanda. — MrGoldbee · 1470
Amanda can't take it. It's innate, not practiced. — Susumu · 371
Jessica Hyde

Good card. Boosts and solves Health as a potential problem.

Silas Marsh, Rita Young, Tommy Muldoon and William Yorick can all put it to worthwhile use simply for the +, although some of those can fit Beat Cop which may be significantly more useful to them.

Jessica Hyde's only problem is, other good cards! Grab Charisma and field them together! Jessica Hyde + Peter Sylvestre is a brilliant combo to enable a variety of folks to tackle threats for a veritable eternity, Jessica Hyde+Beat Cop for obvious reasons.

Tsuruki23 · 2552
Other than the fight boost, I think Tommy has better options to cycle through his friends. However, he might want her for the same reason Agnes will take Sylvester: sometimes you want to take damage, but there's a little too much damage. It's a shame Mark can't take her. — SGPrometheus · 821
But Mark CAN take Teamwork. — Death by Chocolate · 1473
You cannot use Jessica Hyde to take damage from Beat Cop. The damage needs to be dealt to Beat Cop itself. — Toor · 1
Surprising Find


This thing directly competes with Astounding Revelation and +1's are easier to come by than chunky resource boosts and bonus secrets.

What Surprising Find does is thin your deck to a rather insane level, it's what you do to mitigate the decision to build a 50 card Mandy Thompson deck or if a lengthy campaign has stuffed your deck that was already using Astounding Revelation with half a dozen extra weaknesses and story cards.

The fact that you dont draw an extra card unless you hit it with a search effect is a real problem for this thing. It'd actually be somewhat playable if the Draw were'nt locked into the search.

So, outside of 50-card Mandy, stay away.

Tsuruki23 · 2552
I took it in "Parallel Skids" and it was great. He can't take "Astounding Revelation", but can trigger searches with Lockpicks and PMP. Incredible value, to play with much more than 3 Aces. — Susumu · 371
I meant of cource LCC (3) instead of Lockpicks, but they help for deep searches. — Susumu · 371
I would avoid this card with Mandy as we want to avoid drawing cards as much as possible with her. I think Surprising Find goes great in a Practice-Makes-Perfect deck with Amanda Sharpe. — Portwills · 1