Ever Vigilant

In case it wasn't obvious, this card has great synergy with Backpack (especially Backpack (2). You can play the Backpack as the first or second asset installed by Ever Vigilant, resolve the Backpack's install reaction (searching the top of your deck for up to 3 more items), and install one or two of the items from the Backpack at a discount with the remaining Ever Vigilant install(s).

Generally, it's most optimal to install items from the Backpack rather than your hand (especially duplicates), to preserve cards that you can commit and free up your body-slot as quickly as possible.

Wastekase · 9
I'm having trouble digesting this. So Backpack lets you play cards as if they were in your hand and Ever Vigilant plays cards from your hand. These are different things, are they not? — Lateralis · 7
The most recent FAQ did a lot to clarify the vagaries of the rules phrase “as if.” At present this card, and farsight from Harvey Walters starter deck plus joe diamond’s hunch deck are still two significant open questions. There isn’t firm consensus on either interaction but my 2 cents is that this is an intended combo. These cards are considered in your hand for — Sycopath · 1
Purposes of “playing cards” which ever vigilant does. It’s not altogether clear how narrowly the as if ruling is — Sycopath · 1
To be interpreted (characters characters, why is go so easy to hit on mobile, characters) — Sycopath · 1
I don't find a clear info, does this card triggert 3 attack of opportunity if you set 3 assets with it? — el_kloklo · 1
@el_kloklo No, the attack of opportunity would only trigger once, before any of the effects of the action (in this case, playing Ever Vigilant to play 3 assets) resolve. — Steights · 1
separate issue. can a triggered effect (backpack enters play) interrupt the resolving effect like that? can anyone point me to a ruling to that? I think the timing is that you have to finish playing 3 assets before you search for your backpack. It combos fine if you play backback before hand but not as the first asset you play from this card and two subsequent cards from the backpack pile. — theatog · 1
@theatog it specifies one at a time, meaning you do place them in an order. I believe as soon as you place backpack (which happens while this cards resolving), you search for items and place them in the backpack. A ruling that wouldn't let you search would be if the card placed all three assets at the same time. — Vultureneck · 74
How is this even possible ? Ever Vigilant requires to spend an action to play (it's an event with no "Fast"). So you can't play 3 assets that turn, but only 2. Am i missing something? — Therion · 1
Never mind, i read the card text better. Silly me. — Therion · 1

Pretty nasty basic weakness that sends any item that takes a hand slot directly to the discard pile.

This guy, and many combat oriented investigators, hates it with a passion.

The only way to protect yourself is to have an asset in play that increases your hand slots.

Icing on the cake, you can't really discard it if you only have 1 health left, unless you can last until the end of time.

Kwaice · 7
I saw Tommy being quoted and I had this chaotic thought of him shuffling it back into his deck. — toastsushi · 74
You can assign damage normally on it (like you would on any damage soaking assets). The Free trigger ability on it is just there so if you need your hand slots immediately you have the option. — ak45 · 469
For Mystics, this card can actually be quite helpful! They usually have no need for their hands lots and the extra health this Asset is pretty useful since Mystics tend to have low health. — Nenananas · 258
Because it's in your threat area, other investigators can trigger the ability on it, right? I also assume that even though it's in your threat area, it can still soak damage for you because it's an asset, but I could be wrong about that. — ArkhamInvestigator · 305
It's in your threat area, but still under your control, so yes you can just block an attack with it. And, since it's in your threat area, abilities on it are available to investigators at the same location. — Thatwasademo · 58
Also yeah, this card is hilariously easy to deal with if you're not using your hand slots -- mystics have a few hand slot items that are fairly common, but most builds could easily just replace those when upgrading; I also tend to run Preston Fairmont without hand items. — Thatwasademo · 58
Somewhat counterintuitively, Dendromorphosis being in a threat area does not allow other investigators to trigger it's ability. Rather, investigators may trigger abilities on *encounter cards* in other player's threat areas, and Dendromorphosis, having a player cardtype (asset), is not an encounter card. The relevant rules are in the FAQ under (1.2) Triggered Abilities and (1.12) Weaknesses with Encounter Cardtypes. — Spritz · 69
This is definitely a rough weakness (though the impact varies quite a bit, Mystics bit using hands being the obvious example), but it's definitely not a boring weakness. Also, guardians can at least make their weapons Well Maintained to protect them somewhat) — Zinjanthropus · 229
This isn't bad for a lot of survivors. Some don't use hands too much anyway, and those that do have cards like Resourceful, Scrounge for Supplies or inherent abilities to just pick up what they had to drop off, sometimes with full ammo again. — Krysmopompas · 360
Eye of Chaos

If i'm reading this correctly, if you reveal a curse token during this investigation, regardless if it succeeds or fails you can discover a clue at a connecting location or place 1 charge on Eye of Chaos? That's a nice way of mitigating potential curse token downsides, and it makes Eye of Chaos useful even without curse tokens, as unlike the other spell-based searchers it has no downsides for drawing specific kinds of tokens. (Outside of sixth sense, but that's inherently slower without the additional clue clause).

RobSan770 · 2
It has no downsides for drawing specific kinds of tokens, right. But costing 2 resources more for 1 charge less is a considerable downside compared to "Shrivelling" and "Azure Flame". — Susumu · 372
Ouch, forget, what I wrote. It's an Investigate spell. Still, 1 resource more expensive than RoS or "Clairvoiance". I think, this is a fair trade off. — Susumu · 372
Susumu, you can recharge it using [curse] tokens, if you have the right deck/chaos bag composition you can get extra uses out of it. — agentwestmer · 1
Yes, I agree, this looks like an interesting card. My comment was more on your sentence about using it without curse tokens. It has the downside of being more expensive in that case, and I think that balances it out pretty well. It's also likely we will see a share of upgrade cards for this, as well as fight and evade versions. And then it might be even more interesting to go for curses also in other campagns. But right now, we don't know, how rewarding that might be, in particular in multiplayer, when others might curse about you making the bag worse for everybody. — Susumu · 372
More importantly... does it happen everytime a curse token is revealed? I mean the trigger is "if a curse token is revealed". What if I draw three from a pool frontloaded with curse tokens? All other token depended effects speak of "if a symbol is revealed" this explicitly says token. — Skeith · 2437
Answer to an "If' question si ALWAYS only yes/no — Adny · 1
Otherwise it would say "for each curse token revealed", see for example Jim signature weakness "Final Rhapsody", or "Voice of Ra", or "Shards fo the Void"s — Killbray · 12063
Brute Force

A lot of people have been talking about using Brute Force as a one-off, "in-case-you-need-it" card, and that's true, it's only good in a pinch if you're playing as most investigators. But if you are playing as Silas Marsh? Just throw away one of your weapons, because you won't be needing them as much.

The majority of enemies in this game have around 2 health, maybe 3, and occasionally 4. With Silas's base 4 , he's going to get 7 minimum, which means on Standard he's going to easily succeed by 2 or more most of the time and land 3 damage. And after you land that 3 damage with Silas, use his unique ability to return Brute Force back into your hand so you're ready to punch another cultist.

In the unfortunate case that you lose Brute Force, either through a random discard or because you had to REALLY punch SUPER hard this turn or what have you, there are many options to get it back. This includes Silas's ability, of course, as well as cards like Resourceful and True Survivor.

Resourceful in particular is interesting because I believe that if you commit it with Brute Force, you would be able to use Resourceful's ability to pick up Brute Force from the discard pile, and then use Silas's ability to put Resourceful back into your hand. So for your next fight action that turn, you can commit both Brute Force and Resourceful again, and use Resourceful AGAIN to put Brute Force back in your hand, so you're, again, ready to punch yet another cultist.

I suspect that Brute Force may become less useful the more players you have, but for what it's worth, I tested it in a 3-player Return to Dunwich campaign with an investigating-focused Luke Robinson and a fight-focused Leo Anderson, and with Brute Force along with Sharp Vision, I was basically able to do everything that the other two players were too busy to take care of. By the end of the campaign, I only used my Meat Cleaver to commit to tests. And plus, there's nothing more satisfying than punching a cosmic horror with nothing but your bare fists.

Great write-up!!! I feel compelled to note that Silas’ reaction ability makes it so that you lose the skill boost and non-lasting effects of committed — Sycopath · 1
Skills. So in the case of brute force/resourceful you have to leave the card committed to benefit from the bonus damage or recursion. — Sycopath · 1
Yeah, this sounds like a misunderstanding of Silas - if you use his reaction, it's as if the card hadn't been committed at all. The ability is insurance against wasting good skills on autofails or tests you would've passed without them. — TheNameWasTaken · 3
@Sycopath @TheNamesWasTaken Alright so it looks like I completely misunderstood Silas's ability, which is super embarrassing and also sad because I thought I had stumbled onto something good lol. I need to rethink all this. — doctorcello · 5
Combo aside, I still found a pair of Brute Forces to be great in Silas. I ran him as a primary investigator, but between Brute Force and Resourceful, I could help out a fair bit with damage when it was needed. — Death by Chocolate · 1485
How do you run Silas as an Investigator? — OrionJA · 1
Having a copy of Brute Force in your discard pile is quite nice if you're also running Eucatastrophe (and why aren't you running Eucatastrophe?). — Darthcaboose · 283

Shrivelling (the "Mystic Gun") is a staple level 0 card for almost any Mystic that wants to fight at all.

For those starting with the game, this is a good (but not exceptional) card. It allows Mystics to fight decently. Compared to the .45 Automatic...

  • Equal or -1 skill value for each fight. Most mystics have 4 or 5 willpower. A Guardian usually has 4 combat, which means they beat out Mateo or Jim when you factor in the .45's +1, but go even with Akachi or Agnes. Note however that Mystics typically have an easier time boosting their key stat, with cards like Holy Rosary.
  • One resource cheaper. Mystics are usually resource starved.
  • You take 1 horror if you reveal a bad symbol. Mystics usually have high sanity pools, so this is not a huge issue, but it can add up if you get unlucky.
  • Takes up an arcane slot, which is a competitive slot (equivalent to hand slots for Guardians).

Shrivelling comes off about even with the .45.

As time has gone on, we have received few other level 0 arcane assets that allow you to fight with willpower - Azure Flame is very similar, while Wither doesn't give you that coveted +1 damage. Shrivelling remains competitive as a result. Consider Azure Flame if you would prefer to take damage than horror. Or even run both!

Crash · 7088
It's also 1 resource cheaper than the .45, with the same amount of "bullets." — SGPrometheus · 821
Oh wait you do mention it. How'd I miss that? — SGPrometheus · 821
Its also pretty sweet with Seekers. Uses an unused slot and is boosted by Higher Education. — shenaniganz11 · 40
Grats on 975 upvotes! — MrGoldbee · 1472
Lol thanks - it's bizarre - i don't understand how almost 1000 people dropped a like on this review. — Crash · 7088