Hallowed Mirror

Justice for Vincent! The mirror should absolutely be takeable by him. This card is very good but the fact that, of the two dedicated healers in the investigator list, Carolyn and Vincent, only Carolyn can take this card, seems like a pretty significant design oversight. If on Gray's Anatomy, "The card itself does not heal damage/horror..." but is takeable by Carolyn and Vincent, this card should be too. The card itself does not heal damage/horror, but it directly leads to a way to do so.

acquavaa · 4
vincent can absolutely take this — Adny · 1
Someone should tell the deckbuilder tool that, because it doesn't show up under eligible cards. — acquavaa · 4
I am not an expert and I could understand if I am wrong, but Hallowed Mirror does not have "healing" on it, so it cannot be taken. It's silly, and I think rules as intended would have it be something Vincent could take, but I think rules as written would say that bonded cards do not count towards being able to include something in a deck. — DjMiniboss · 44
FAQ under Empty Vessel. But apparently, it has been reverted, so never mind — Adny · 1
Ancestral Knowledge

Not every Investigator with access to level 3 Seeker is going to go hard on skills, though if you were already running 6-8, there is very low opportunity cost to this, because you can add some more flexibility cards while not changing your chances of drawing them. The downside is the interaction with Practiced Makes Perfect, meaning you're more likely to whiff on your first time through the deck (which, you're Seeker probably, so its fine). But My favourite interaction is the wording on the lightning bolt. "Draw 1 attached skills". Not "add to your hand". So this card, can, for Harvey Walters, guarantee draw 1 additional card for 5 turns in the game for when you don't already trigger it from a Eureka or Perception, or your Vault of Knowledge investigate trigger. At this stage in the game post Hemlock Vale, there are certainly enough skills, especially one's that cantrip already, that Harvey can just take a toolkit of skills, taking a Guts, Perception, Manuel Dex, or maybe Plan of Action, Eureka, Deduction, Survey the Area. Amanda loves this card, but I would posit that this card is also absolutely fantastic for any Harvey build and I would prefer it to Studious for the same XP.

Edit: lol Harvey ability has to draw from a deck, so nevermind that point. But still, getting cantrips reliably in hand to trigger is almost the same result.

Good spot! Although it is worth mentioning that it is double the XP cost of Studious, because this card is Exceptional. — snacc · 1002
Harvey's ability reads "draws 1 or more cards from their deck", so that interaction doesn't work — aurchen · 11
@snacc, i was referring to the getting of 2x Studious. @Aurchen ah you're absolutely right! its shocking how often i can miss a word or two even on cards i see all the time. That's unfortunate and throws my entire review off. Ah well. Still good just to get those cantrips. — Rolandironfist · 37
Elaborate Distraction

Is this better than Cunning Distraction? Well, lets see. It's 2 resources cheaper, though still not cheap for survivor. And it has variability, you can evade or ping it for damage. AND you target all adjacent locations as well. For the measly extra cost of an additional action.

The value of this card really goes up in 3 and 4 players when you simply have more spawns, and also swarm enemies. Preston of course likes testless stuff and can pay any resource cost. If Rita can pay the cost in actions and resources, it generally syergises with what she wants to do. She (and Preston) can also store it under Bewitching. 1 of the actions spent can be viewed as either doing testless damage or a move she would probably have used anyway. This way, there was no test. I think you do need to be hitting 2-3 minimum for this to be worth the squeeze. At lower player counts, one hopes enemies aren't getting that out of control. But at higher player counts, 1 players turn, can really save the entire team a heap of trouble.


If you are playing Alessandra and wondering which enemies are the best targets for Beguile:

Pretty much the first non-elite enemy spawns on the map is the best one. However, there are still few things to consider:

  • I wouldn't put Beguile on an enemy like Wizard of the Order, you want to keep your target on the board as long as possible. Extra doom every turn isn't feasible.

  • An enemy with an evade value <= 2 is preferable, with Fine Clothes you can always use an action to "auto" evade itself (barring tentacles of course). Using this action once every turn can boost your engine considerably with Pickpocketing, and you'll drown in cards and resources if you put down two of them. You can make it even sillier with Lucky Cigarette Case.

  • Beguiled Hunters can be more beneficial than the stationary ones. If you can spare some health/sanity, you can tank an attack in the enemy phase to lure them to your location, then parley-investigate your location in the next turn (which can again, benefit from Fine Clothes). Therefore, enemies with single health or horror damage are more advantageous.

  • Aloof enemies usually want to be addressed, but an enemy like Whippoorwill can be used like any other hunter enemy. Just move out of the location yourself, then investigate to avoid -1 to skills penalty.

Aesyn · 572
Guys, I need help! If I use it to evade a Retaliated enemy, will the enemy launch an attack on investigator if the verification fails? — Lynfield · 1
Retaliate only triggers off failed fight actions, not evades, so no. However, an alert enemy will attack you if the evade test fails. — Eike · 1
Oh, sorry, not Retaliate, but Alert. I got it mixed up) In this case, will there be an enemy attack? — Lynfield · 1
Hank Samson

-This is an excerpt from my 'All for One' series of decks. If you'd like to see similar descriptions for other investigators, just search them up under my username.-

Some might think Hank a simple farmhand. I'm here to say he's anything but! First thing is his unprecedented 5 combat in a Survivor, a class with limited weaponry options that gains a lot from having a headstart in the fist department. His basic ability to take teammate damage is pretty unimpressive, until you factor in that Hank the tank actually gets a total whopping 10 health and sanity, which he can stretch even further since excess damage doesn't carry over to his bonded cards. Those bonded cards more than make up for his lacklustre starting ability; granting him even more impressive stats, aaand a much deserved reward for doing what he does best: taking a beating! While his Warden form is what you'll be wanting majority of the time to smash beasties better, you have some added flexibility with his Assistant card if you know there's not much fighting, or you need to soak up some extra horror.

Up until that point Hank reaches his "final form", his ability doesn't generate as much value as your average investigator, and you'll never be that excited to see his elder sign. The impact Hank has in the first half of a scenario is going to very much depend on what cards he's drawn, and with his limited cardpool, options for weapons are somewhat lacking when compared to other fighters. Another Hemlock investigator with a nasty weakness, Hank's search for Pa has potential to really sideline your gameplan. Burst damage or horror healing are welcome options to have on standby before you realize Pa's gone missin' again! Also, for some reason the designers decided to give big Hank a big ol' deck, so consistency is not his strong suit.

Some archetypes that work well for this template:

EzieBaikUben · 690