Esoteric Formula

There are 4 copies of this card in Undimensioned and Unseen Pack from #19 to #22. I suggest to modify it. .

IT Luca 90 · 3
I dont understand. There’s four of them because you can have 4 investigators, all of whom would get one. This isnt a player card, it’s only uses in that scenario. — StyxTBeuford · 13028
Used* — StyxTBeuford · 13028
I believe what IT Luca 90 is pointing out is that in ArkhamDB this card is listed as “Undimensioned and Unseen #19” while most cards in the database that have multiple copies list a range, so the card information on this site should be updated accordingly. — Death by Chocolate · 1479
Inconspicuous Zoog

If i defeat one of these guys with area attacks like Mk 1 Grenades, Dynamite Blast or Storm of Spirits, will they still disengange and leave or are they all defeated at the same time?

Filler for 200 characters

Django · 5108
We've always played it that there's a separate instance of damage for each zoog that all resolve at the same time, so all the zoogs are defeated. — SGPrometheus · 821
Thematically it also makes the most sense that the Zoogs die simultaneously. I don't see one jumping in front of a grenade or dynamite stick to safe the others, although you never know with Zoogs — nungunungu · 4
Crystalline Elder Sign

Used to be a plus one token but now I can see  
You have pulled  
It out for a stat boost or three  
You must need
To do things with more than just will

And did you know, there's still zero  
We don't play on hard, so that deck is just okay by me

I can see you wear that Crystalline Elder Sign, babe.  
Ooo, with ev'ry test you take the stronger it seems, yeah  
Since we don't test below par,  
The downsides here are  
Not that grave

There are so many other cards that can use this upgrade
Adding events  
For damage or clues or evade  
Baby, that card's utility is existence that I can't deny  
Also helps out with Enchanted Blade  

(chorus repeats)

It's a gamble that might go your way
It's a gamble that might go your way
Relic Hunter is a card you could play  
It's a gamble that might go your way

(verse and chorus repeat)

Soon there'll be Clairvoyance too,
And Azure Flame should be okay.

Ektheleon · 223
Special thanks to @saej for help in getting past some blocked points on this. — Ektheleon · 223
Gravedigger's Shovel

I used this card with Rita Young in a 3 player campaign and it was great! It is comparable to Scene of the Crime in grabbing two clues, but is more flexible without the first action and enemy restrictions, and the fight bonus can be used to kill an odd health enemy here and there.

jmmeye3 · 629
I think two player is the best spot for this card since most locations will have 2 clues. Rita is a good shout since she's limited in clue getting and can actually enjoy the combat boost of this weapon quite a lot. I think it's coolest in Yorick since you can recur it cheaply. Works well as a backup weapon for 1 and 3 health enemies. — StyxTBeuford · 13028
I also really like this as a backup weapon. Yorick is also the best but grabbing 2 clues and removing from the game is also pretty awesome. The other awesome part is that it has two Combat skill icons. Yorick plus Yaotl were awesome with the L2 Shovel, L2 Vicious Blow and Overpower. — The Lynx · 980
I’m playing through The Circle Undone right now three handed, with Rita being a flex leaning towards fighter, and this has been the perfect off hand weapon. It’s actually been one of the most fun decks I’ve played. Running Hatchet (amazing in Rita) as a main weapon with Shovel and Dirty Fighting. A really cheap +2 fight to finish enemies off that don’t get killed by Hatchet+Rita evade damage is just perfect, and because she doesn’t always need it you can throw it away for 2 clues to help the team. So much fun. — bsj06a · 6
The Necronomicon

Nice combo with Minh Thi Phan :

1) put in play Scavenging (2) and Glyphs (+1 clue / 2 pts of success)

2) investigate with Glyphs, commit The Necronomicon

3) succeed by a wide margin (you are investigating with a skill value of 10+ ...)

4) use Scavenging (2) to either take The Necronomicon back in your hand or play it for 3.

Of course it's a 10 XP combo and each test can be failed but it's a fun way to use 5 slots in a deck with cards that can be useful outside of this combo.

AlexP · 252
Make that at least 15. You can not scavenge on something commited in the same test. Check the faq entry on Scavenging. You would use it on another copy commited in the previous test. — Skeith · 2431
Probably wouldn't be too hard to trigger the card draw from 2xDrawing Thin, Grisly Totem, and Analytical Mind with 5 book icons. — Zinjanthropus · 229
Don't forget about Act of Desperation, which allows you to get a +1 damage attack with +3 combat before commits, and gives you enough resources to replay the Nomnomnomicon next time you use Scavenging — Zinjanthropus · 229
With Joe Diamond you can do even better with Well-Prepared. Investigate with Guiding Stones and use Well-Prepared on Necro. — gendrkheinz · 3