Open Gate

Two additional janky situations:

  • Have Open Gates in two characters. Then the card does not only skip backtracking, but let's you skip parts of the map. Some copies might be useless, though.
  • Play an Open Gate with "You owe me one" from the hand of your friendly neighborhood mystic. You can do this from the other side of the map. Sure, it's not fast anymore, but enables you to reunite your party. Played this in Lost in Time and Space to pull the Akachi of the team to the top as Mandy.
trazoM · 9
Neither Rain nor Snow

Can't argue with getting 3 copies of a skill in your deck. The ability to cancel the effects of a failure are really just icing on the cake. In addition, it is a Survivor card, and an innate skill, so it can be recurred with either Resourceful or True Survivor.

I mean, really, what more could you want?

Zinjanthropus · 229
Ace of Rods

So I am thinking that maybe there is a character that goes under looked when considering the Ace of Rods and that is our friendly Pete.

So you lose your tarot slot but the survivor tarot is the most easily skipped so no great loss there.

If you don't draw it in your opening hand it can be fed to your dog like any other card so its lack of icons isn't as much a hindrance.

I also find myself flush with cash to burn in my dark horse pete decks so banking an action for 3 resources being the worst use of this card doesn't seem like a bad use of money I typically end up burning anyway.

The end of the day if it was good enough to include in every deck then it would probably be too good for a neutral 1xp card.

Zerogrim · 295
Yeah , it's in a funny niche in the card pool because it has to work as a SPOILERS pseudo story-asset for the Circle Undone as well. So, it's a tiny , mostly terrible, effect but if it were bigger or had more of an impact then it'd risk muddling up the balance of that campaign. I dunno if there's a solution to that.. — bee123 · 31
The Eye of Truth

For a skill card to cost 5 xp, the effect must be awfully useful, and this card definitely is. It's not just that you're helping the entire team pass an annoying treachery easily; you're also permanently removing one such copy from the game, which is useful in every scenario you can think of and especially ridiculous in The Circle Undone with its "if three of these are in play, bad thing happens" treacheries - Terror in the Night, Ultimate Chaos.

And if that wasn't enough to convince you, it's practiced, meaning you can just pull it with Practice Makes Perfect on any kind of non-treachery test you're having difficulty with. Parley/evade/whatever at +4, then get the card in your hand ready for the next treachery.

Erdjo · 325
Yeah, I feel like Practice Makes Perfect combos quite well with this. I think it especially deserves mention for Joe Diamond, as he both has a ton of good targets for Practice Makes Perfect, and tends to get beat up by treacheries a lot. — Zinjanthropus · 229
Wouldn't you not get the card back in hand? It says "add that skill to your hand instead of discarding it", but the Eye of Truth's text prevents the from happening, so the replacement effect fails — Chitinid · 14
Depends on the skill check. You would not get it back if it was used against a Treachery skill check but any other skill check would have it return to your hand. — LikeWise · 1
Yeah, it's great, you get +4 to _any_ test, and then you get it in hand to use against a treachery later. That's incredibly efficient. — Zinjanthropus · 229
As a side note, how does this behave if you commit it to the test on Slumber (from GotA)? The wording would imply that you could remove Slumber from your threat area (which you normally can't do until you lower the strength of the abyss). — Zinjanthropus · 229
@Zinjanthropus ‘If the test is successful, add that treachery to the Victory Display’. It is as simple as that. The ability you mention is a way to remove Slumber, but there is no card text preventing it from being removed by other effects. (For example, see Straightjacket.) There are plenty of other ways Slumber could be removed from play without using that ability, including Cheat Death, Otherworld Codex, and Alter Fate. — Death by Chocolate · 1479
Open Gate

As the other reviewer said this card is printed for Luke and only him. His ability to play an event in a connected location is just so versatile. I've recently finished the Return to Night of the Zealot campaign on Expert with Luke and Zoe and Luke was definitely a lifesaver! Especially, in the last scenario he was able to set up a link between a ritual sight and another location in the woods to help Zoe skip the cultists! And he himself Shortcuted through the enemy. The deck I used

Inference: I wouldn't use the gates outside that mystic.

Moreover, I feel like Open Gate has such a synergy with Arcane Initiate.

And... A question: If an investigator with an enemy moves through a gate, will the enemy follow him to that location?

ambiryan13 · 178
Nice review! Arcane Initiate is definetely a must. I will try to give some insight to your question because I am not sure too. I think this works like shortcut: If you are engage with an enemy he moves with you. If this card was like pathfinder the text would be something like "each unengaged investigator etc etc." — Sotosprotos · 86
That means that every treachery, scenario card, attack of opportunity, card and investigator abilities such as Ursula's free movement triggered too. — Sotosprotos · 86
I think enemies in player threat areas don't care about locations, so they will come with you. They only do when they move by themself (for example being hunters). — Django · 5108
Open gate is slighty situational, but I've always found it between awesome and good to have (i never play solo). In worst case it saves some move actions for the other player, in best i can move to the other end of the map and/or park a hunter there. I think every mystic should have an arcane initiate, it's like drawing another card per turn. — Django · 5108
Opening a gate in Pointless reality is also a way to never care about investigating that location! — ambiryan13 · 178
Not really. It helps you once, but it's discarded once the location leaves play, so it's rather a waste. — Django · 5108
It's discarded once it leaves play, but you still paid a card and a resource to save yourself 2 horror and get most of your turn back, which is not a bad ROI. — Death by Chocolate · 1479
Definitely not a waste if you have two party members carrying Open Gate. You "wasted" one copy, but you still have two to spare — Yenreb · 15