.35 Winchester

This card is better than it looks, competing with some of the better weapons available at level 0. As pointed out in another review, in easier fight tests the damage the Winchester deals per action is close to other weapons such as the .45 Thompson and .45 Automatic, though slightly inferior for easier tests. However, it actually deals more damage than any other level 0 weapon when you are facing tough fight tests, such as when your final skill value is equal to the test, when it deals about 3 times more average damage than the .45 automatic (try out the math to see it's true). This happens more often when you are using an investigator with relatively lower fight (such as 3 combat with Skids), so the Winchester has more value for these investigators if you need to have a way to deal damage. Conversely, investigators with 5 base combat benefit less from the Winchester.

The other things to consider when deciding to use the Winchester are that it takes up 2 hands slots, and that the damage it deals comes in packages of 1 and 3. The 2 hand slots might be less of a problem compared to the Thompson, for example, since the Winchester is cheaper to play, so you can potentially use it quickly and replace it with other hand assets more easily than playing the more expensive thompson. The damage dealt is definitely something to consider. I think doing 1 or 3 damage might not cause overkill more often than 2 damage attacks, since 1 and 3 health enemies are pretty common. But you could in theory deal 1 damage twice, miss, then deal 3 damage to a 3 health enemy, which would be far from ideal. So it's definitely best to use the Winchester when the 3 damage is needed. In the same way, being able to adapt your plan depending on how much damage you deal after each attack can be very effective. This works best if you have alternate ways of dealing with enemies that don't take hand slots, like evading or allies that damage such as Alice Luxley or Beat Cop.

Not to mention, it is really fun using the Winchester! You look forward to seeing whether the revealed token will give you a critical hit, unlike other weapons where the token can only have a negative effect.

jmmeye3 · 629
There's an upcoming card in the Nathaniel Cho pack that converts excess damage into resources, so that might make cards like this more palatable as well. — pneuma08 · 26
nice idea! — jmmeye3 · 629
Decorated Skull

Tony Morgan's best mate. You need money? Cards? Money for cards? Apply Decorated Skull to the problem and watch as your hand goes from 2 cards to 5 after you went BRRRRRRRRRRRRRAP BRRRRRRRAP BRRR BRR BRR with your pieces against whatever poor bastard is in your way!

Bonus points if you use Joey "The Rat" Vigil to play out the cards you got without using actions.

ironbrw · 17
Not sure; it's nice for the card draw but Tony has more money than he needs — jd9000 · 73
The appeal of this is definitely cards over resources. Unfortunately the base Lucky Cigarette Case outshines this easily in that department for being actionless and more consistent draw. You dont get the draw until you decide to take the action, which means you’re deferring draw you would have otherwise gotten immediately. It is possible to outpace LCC if you get a lot of death happening, and the resources might matter in a Delilah or Lola Santiago based deck, but I find this personally hard to justify the XP for. There are tons of consistent resource methods in Rogue already, like Lone Wolf, that I dont even take with Tony. Easy Mark, Another Day Another Dollar, and Watch This all on top of Tony’s bounty income already go a long way. — StyxTBeuford · 13028
For Tony I prefer Garrote wire + Lucky cigarette case. — AlexP · 252
Blood Eclipse

I think this is a much better card than Blood Eclipse (3). At level 1 it can fit into many more decks and doesn't require such a large investment to add in. And really, what are the drawbacks? It locks you in at 2 damage for +2 damage? That's probably what most people will be using level 3 for anyway.

I'd consider this an auto-include in any Tommy Muldoon deck. The ability to trigger the destruction of virtually any of your damage soak assets can be very useful if you're strapped for cash or trying to empty an asset slot or trigger a death rattle.

Really excited to see this card.

I'd definitely use level 3 as a 4 damage attack sometimes, but I agree that with the level 1 card existing, I don't think I'd spend 2 extra XP very often to regain the option. — Yenreb · 15
I would perhaps upgrade to level 3 with Carolyn and double Arcane Research since her upgrade targets are limited. — Defel · 4
I wouldn't personally waste Carolyn's off-class slots on Arcane Research. I do like level 3 Blood Eclipse on Carolyn though and I think that the ability to defeat a 4 health enemy in one shot is worth mentioning though, especially for investigators like Carolyn who might otherwise have trouble doing that last bit of damage and could also save you an action against 4-health enemies. — iceysnowman · 164
How do you recommend to heal up after using this? For Carolyn painkillers so she can heal her horror and profit. Other guardians just tank it cause they have 8+ HP? — Django · 5108
@Django yeah, pretty much. Tommy can kill one of his assets with it for quick cash/bullets, Mark and Leo can put some in their allies. My problem with using this is that it uses will instead of fight, which only Leo is really good at. For others, it's going to be hard waiting for a 4-health enemy with low fight. Except Tommy, who just wants the damage from it and is willing to use this on rats. — SGPrometheus · 821
Zoey's Willpower is also 4. It fits better for Leo than Zoey maybe because he plays soak so easily, but he's not the only one with the Will for it. — Yenreb · 15
The one time that I used the Level 3 version, I combo'd it with Brother Xavier for a 6 damage burst. It actually worked quite well, because BroX had mostly been soaking horror. I suppose most of the time this is better though. Also, either is pretty worth considering in Calvin, I would think. — Zinjanthropus · 229
A couple other use cases: Calvin can use this, assuming he's already scared enough to have sufficient will, and wrecking himself up a bit for more fight/agi. Yorick can use it as a handy 3-dmg nuke at a respectable 3+2 will, with soak rivalling or exceeding Tommy & Leo. Lastly, Marie Lambeau may like a 3 dmg nuke if her arcane slots are occupied. Thematically, tho, I love the idea of Leo using this to "fire" his Hired Muscle when he doesn't wanna pay them. — HanoverFist · 739
The combo of playing this in Carolyn Fern with 2 copies of Arcane Research is neat. Free upgrade to the level 3 version. If you play cards like St Hubert Key, Brother Xavier or Hawkeye Camera, you can get more Will boosts to increase the chances of landing the hit. BUT, Carolyn can equally take Spectral Razor. It does the same thing as this level 1 version of Blood Eclipse, without costing an XP per copy. So if your Carolyn deck isn't using the full 15 slots for Seeker/Mystic cards, then Spectral Razor is just "better", since it doesn't cost an XP, right? — VanyelAshke · 180
Dr. Elli Horowitz

Tried the card in our recently finished Dunwich Legacy campaign in a relic-heavy Jim Culver deck with Chthonian Stone, Key of Ys and a few other relics. Sure helped a few times, albeit being rather expensive from three resource. As a side note, have you noticed the woman in the picture looks like Lara Flynn Boyle from 1990s TV show Twin Peaks? :-)

TomLady · 10
On Your Own

This upgrade definitely thematically and mechanically sets in stone what style of deck you're going to play, but I don't think I quite realized just how powerful this card is over it's predecessor until recently. The lvl 3 version forces you to discard if you end up with an ally under your control, while this version technically allows you to have allies under your control if they are cheated in with tech like A Chance Encounter and Flare. Allies are often some of the best cards in the game so it's worth considering. The only problem of course is this'll only work in multiplayer.

As an aside, any word on whether or not story allies can be taken? I think it's clear they can be put under your control during a scenario, but the modified deck-building restrictions seem to indicate that you cannot include story allies from scenario to scenario because they are usually described as "does not count towards that investigator's deck size" as is the case with Lita in Night of the Zealot. The key phrasing is "deck size" as opposed to "deck parameters" or something similar.

LaRoix · 1645
They're assets that take up an ally slot; you can't have them. Not counting toward your deck size is different from not counting as in your deck. My question about this is, can I take the first one for 3xp, then upgrade to this for an additional 3xp? The level is the same, but the cost is different, so I'm not sure. — SGPrometheus · 821
Both cost 3 XP so I'd say it's not an upgrade. For upgrades, the new card must cost at least 1 XP more, see Rules under "Experience" — Django · 5108
No, this one is exceptional so it costs 6. — StyxTBeuford · 13028
I didn't read the rules about exceptional and thought uprades cared about base costs but you're right. So can upgrade 3xp "on your own" to 6 xp "on your own". But you can't if you have 2x 3xp "on your own" in your deck because the exceptionel keyword prohibits this (by title). — Django · 5108
I think the permenant really should have said 'if you don't control an asset that takes up an ally slot' as part of the reaction trigger. Flare, Chance Encounter, Teamwork, and "You Owe Me One" are already in the pool, and this seems weirdly strong. I would absolutely run a Charisma On Your Own deck to Chance encounter a couple Summoned Hounds that I already wanted to cheat out of a friend's deck that way. — Death by Chocolate · 1485
@Death by Chocolate I think it's neat to play it that way; it's a reward for getting around the rules. The really funny thing is that it helps you play chance encounter and flare, calling for help by being alone. Also, those situations require other players, which wouldn't be around in a true (extremely) solo run. — SGPrometheus · 821
Upgrades care about card levels, not about XP costs - and since exceptional doesn't modify levels you can't upgrade the basic OYO to the exceptional one. — TheNameWasTaken · 3
Wrong. The rules reference explicitly states you take the difference in experience costs, not level. — StyxTBeuford · 13028
Quoting from the rules: "When purchasing a higher level version of a card with the same title, the investigator may choose to "upgrade" that card by paying only the difference in experience...". Yes, when you upgrade you pay the difference in XP cost, not level. But you have to have a higher level card for it to count as upgrading at all - and if you don't, you can't use the upgrade rules. — TheNameWasTaken · 3
Well, for what it’s worth, the original OYO is terrible and you’d probably want two copies anyway, so instead of spending 6 XP there, spend it here. — StyxTBeuford · 13028
my copy of RTFA only had one copy of this card. Was that as intended? — lockque · 1
@lockque seems like FFG decided to go with one copy for an exceptional card. Not cool from them imo. — alexalansmith14 · 695
Since Before the Black throne if you can have only one copy of the card in your deck, you only get one copy of the card in the pack. That's why I have bought a 2nd copy of Before the Black throne: I sometimes play 3-handed solo and put 1 copy of Occult lexicon / Sacred miror in each deck that can have it. — AlexP · 252
How does this work with allies from the campaign that get added to your deck via the story like Lita Chantler, Professor Warren Rice, Henry Armatage, Francis Morgan, etc — Calprinicus · 6105
@Calprinicus From what I remember, in practically every chance that story assets are added to your deck, there is always a keyword of *may* attached to it. Since they do not count towards deck size but you can assume follow every other rule involved with deckbuilding (which is why all story assets are neutral so that they can be added to all decks), I'd imagine that you simply cannot add them to your deck if running On Your Own. If you pick up On Your Own later into a campaign run that has you running allies, then you need to replace them all. Since these are story assets, the game progresses as if they are no longer present in any investigator's deck similar to how it would if you chose not to take them in the first place. — Valokiloren · 22
I'm not sure to really understand the restriction. "No asset that take up ally slot", so what about, those place by the scenario in the player area, like Mr Peabody or Daniel Chesterfield ? — RegisF · 63
They go under your control but not IN the deck, it dosent interfere in the deckbuilding restrictions — AngryJambon · 1
It is not clear that On Your Own permanent can allow me add ICHATACA or Sergeant Mornroe. It sounds ICHATACA or Sergeant Mornroe are Ally story asset so can add into deck. But others review thinks it can only control but not add it into deck. I am confusing that Sergeant Mornroe who is in a POD is a ally story asset or not if I play a Pod in a whole circle. — plfires · 1