Minh Tends the Dark Horse

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

pneuma08 · 26

Designed to be paired with a Dark Horse Jenny deck on the lower difficulties.

Low cost deck designed for clue hoovering and support with a focus on cards with a variety of symbols and a particular focus on . Rabbit's Foot is there to be committed and recursed with Scavenging or possibly Resourceful, which also combos well with Leather Coat, Strange Solution, and even Knife and Lantern which is this deck's damage dealing tools in a pinch.

Madame Labranche is a bit of an experiment. She could easily be replaced by Peter Sylvestre if you think more sanity soak is required (the + is not particularly useful for Minh). Still, she keeps the deck from running out of steam, since everything besides Analytical Mind costs 2 or less. That said, her icon is not quite as useful as Pete's . The other potential ally for this slot is Dr. William T. Maleson which does work well with Inquiring Mind and can potentially save you from a nasty encounter card, while being similarly low-cost and expendable like Labranche.

Barricade is in the deck for flexibility purposes, and who knows, it may even be useful to play from time to time. Although, a second Strange Solution may be better just for the potential.

I'm also not quite sure about Magnifying Glass. One or both may be better off as Mind over Matter or a second Strange Solution. Still, I like the fact they can be recursed with Scavenging and having both Lantern and Knife out at the same time seems unnecessary so a boost to clueing seems alright to me. Trimming down those and maybe No Stone Unturned (which is really to help Jenny find her Dark Horse but can also be used to dig for Minh's Analytical Mind) in favor of some neutral skills to take advantage of her may not be a bad idea.

Noticeably absent:

  • Dr. Milan Christopher since his extra economy and clue boosting seems redundant with Madame Labranche, with the latter being also more expendable in a pinch and also preventing hand size from dropping too low. He's also more expensive than I'd like in an otherwise lean deck like this one.
  • Lucky!, since there are no skill icons to commit, it only helps Minh and not her Jenny support. Same with Fight or Flight (which isn't all that good with Minh to begin with her low ) and Rise to the Occasion (which I think would be a pretty fine addition to a Minh solo deck, if that's your thing).
  • Fire Axe (instead of Knife), Dig Deep, and Hyperawareness, for economy reasons.

Jan 25, 2018 Zuntir · 613

With so many cards with only one icon did you find it hard to deal with King in Yellow weakness?

Jan 25, 2018 pneuma08 · 26

That may be a good reason to swap out Magnifying Glass for Perception (or Guts), but on the whole it's a bit of a balance (most of the cards that have matching icons aren't a good fit, like "Look what I found!" or Working a Hunch, although Look may not be a terrible addition).

It might be worthwhile to prioritize upgrades like Deduction, Elder Sign Amulet, Bulletproof Vest, Will to Survive, Expose Weakness, and upgraded Strange Solution. (Sadly, Minh can't take Try and Try Again, which might actually be useful to her.)