Badass Rex [Story, solo, 1-core friendly] [SPOILERS]

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Cirune · 53

This is not meant to be the most possibly optimized deck. Hope you'll find it fun if you try it. :) This deck badly need playtesting :) I Will playtest it in In The Night of The Zealot since I know those scenario and I don,t want to spoil The Dunwich campain. (Only did the 1st two scenario of Dunwich and me an my partner splitted) I Played "Ashcan" Pete and Jenny Barnes. Both solo and with respectively Roland Banks and Agnes Baker.

I mostly play for the story and tough most of my combos and doubles to create an interesting character. I Feel like the cards are really creating a rich backstory. This game is amazing. I usually play on standard difficulty. I Wish I played Hard, but i don,t have enough playtime to refine my decks a lot and Standard is hard enough to succeed. And i don,t want to play at Easy because this would be cheating! :D


In a solo game, you really have to try to end the scenario as fast as possible before you are overwhelmed by bad Omens. 4 as our highest stat will allow Rex to advance the Act deck as fast as possible. (And thus allow us favorable ending for a long term campain!) 4 is not suffisant to reliably activates Rex Murphy's ability. Our defensive stats, and , are at a comfortable 3. Boostable easily enough to the comfortable +4 zone. With 2 , We need to be prepared.


Rex ability makes him really fast at getting clues but requires him to massively succeed his investigate tests.


Internal Injury combined with his low HP... + Running solo with low value? Very very risky for it to become physical trauma!

Rex's Curse gets very punishing if the game gets long and you make you deck thinner... unless you reset your deck! This will give you Horror, but you have a very high Sanity.

--(Important things)--

We need a lot of resources and draw because we will try to exhaust our deck asap for the Rex Curse to be less present. And we don't want to waste all this tempo, so we gotta use all those draws and resource. Every resource you don't spent or card you don't play/commit at the end of the game didn't help you. If your .45 Automatic runs out of ammo, you better have your Knife to back it off, or you are running after death. You need to draw fast AND have the resource to play it. You get the idea :p.

--(Individual cards)--

.45 Automatic You have very poor combat value, this helps reliably but have low ammo, and even then you risk to fail and this would waste bullets. (3 +1 damage isn't a lot, you will mostly be at +0 is not good) This is cool for your character to have too. Feels bad ass. Fire Axe would be better, but .45 Automatic is too much sweg.

Flashlight Helps a whole lot for our ability, Will not last long. Basically a must in any deck I feel.

Knife will help a bit for is pretty desperate. I really hope to kill the Ghoul Priest with the Knife discard ! This would be an amazing scene. Knife should be replaced by a better weapon if a non-class spot opens in future modifications.

Magnifying Glass Helps a ton for your ability. It's cheap, it's permanent, overall good card.

Rabbit's Foot Is a very good trade-off for Rex's Curse. Feels like a must, it gives you a whole lot of draw.

Art Student is basically a meat shield with a draw. Let her tank, you need your Ally slot anyway for...

Dr. Milan Christopher Amazing card.

Leo De Luca This card is a must if you are going solo, helps a ton. There is a lot of ally cards in this deck, and powerful ones. Use them to tank.

Burglary Really good synergy with both of your main allies. Might be overkill on resources.

Hyperawareness and , you will need a lot of resources to spam this.

Lone Wolf Playing solo, always active, you need this. Look for this in mulligan.

Painkillers & Smoking Pipe Both really bad ass, not very good cards on their own, but you can deal the damage and horror to your allies. Your Art Student helper left you because it was too rough seeing you getting high on painkiller to tolerate the Internal Injury that is killing you. Sounds cool to me.

Strange Solution What the hell is this card. How am I supposed not to put it in? Swap it if you play The Night of the Zealot :) (Will be using a second knife for 1st Playtest)

"I've got a plan!" our 1st X2, The best way to deal with an encounter, is to get it in one turn. is your best stat and you will have a lot of clues most of the time. Great card.

Barricade This is a bit of cheating since I've played the first 2 missions of Dunwich, and I can see this being really helpful. I Once saw an abomination kill aaaaaaaaaaaal the thugs in a restaurant, we got out in time, it was scary. Will probably swap it for Night of the Zealot.

Emergency Cache Will change 1st if I have too much resources. Not a bad card, just pretty plain.

Mind over Matter Great card. This is one of the reason why I might want 2 core Set :p

Preposterous Sketches Great cycle card. A must in this deck.

Shortcut Once you have the clues, you gotta get out of there. Good for you, you know the place. This card has an epic feel, plus I feel it might be very good The commit is most welcomed too.

Deduction More reasons for 2 core sets, this cards feels like a must.

Inquiring Mind 3 ! this seems great. Auto include.

Manual Dexterity This might be to replace, but I discovered the rogue playstyle playing Janet, and I feel like is a must. Evasion helped ma a lot for the Carnevale of Horrors

Perception Since is our primary stat, this is always helpfull. Might want to add a second.

Unexpected Courage Again is always good to have. It's a slow card though.


Rush Charisma, you have a lot of allies.

--(Results)-- The 1st playtest was completly weird. I kept pulling the same Chaos Token and Encountered all 3 Rotting Remains The deck seems pretty cool the way it is. It is very weak for combat though.

You can Download my Log here.

My log is always what is most up to date. I made the ajustements for the Night of the Zealot Campain got a whooping 7 XP!


Jun 08, 2017 Synisill · 794

Never seen such a detailed log before, congratulations for all your effort! Found a little misspelling: Ennemy --> enemy

Jun 08, 2017 Cirune · 53

Thank you! I use this game as an experimental writing tool hence the overkill log x) I will try to spellcheck better! English isn't my 1st language :)

Jun 08, 2017 Synisill · 794

If you like to write, you surely love to read, too. Try out my decklists... i have put some effort to make them readable. And i am no English native speaker, too, so we are in one boat with our problems!