Town Scryer | HC 1K Series

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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HungryColquhoun · 4305

Town Scryer

I'm continuing my series with a deck every Sunday and using the new Hemlock Vale cards. This uses new cards and Duke to form a lean combat engine, freeing up the rest of the deck for Scrying Mirror clue-finding shenanigans...


  • The big, big, BIG reason to use Pete is of course yo' boi - Duke. Duke is a baked-in 2 damage per action weapon (?) that allows further compression with his move-investigate, all at a good base skill value. This means Pete Duke can be flexing from your first turn. With Hatchet and Wolf Mask from Hemlock Vale, you can hit 6 damage per turn at good test values and a pretty minimal footprint in your deck. Scrapper and Jessica Hyde round this off nicely.

  • In addition to Duke's clue-finding, this deck pairs Scrying Mirror with pay-to-win to ensure you pass clue-compression investigate tests (with Sharp Vision and Winging It) or fail them by the right amount ("Look what I found!"). With Pete's ability, you can use Scrying Mirror twice in a turn. It's worth noting that the Mirror can also be used on other investigators' tests at your location, so on turns where you haven't needed it the team support angle is strong. A copy of Salvage allows for Scrying Mirror to be recurred and so gives you more uses before the deck cycles.

  • Plucky is primarily for pay-to-win, while also providing sanity soak and a boost to both and . Jessica Hyde protects Plucky well, as does Duke. Pay-to-win on is crucial so you can can fiddle tests as needed with Scrying Mirror, negating the need for Lucky! Similarly, this makes a single copy of Persistence a natural fit for gaming skill tests, giving you a free +1 in your discard pile (and it's fodder for Pete's ability, just like Winging It).

  • For resources, Nothing Left to Lose, Take Heart and Emergency Cache all help. Scrying Mirror can also guarantee Take Heart works when you want it to. Resourceful allows for catch-all recursion, whether that's resource cards like Take Heart or clue tech like Sharp Vision and "Look what I found!".

  • Card draw is At a Crossroads, Nothing Left to Lose and Take Heart allowing you to draw up to 20 cards (more with Resourceful recursion). Backpack •• provides further support in finding your item assets and Emergency Cache. Discarding obviously fuels Pete's ability, so strong draw is important!

Campaign starter and planned progression

In the Thick of It makes this a 27 XP deck (further upgrades suggested at the end of this section). 0 XP deck is as follows (and link here):


A recommended order of XP purchases/upgrades is as follows:

And, if XP allows:

Final thoughts

I've always wanted to make a solid Pete flex deck, but I've found it's hard to get to test at 7 on Duke without a lot of compromises. Beat Cop or Lonnie Ritter can help, but then you're taking Charisma to run them with Jessica Hyde, and they also have high resource costs. Wolf Mask is very much a silver bullet for this problem, and Hatchet means can hit 4 damage across two actions with Duke without needing to discard and un-exhaust him.

While this covers off combat well in very few cards it also uses most of your off-class level 0s, meaning you can't rely on Sixth Sense (and to be fair Sixth Sense doesn't offer compression in the first place). Scrying Mirror is like Lucky! on steroids in terms of rescuing tests, so it's very natural fit for a Survivor and a great tool to support fail tech like "Look what I found!" and Take Heart and to pass Sharp Vision and Winging It tests. I had considered making this deck fast cycling (maybe adding in a Rabbit's Foot or even a Lucky Cigarette Case, and using Perception and Overpower) but I think Wracked by Nightmares is too much of an annoying weakness for this to be a good idea. Good card draw paired to cards which shuffle back in like Winging It means you typically will only cycle once, which is the right balance for this style of flex. Overall this encapsulates perfectly how I like to play Pete, and I hope others like to play him this way too. Let me know your thoughts in the comments!


Apr 08, 2024 RyanMuQ · 419

I like your usage of Scrying Mirror! The idea to use the survivor tech to guarantees its persistency is awesome! Scrying Mirror indeed also provides great support to other investigators.

I wonder if resources are enough to recur the 3-cost Scrying Mirror, and how many times the mirror can recur in one game on average?

Apr 08, 2024 HungryColquhoun · 4305

@RyanMuQ Thanks! Yeah I've been wanting to make a Scrying Mirror deck for a while but haven't been able to find a place for it, especially as it takes a hand slot. Because Pete's combat engine here is so lean, that provided the opportunity! There's also not too many ways to get clue-compression on Pete in particular, so it was nice to figure out an angle which makes him flex even better.

I found the resources plentiful personally, and they would usually build up over a scenario (Nothing Left to Lose when used well provides a big burst). All of the assets and events here are pretty cheap, and Scrying Mirror actually stops you over-boosting with Plucky or Scrapper, because you only need to boost by an amount which gives a 0 success. Usually a couple of recursions are feasible - one through Salvage and one through deck-cycling, so if you fully utilise that then that's 16 tests over the course of a scenario. Naturally you only need to use it when it feels important to do so, as Duke already tests at a 5 with Plucky and so can often crack low shroud locations either by himself or with a +1 boost if you feel the need.

Apr 09, 2024 Eudaimonea · 3

I would strongly recommend making room for Long Shot in this deck, especially in the level zero. Its interaction with Hatchet is extremely generous. With an odd-health enemy, or with two Long Shots committed to a Hatchet swing against a four health enemy, you can lose control of the Hatchet for a nanosecond, then let the pings from Long Shot finish the enemy and re-attach the Hatchet. I would part with the Backpacks to add the Long Shots.

Apr 09, 2024 OrionJA · 1

I enjoy Scry mirror, but wonder if running it alongside pay to win isn't kind of self-undermining at least on Standard. Suppose instead of running the mirror you ran Emergency Cache. (I know, you already are -- but there are so many emergency-cache-alikes especially if you're willing to burn Dunwich slots).

Instead of spending an action and three resources on the mirror and then previewing 4 tests, you could spend the same action on Ecache to bank 3 resources, and end up up by 6. Then you could buy yourself up by +2 on two of those tests and +1 on the other two. This probably helps just as much without consuming your hand slots. This frees them for mag glasses or dissection kits or cameras or newspapers or scrolls of draw if you like.

If you must guarantee a couple of crucial tests I'd honestly probably rather run Premonition than Mirror, given that I can already dump resources to boost tests.

Apr 09, 2024 HungryColquhoun · 4305

@Eudaimonea Thanks for the suggestion! It's an alright idea, but at most it's going to save you likely 1 (maybe 2) action(s) over the course of a scenario, and even then it has to be a bit of right place right time (i.e. you need the card when there's a 3 health enemy) - but this deck does have the card draw to facilitate that. It also doesn't have any icons on top of this. As always, make these decks your own, I like Backpack for getting out your crucial assets and econ cards like Emergency Cache, but if you don't by all means run Long Shot.

@OrionJA Thanks for the input. I'd say you save more in the long run by running Scrying Mirror, because you know when to boost and when not to on important tests. Sure you could not play Scrying Mirror and indiscriminately boost more tests, but a lot of the time you'll be wasting those boosts because you would have succeeded anyway (or failed by too wide a margin). In not over-committing resources or cards to tests, you save those and can use them on boosts later. I saw this a lot while playing - actually banking resources so sometimes I'd be at 10+ when the Scrying Mirror ran out of juice, and then if I didn't want to play a subsequent Mirror because of that opportunity cost I could start boosting indiscriminately when needed at that point (it's a call you make based on the circumstances, naturally). I would say, as Pete's stats aren't jaw-dropping, this tech is very relevant even on standard as well.

The other side of this as well is that there's Survivor fail tech here. The Mirror almost refunds itself when you've secured a fail for Take Heart, and it means you're not committing things like Sharp Vision where "Look what I found!" would work just as well. It's letting you consistently make perfect choices, executing tests with total efficiency.

As a last point, there aren't any in-class level 0 non-taboo Emergency Cache equivalents as of right now that are generalisable (e.g. there's things like End of the Road which suck, and Drawing Thin was tabooed for a reason). Given that I don't think the hypothetical opportunity saving you've mentioned is there in practice. Most off-class level 0s which provide resources come with downsides - e.g. Faustian Bargain, etc.

If you don't believe me, play the deck over a campaign and let me know what you think afterwards! After doing a campaign with this I'm confident of the benefit, empirically.