Cão Leal


Aliado. Criatura.

Cost: 2.

Health: 2. Sanity: 3.

Apenas no baralho de Peter "Chaminé" .

Esgote Duke: Lute. Você ataca com uma perícia base de 4. Esse ataque causa +1 de dano.

Esgote Duke: Investigue. Você investiga com uma perícia base de 4. Você pode se mover para um local conectado imediatamente antes de investigar com esse efeito.

Owen William Weber
O Legado de Dunwich #14.


(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)
  • When using Duke's Investigate ability, you pay costs first (exhaust Duke), then suffer attacks of opportunity in your current location (if any), then move to a connecting location, and investigate it. Enemies in the new location will not perform attacks of opportunity.

  • If you have Frozen in Fear in your threat area, using Duke's first ability would require spending an additional action, as it is a bold action matching Frozen in Fear's restriction. Using Duke's second ability is an action that does not match Frozen in Fear's restriction, so it does not require spending an additional action.

  • Q: Some investigators' Signature Cards (e.g. Mark's Sophie, Pete's Duke and Diana's Dark Insight) are put into play or into your opening hand at the beginning of the game. My question is "You begin the game with..." is "when"? In which step of "Setting Up The Game"? Before or after draw opening hands (ST8)? Will these cards be shuffled into your investigator deck during setup? Or set aside? Will I draw these cards in the "Draw opening hands" step? Can Diana Stanley mulligan Dark Insight in the "Draw opening hands" step? A: Duke, Sophie, and Dark Insight should not be shuffled into your deck during Setup. The expectation is that you set these cards aside while you set up your investigator and deck. For Dark Insight specifically, it’s added to your hand at the end of Step 8; this would be after you’ve drawn your opening hand, and after you’ve taken or skipped the mulligan.

Last updated


Duke is a good doggie. An issue I have found is that investigator specific cards only being a one per deck means that the likely hood of drawing even after a hard mulligan is low. Duke mitigates this by starting in play.

The obvious points here is that Duke shores up "Ashcan" Pete's weaknesses, books and fists. However the best part of Duke is his fetch ability, moving then investigating. This action economy is increadibly useful, especially in solo play.

Solo play is where Duke and "Ashcan" Pete thrive. As noted he starts in play so "Ashcan" Pete is ready to roll turn one as you don't have time to get set up playing solo.

Some card synergies. The full range of neutral skill cards as Duke can't carry helpful items to boost skill checks and card draw. Rabbit's Foot, Scavenging and upgraded Lucky! for dog tucker. Ritual Candles also help with increasing chances for success without additional weapons.

Get out there and play fetch!

Pilgrim · 320
When "using" Duke, his actions replace pete's base skills, but he still affected by permanent bonuses and penalties, like holy rosary? — Django · 5050
@Django: Ayup. Anything that modifies your 'base' skill effectively overwrites whatever is printed on the top of your investigator card. Bonuses penalties, and modifiers then work off of that new base number. — Darthcaboose · 280
Best part about Duke IMHO is that he starts *in play* - so Pete always starts with a free +1 damage weapon, making him very consistent in the early game. Compare to other investigators unique cards - they are 1 of (so you can't rely on even seeing them in an average game) and have to be drawn, played and payed for. Duke is awesome. Whosagoodboyyesyouare. — waferthinninja · 660
A note about Duke as an "Ally" in case anyone else is confused (as I was): Duke has the Ally keywords, but not the Ally *symbol*. Practically speaking, this means that you can have another ally in addition to Duke. — micahwedemeyer · 60
A very important thing to note, Duke is a bloodhound. — Andronikus · 1
Can Duke move and investigate an unrevealed location? And if there turns out to be no clues there, does he still exhaust? — shenaniganz11 · 40
Yes he does exhaust. Nothing is stopping you from investigating an empty location, you just won't get any clues. — flamebreak · 19
@flamebreak - there is something that is stopping you: the rule in the Appendix I (Initiation Sequence) Check play restrictions: determine if the card can be played, or if the ability can be initiated, at this time. (This includes verifying that the resolution of the effect has the potential to change the game state.) If the play restrictions are not met, abort this process. — Wachtelmann · 6
@Wachtelmann you are still allowed to investigate a location with no clues, or evade an enemy that is already exhausted. The change in gamestate is that you are losing an action. See the Unspeakable Oath weaknesses from RtTPC. — Soul_Turtle · 434

Duke is a good dog. No body is going to kill my Duke! Duke and Guard Dog are friends, and I have two dogs! Don't put any damage on Duke or Guard dog on my watch! They are good doggies. They are very brave. I love Duke!

nimonus · 31
I love Duke! — nimonus · 31
Run Stray Cat so he has more furry friends to play with! — StyxTBeuford · 12972
Duke is housebroken. Also, he is a good dog. And he drove Yog Sothoth to another plane of reality! Duke is a hero and a certified therapy dog for Pete! Don't let anyone tell you Duke can't get on the Essex County Express!! — nimonus · 31
Use Calling In Favors to heal up Duke, then play him. Duke never gets to be played so he'll be extra happy. — CHA · 1