Deck Guide - Joe Diamond TCU - Standard

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

NasusTheGreat · 4


This deck has been made for a standard-difficulty, 4-player blind run of The Circle Undone, with a collection of all investigator cards released until this campaign and the Taboo list of 2020. You will not find a customised deck for TCU encounter decks.

The role of Joe in this party will be main clue finder while helping the team with some damage. It runs several other support cards as well.


The idea of this deck is to find clues by standard investigating while being able to dish out some damage to enemies, particularly if engaged with a different investigator.

Most experience is dedicated to a Tarot strategy making the most of the good skill static modifier cards Joe has access to.

Your Magnifying glass along with your friends Dr. Milan Christopher and Alice Luxley are enough to investigate with a reasonably high intellect in most locations from scenario 1. Deduction is there to support higher shroud places and compress actions.

Resource generation is achieved with Milan, Emergency Cache, and Crack the case, which can also work as a Teamwork of sorts. Charles Ross, Esq. also helps to play both your and your teammates' assets.

With your many allies, Calling in favors helps find the one you need and heal them if necessary.

Fine Clothes will serve as damage and horror soak and help in some potential parley tests.

For fighting, you have your cherished Colt de detective 1911 and Enchanted Blade until you can upgrade to Blackjack (2).

Shortcut and Scene of the Crime provide versatile utility and work well together.

For skills cards we have staples like Deduction and Vicious Blow, with Inquiring Mind as flex since at 4 players you'll usually be in a location with a clue. Overpower helps with the small amount of in your deck and can be committed for your dedicated fighter if needed.

Hunch deck

For the hunch deck, I have focused on cards that can be useful most of the time and that use the 2-resource discount:

  • Working a Hunch is a free clue, regardless of enemy engagement, as long as you're in a location with a clue. You can use Shortcut from your main deck to reposition for it.
  • Emergency Aid can be used to cure your less resilient teammates or some key assets such as your friend's Beat Cop (2).
  • Logical Reasoning is great for healing your horror or dealing with a persistent Frozen in Fear. Try to keep a clue on you at all times.
  • Preposterous Sketches is a great way to replenish your hand.
  • No Stone Unturned will make you the best friend of all your teammates, and can also help you find your key assets.

Upgrade path

These are in priority order:

  • Enchanted BladeBlackjack (2) (x2 - 4 XP). Fantastic upgrade in a 4-player game as there will be plenty of enemies engaged with teammates. Ask to go first if they plan to evade. Low cost and infinite ammo with a +2 modifier.
  • Charisma (x1 - 3 XP). Enables having 2 strong allies in play. Only one copy so far as it's much more common to find 2 different allies at the same time than all 3.
  • Studious (x1 - 3 XP). First step of the Tarot card strategy. Provides greater flexibility for the mulligan phase.
  • OverpowerAce of Swords (x2 - 2 XP). Substitute the skill check boost for a static boost.
  • Scene of the CrimeDeath • XIII (x2 - 2 XP). Further static boost to your intellect will let you investigate everywhere with a very high success chance.
  • Studious (x1 - 3 XP). You never have too many options at the start of the game.
  • Fine clothesMoon Pendant (x2 - 4 XP). We need this to have both Tarot cards in play.
  • Charisma (x1 - 3 XP). Luxury upgrade to have your 3 allies in play.

Other options to be considered depending on encounter deck and preferences:

Always useful:

Amazing but very XP expensive:

  • Logical Reasoning (x2 - 8 XP). Always keep as many clues as possible on you. The best target to restock the hunch deck once upgraded.
  • No Stone Unturned (x2 - 10XP). Only get this if your teammates have some truly amazing buried cards like The Gold Pocket Watch or Key of Ys. Running only one copy might be acceptable as it's bound to appear in the hunch deck.

Feedback welcome

Please feel free to comment on the deck and upgrades and give a like if you found it interesting!

I will start playing this campaign soon :)