Dreams of a Madman: Therapy in the Field

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

NightgauntTaxiService · 367

Wherever her patients might be, Carolyn Fern is there for them.



  • Turn 1, your priority is either to get Field Agent out or to get into a position to get it out soon.
  • If you don't have the Agent in hand, Deep Knowledge can dig for them. The tokens aren't that big of a deal for us as we'll hopefully be discovering most of our clues with Field Agent.
  • Additionally, you can drop a Medical Student to heal 1 horror from yourself (gaining you a resource), then use Calling in Favors to try to find the Agent.
  • Once you have at least 1 Field Agent in play, your goal shifts to finding a way to keep them in play. You have several options; Inspiring Presence can heal them so you can get a second trigger on the same turn, Soothing Melody is the gold standard for healing, Ancient Stone can be triggered by Grim Memoir assuming you succeed by 2, and Medical Student can serve as an emergency patch job.


  • Potential cards to cut: Backpack (switching to the level 0 version would make the first turn more expensive and make it less likely to find Ancient Stone, but 4 XP is a bit high for an already very XP-greedy deck), Charisma (gaining Medical Student as a healing option is good, but I'm unsure if it's "3 XP" good).
  • Potential cards to add: Pathfinder (replacement for Safeguard that doesn't rely on other players), Stand Together (card draw and resources are always useful).

Let me know what you think in the comments. Hope you enjoy!


Aug 15, 2023 arkham-becons · 57

Always upvote Carolyn Fern decks.

I have been tinkering with Carolyn myself lately. Here are some thoughts you might find useful:

  • Access to non-guardian cards is precious and limited. In your case I'd probably replace "I've got a plan!" with one more Toe to Toe.

  • Carolyn is an average cluever with restricted seeker access if there is no horror around to be healed. Healing horror from allies (except Peter Sylvestre) is much more difficult than healing horror from investigators. To this end I enjoy Forbidden Knowledge when playing her.

  • A Carolyn deck needs a strong focus to feel impactful. Just "playing good cards" as many seekers can do does not suffice due to her limited seeker access.

I like your gameplan centering around Field Agent to get testless clues and recursive horror to heal. However, the deck might be a little too inconsistent just hinging on those two cards.

For a more consistent "testless clues" Carolyn deck I'd probably modify the deck as follows:

I hope you find some of these tips useful. I'll definitely build a "testless-clues" Carolyn deck and see how it performs now!

Aug 15, 2023 NightgauntTaxiService · 367

Hey, thanks for the feedback! Regarding your first points:

I understand your concerns about consistency, though. While Backpack is an amazing Item finder, Carolyn Fern doesn't have access to comparable Ally search effects (like Friends in Low Places). However, I believe that between Deep Knowledge, Scroll of Secrets, and Grim Memoir, you have enough card draw to have a good chance of finding Field Agent, and Grim Memoir should give you enough investigative firepower to pull your weight until you find the Agent.

Regarding your proposed modifications, I think they could be good, though they would divert the deck's attention away from its core (play Field Agent, heal Field Agent, laugh at shroud values). This isn't to say your proposals would make a bad deck, just a different one. An event-focused Carolyn Fern, with Empirical Hypothesis upgraded with Trial and Error to trigger it with Forbidden Knowledge, would be very interesting to see. With this deck, though, I was trying to see just how ridiculous it would be to push Field Agent to its limit.