Deck Theory: Carolyn in Wonderland

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

toothball · 70

Deck Theory: I like to build decks but don't get a lot of time to play them, so instead of leaving them to go stale in my private collection I'm publishing this with the caveat that this deck is untested and may not survive contact with a campaign!

The Idea

I recently obtained a copy of the fan-made Alice in Wonderland campaign, and was planning to play though it with my wife in the near future. She has been a regular Carolyn player since TCU, but with the arrival of The Scarlet Keys investigators she has been more interested in playing as Vincent. This meant I finally have a chance to play Carolyn! But how will Carolyn and Vincent manage to get through Wonderland?

As a secondary aim for this deck, I also wanted to try some newer cards while avoiding the Carolyn staples that usually make it to our table (such as Peter Sylvestre, Alice Luxley, Forbidden Knowledge to name a few). This lead to a slightly more event-based Carolyn take on Carolyn's usual strengths (healing and finding clues), plus some options for enemy management.

Will it be enough to get her and Vincent through Wonderland? I don't know yet, but if not it at least seems like it may still provide decent support for a group!

The Plan

Carolyn's share of enemies will be handled using Explosive Ward, Occult Invocation and Toe to Toe. Art Student and Medical Student can also absorb some of the hits. Ideally Vincent will also be dealing as much damage as he heals!

Clues are intended to be gathered using Carolyn's intellect, with Hawk-Eye Folding Camera and St. Hubert's Key to boost it. Art Student, Scene of the Crime, Read the Signs and Perception should help pick up some extras.

Horror healing options are plentiful as usual with Hypnotic Therapy, Logical Reasoning, Medical Student and Fearless. There's plenty in the deck as without a dedicated fighter I expect we'll be taking some hits, plus it ought to improve both our resource pools.

Alchemical Distillation is the exciting new card, so in this case I've spent the In the Thick of It experience on adding a horror healing ability, and to increase its supplies. This may seem like a surplus of horror healing, but it can be used for resource and card draw for both of us. It should also mean that Rational Thought isnt too hard to clear.

Opening hand priorities are Hawk-Eye Folding Camera and St. Hubert's Key, or an Alchemical Distillation to help draw for them.

The Extended Plan

With all the extra healing, Soul Sanctification seemed like the easy direction to head, but before that Stick to the Plan provides some stability (with Ever Vigilant, Emergency Cache and Toe to Toe).

Art Student can turn into Field Agent for either an intellect boost or for a couple of free clues. After that, getting the Perfected customisation for Alchemical Distillation seems potent, as well as Fearless if you get that far.


 Cost  Total
   In the Thick of It  →  3 XP 3 XP
   Emergency Cache  →  Ever Vigilant 1 XP 4 XP
    →  Stick to the Plan ••• 6 XP 10 XP
    →  Soul Sanctification ••• 6 XP 16 XP
   Art Student  →  Field Agent •• 2 XP 18 XP
   Art Student  →  Field Agent •• 2 XP 20 XP
   Alchemical Distillation    ☑☑☑☑☑ Perfected 5 XP 25 XP
   Fearless    Fearless •• 2 XP 27 XP
   Fearless    Fearless •• 2 XP 29 XP

(View at

Other Ideas

Jeremiah Kirby - It did occur to me that nearly everything in this deck is even-costed, so Jeremiah Kirby is likely to provide excellent draw! I'd include him over Art Student, although it does push the deck running cost up a bit.

Brother Xavier - Another alternative to Field Agent, if it turns out we need more options to deal damage.

Spectral Razor - If I really thought enemies were going to be an issue, I'd swap Scene of the Crime for this, although without the boosts from Hawk-Eye Folding Camera and St. Hubert's Key it may be harder to use. Upgrading into Blood Eclipse (1) or Blood Eclipse (3) might not be so bad with Vincent around to heal.


Boss fights may be challenging, so may depend on what Vincent can do. If you use this with a dedicated fighter this may not be an issue.

Combat and Agility treacheries will also be difficult, but as it's more common for those to result in damage, I'm counting on Vincent again! Perception could be swapped for Manual Dexterity or Overpower for a few comfort pips to commit.


Nov 29, 2022 SolarJ · 489

Looks good to me, I've been struggling to find a good home for alchemical distillation, this looks like it fits the bill!

Nov 29, 2022 toothball · 70

It does seem a bit more practical science than Carolyn usually goes for, perhaps the Medical Student cooks it up for her!