Pete and Duke Take on the World

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Oweldon · 36

This deck is well suited to both solo and multiplayer with lots of skill support.

"Ashcan" Pete has an advantage over most investigators because he requires very little set-up. Duke starts in play and can grab clues from most locations with a pretty good chance of success.

Piloting is pretty simple. You are looking for assets in your starting hand so mulligan away anything else. Granny Orne is best but play what you can. Moonstone is great. As long as you have 3 resources you can discard it, refresh Duke and put it into play. Magnifying Glass is cheap and fast. One or two will have Duke investigating as well as a Seeker.

A Glimmer of Hope are you workhorse cards. This deck is slow but steady and once you get all three in the discard pile you can pretty much guarantee any test every 2 actions. If you have a spare action and a resource, pick these up from your discard pile.

Resourceful is to fetch the Lucky! or a key asset from the discard pile. These cards make the Pete and Duke combo largely unstoppable. Action-less recursion is delicious.

Lucky! let's conserve your skill cards on tests where you are are only up by +1 or +2.

Eucatastrophe let's you laugh at the Auto-Fail which always feels good.

A Test of Will is to get rid of treacheries that are going to ruin your day like Ancient Evils or any treachery with a Book test. Great in multiplayer to save your low will rogue friend from Frozen in Fear or Rotting Remains.

Anytime there's no pressure, feel free to tank a test to take advantage of Take Heart. You want a nice fat hand full of skill cards and events with the resources to pay for them.

Don't over use Pete's ability to refresh cards. Sometimes you'll need it to deal with high health enemies but overusing it will leave your hand empty which usually means trouble. Sometimes you are better off drawing a card with an extra action. Don't forget that if you are doing Will or Agility tests Pete's ability can ready Granny Orne as well.

My upgrade path would be like this: Granny first from Peter Sylvestre, Lucky, Eucatastrophe from 2 Unexpected Courage, and finally Dauntless Spirit. Going forward I'd probably add another Dauntless Spirit, Relic Hunter for a second Moonstone, and then maybe A Chance Encounter to replay Duke or Granny.

This deck can handle most things thrown at it but struggles a bit against high health enemies. You are no Guardian or combat Rogue able to do 6-10 damage a round consistently but you can still manage 2-4 which is usually good enough. Solo, you can nail most tests and in multiplayer you are strong flexible investigator able to help the cluever or the enemy handler which ever is needed at the time.

Go forth with your loyal canine companion and save the world!