Wendy Adams
A Maltrapilha



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Health: 7. Sanity: 7.

Quando você revelar uma ficha de caos, escolha e descarte 1 carta da sua mão: cancele essa ficha de caos e devolva-a à bolsa. Revele uma nova ficha de caos (limite de uma vez por teste/habilidade).

efeito: +0. Se Amuleto de Wendy estiver em jogo, em vez disso, você tem sucesso automaticamente.

Jacob Murray
Caixa Base #5.

Wendy Adams - Back


Tamanho do Baralho: 30.

Regras de Construção de Baralho: cartas de Sobrevivente () de níveis 0-5, cartas de Ladino () de níveis 0-2, cartas Neutras de níveis 0-5.

Requisitos de Construção de Baralho (não contam para o tamanho do baralho): Amuleto de Wendy, Abandonada e Sozinha, 1 fraqueza básica aleatória.

Mama costumava deixar Wendy brincar com seu colar quando ela era pequena. Ela contava histórias enquanto Wendy girava o colar e observava seu brilho. Então, chegou a notícia de que seu pai estava perdido no mar, e Mama começou a agir de moro estranho, desenhava símbolos esquisitos com giz por toda a casa. Eles levaram Mama para o asilo, e Wendy foi para o orfanato. Antes de a levarem embora, Mama entregou-lhe o colar, "isso vai protegê-la", ela disse. Wendy permaneceu no orfanato por vários anos antes de fugir, certa de que poderia tomar conta de si mesma melhor do que se ficasse por lá.
Wendy Adams
Wendy Adams
Search for cards usable by this investigator


(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)
  • If you use Wendy's ability to 'cancel a chaos token', treat it as if you've never revealed that token, for purposes of effects that trigger if a specific symbol is revealed (e.g. Baseball Bat).

  • If a skill test automatically succeeds, the total difficulty of that test is considered 0.

  • Automatic Success/Failure: Some card effects make an investigator automatically succeed or automatically fail a skill test. If this occurs, depending on the timing of such an effect, certain steps of the skill test may be skipped in their entirety.

    • If it is known that an investigator automatically succeeds or fails at a skill test before Step 3 (“Reveal Chaos Token”) occurs, that step is skipped, along with Step 4. No chaos token(s) are revealed from the chaos bag, and the investigator immediately moves to Step 5. All other steps of the skill test resolve as normal.
    • If a chaos token effect causes an investigator to automatically succeed or fail at a skill test, continue with Steps 3 and 4, as normal. - FAQ, v.1.7, March 2020
Last updated


Is this the real life?

Is this just fantasy?

Are you caught in a landslide,

Or an alternate reality.


Open your eyes,

Look up to the skies and see,

She looks like a poor girl, But she needs no sympathy,

Because she’s easy come, easy go,

Agility's high, Combat's low,

And any way the wind blows doesn't really matter to her, to her.


Shes got no Mama, but she can kill a man,

Can take down bigger things instead,

Just double up, and now it’s dead.

Lost her Mama, when life had just begun,

So now and then she throw's it all away.


She lost her Mama, oooooh,

But don’t let that make you cry,

She left this thing that brings stuff back tomorrow,

So carry on, carry on as if nothing really matters.


She`s got two mates, for when the time has come,

One calms shivers from her spine,

Another gives her some more time.

Or there Mr “Goodbye, everybody”, when shes got to go,

She can leave them all behind and start to sleuth.


No Mama, oooooooh (any way the wind blows),

But she ain’t gonna die,

I sometimes think she’d never been there at all.


I see a little silhouetto of a man

Scaramouche, Scaramouche, will you do the Fandango?

Thunderbolt and lightning?

She can benefit from frightening see.

(You Got Leo?) I Got Leo.

(You Got Leo?) I Got Leo.

I Got Leo. And Quicko!



She looks like a poor girl, nobody loves her.

But shes not a "poor girl" from a poor family,

She even steals cash from these monstrosities.


She`s easy come, easy go, will you let her go?

Bismillah! No, we will not let her go. (watch her go!)

Bismillah! We will not let her go. (watch her go!)

Bismillah! We will not let her go. (watch her go!)

Will not let her go. (watch her go!)

Never let her go (Never, never, never, never let her go)

Oh oh oh oh

No, no, no, no, no, no, no

No, mama here, no mama here (No Mama here, Watch her go.)

Tests aint a prob when shes got Will to Survive, you see, you see, you seeee


Dont you think they can stone her and spit in her eye

Don’t you think her low combat will cause her to die.

No, baby, can't do that to her, baby,

She can always get out, she can even get right "outta here".

(Ooooh, ooh yeah, ooh yeah)


Nothing really matters,

When she can just flee,

Nothing really matters,

Nothing really matters to Wendy.


Any way the wind blows.

StartWithTheName · 68148
Excellent :) — Dodger · 7
This is the kind of quality content I look for from arkhamdb — Giffdev · 84
I salute you, dear sir. — tommygun · 1
Made my day :) — Piginapoke · 1

I've now played a bunch of solo Wendy finishing the Night of the Zealot with a convincing win on hard. Her passive ability is phenomenal although you wanna up your card draw making the core skills for +1 draw useful along with upgraded Lucky! and Emergency Cache.

The issue is her stat line is awkward. Even with Baseball Bat she can struggle to deal with the most mundane of enemies. Her is alright but it can be a barrier. This makes her a tricky character to master especially in solo. I believe the trick is a skill and event heavy deck as this alongside her character ability means she can get moving fast.

Pilgrim · 320

Wendy is an underdog. On paper, her stat line is defensive, since her high willpower can’t easily be turned into magic. (Not without stealing teammate’s cards, which is possible because mystics usually have duplicates.) But out of the box, she’s a 'Survivor most likely to Succeed.'

Rita can dodge and fight better. Stella can fail better. Yorick has amazing powers of recursion and can obviously slay better, and Silas gets more value out of skills. Patrice and Calvin have their own specialties...

But Wendy can look at the auto fail or a pull that would put doom on a nearby cultist and just say “nope". And after the Innsmouth conspiracy was revealed, this went from pretty great to amazing.

With Ancient Covenant, all you need to do is see a bless token and you’re succeeding. One copy of Keep Faith in your starting hand along with your amulet lets you add eight blesses to the bag, at the cost of four resources and one action… And Keep Faith returns to your deck.

Going off the orphan theme, Wendy can take On Your Own, and if she’s waiting to wait until the upkeep phase, can do the above combo for zero resources. Want allies? Borrow them with your rogue cards or chance encounter, paying two bucks less than they did to put them in to play!

Combined with favor of the sun, and Wendy can investigate a five-shroud location without needing lockpicks. With your picks, you’re going to trigger any rogue “succeed by” card you want, and if you need money to prime the pump, Faustian Bargain can be played twice! 10 bucks in three actions, shared with anyone in your space... then trap three of the curses with favor of the moon.

You could even build a gimmicky fighting Wendy, with Eye of the Djinn in one hand and a Fire Axe in the other. Underestimate that at your own peril! Succeed at your leisure.

MrGoldbee · 1440
Interesting idea, wendy using "You owe me one" to play a mystics spell asset. Survivor does have enough will support but charges tend could be a problem witout twila. — Django · 5050
3-4 uses is probably plenty! — MrGoldbee · 1440