Pete the true survivor

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

catambroise · 2

This deck is about playing a lot of innate skills in order to draw a lot and be really versatile. Earning a lot with Take Heart and then True Survivor to refill the hand and Resourceful to take it back. Yaotl is really cool to, you can throw the perfect card with Ashcan to stand up Duke and then use it's bonus with Yaotl.

Key cards : Baseball Bat : nice damages and we don't care is it two handed. Can be used to avoid losting card to stand up Duke

St. Hubert's Key : Make your sanity pass to 3, to play Reckless Assault and Desperate Search, pretty nice boost too and heal sanity, just perfect. Only weakness the cost, it can be a lot it this deck with low economy.

Yaotl : the god of this deck, grant you a lot of bonuses.

Lucky! : I never did a survivor deck without this one, just a perfect card that can you make win some tests and triggers innate abilities.

True Survivor : It cost a lot but allows you to refill your hand with 3 cards, very powerfull.

Desperate Search/Reckless Assault : You can use them with the St. Hubert's Key, but you can also throw them with "Ashcan" Pete ability and then trigger them with yaotl.

Eureka! : Versatile and a more precise draw.

Guts/Manual Dexterity/Overpower/Perception : Cycle through your deck and granting you nice test bonuses.

Inspiring Presence : Heal Duke, Ready him, what else ?

Resourceful : Versatile, very precise draw, perfect.

Survival Instinct : Just one because you rarely need to run out, you prefer fight.

Take Heart : With Resourceful and True Survivor basically an infinite draw and economy card.


Sep 28, 2018 Django · 5032

If you plan to fail with Take Heart what about Rabbit's Foot and Try and Try Again?