Marie Lambeau - murder into profit

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

SaturdayNightWizard · 101


Abandoning previous ideas, this is the version of Marie Lambeau that I came up with: Marie, the solo-artist-come-sorceress, who will quite happily murder her adoring fans, reviewers and even her accountant, for profit (and also, perhaps, fun). The only safe person is that pesky man from the record label - but perhaps not for long, thanks to Marie's well-renowned beguiling ways!

The main ways to transmute the members of your pop-cult are Forbidden Knowledge, Sacrifice and with the right token for Alchemical Transmutation - but feel free to be creative! Murder is a creative en-devour, after all.

And what better way to spend your ill-gotten fortune than on The Dark Arts, combined with your collection of attractive leather-bound books!

Some nice stuff:

  • Vantage Point and Arcane Insight can be used on other investigators' turns, so you can help turn your fellow investigators into wannabe Seekers, too!

  • Fieldwork doesn't take up a slot (hand, body etc.), and that +2 can be used to snatch-up the extra clue that you may bring with you with Vantage Point.

  • Archaic Glyphs, Soothing Melody and Blood-Rite have the Spell trait, so you can use them without paying an action if there is doom in your play area.

  • Premonition in there to avoid the red token, that shall definitely not ever be named. Never.

  • Although it will get dropped later (to free up the hand), Occult Lexicon has some nice versatility; Blood-Rite can get you a little extra money or cards, with your free Spell action.

  • With all this murder around, Hallowed Mirror provides a Spell card with some decent healing (for allies too) and a card.

  • To pump-up Archaic Glyphs when clue-ing, there is Arcane Studies and Spirit Athame, as well as some nice Skill cards. Arcane Studies also protects you from the Mythos... kind of.

  • Ghastly Possession is a nice card to add doom to your play area, replenish a charge and get some bonuses to your test.

  • Uncage the Soul is there for when you run out of charges, with either Archaic Glyphs or Arcane Insight.

Upgrades (in rough order):

Extra cards to consider:

Ward of Protection and Rite of Seeking are other cards to dump your Spell XP from Arcane Research.

Help! - if you can think of a way to make the deck better, please let me know!


Dec 26, 2023 Lobstrocity · 2

It's a bit strange than even though Marie's ability relates to doom, you have only one card besides her weakness that puts doom out (Renfield). TSK gave us so many doom cards but you aren't using any of those? Elle Rubash is essential, surely?

Dec 27, 2023 SaturdayNightWizard · 101

Hey, @Lobstrocity! I hear what you are saying, and I think you have a point. I played a quick game tonight and added Dowsing Rod instead of Rite of Seeking, which overall is a more interesting pick, I think. This led me to also drop Spirit Athame. A bit of streamlining, it seemed to be.

Between Dowsing Rod, Rendfield, Arcane Initiate and Ghastly Possession, it felt like I had the ability to control my doom on the board quite well.

So thanks for the comment! It really helped!

Re. Elle Rubash - I don't know if this can be justified in this deck. I'll have to really think about that one.