Ashcan Pete Bows to no one ! (29 xp - Deckguide)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

captainfire · 225

Ashcan Pete Bows to no one !

Concept :

A deck good for the Flex role (or Solo), you do everything pretty well with an accent on fighting but it can easily be modified toward clueing.
Boost your and your , kill enemies with your Enchanted Bow and never fail again with Jacob Morrison, Granny Orne and Lucky!.
Then discard a card to ready your Bow, or Jacob, or Duke and do it again ! :)

This deck revolve around Enchanted Bowas a challenge between my partner and I where you send to the other a card we don't play often and try to make the best out of it ;)

What it does :

Encounter deck management : 2/5 (Your is high in this deck)
Enemy management : 4/5 (5/5 if you keep Improvised Weapon)
Clues : 4/5 (Duke + Winging It + bonuses)
Economy : 3/5 (you're not rich but you don't need a lot of resources in this deck, you draw a lot though !)
Tanking : 4.5/5 (you're a Survivor ! Plus, you heal a little)

Use your Enchanted Bow

With Enchanted Bow and all assets in play yo can up to 4 + 1 (with the Bow) +1 (with Granny Orne) +2 (with 2xPlucky) +4 (with 2xProphetic) for a total of 12. You could also spends resources or commit cards to boost it even further. Ideally you want to spread your bonuses over 2 tests (maybe 3 tests if you REALLY have to fight with Duke...).

You should always have a card in hand to "sacrifice" with your ability to ready Jacob Morrison, your Enchanted Bow or Duke (in this order). You draw a lot in this deck, you should have a card to spare and if you don't, you could still get some cards :

Also, commit Enraptured during an investigation to gain 1 charge on your Enchanted Bow, you don't always need them but when you do it's good ! Keep them for Aloof enemies if there are some.

In the thick of it and Tanking

Either take 1 trauma of each (you can tank easily by playing and/or recycling your Cherished Keepsake and Leather Coat) or take 2 mental trauma to swap in some desperate skills in your deck (Desperate Search instead of Perception).

Earthly Serenity helps you heal if you take too many direct damage/horror or draw a EotE weakness. you could take something else instead but it synergies well with your high in this deck ! Don't hesitate to put resources into this test with Plucky to use the 4 charges (6 later) in one action ;)

Mulligan priorities :

1- Enchanted Bow
2- Granny Orne and/or Jacob Morrison
3- Drawing Thin, Prophetic
4- Anything that makes you draw (Perception, Eureka!, Deep Knowledge)
5- A card to discard on your first turn (ideally something you can get back : Winging It, A Glimmer of Hope, an item)

Downgrades to 0xp :

This deck has 29xp (32xp with In the Thick of It) to be used in standalone mode but you can still make a level 0 deck. Go with :

Upgrade priorities :

Hope you enjoy this deck :)


Aug 30, 2022 lok1686 · 8

It work on expert?

Aug 30, 2022 captainfire · 225

I've never played on expert, I play stand-hard. There is no testless combos in this deck but in my test you have so much boosts to your two relevant stats (willpower and intellect) that it might actually work fine . I you ever try this deck on expert, I would love to have your opinion on it though ;)