Detective Banks - "On the Case" [Multiplayer]

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
"I work alone": A Guide to True Solo Roland 62 41 9 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

Norfair · 2

Greetings investigators!

The goal with this deck was to make a purely thematic, good ol' fashion detective experience that excels at killing monsters, gathering clues and decent sustainability, all while adhering to the Taboo List.

With Roland being exposed to the cosmic forces and mysticism, he would have stumbled upon a few enchanted gear while on his many surreal cases, thus the Hallowed Mirror and Enchanted Blade that I imagine he'd find along the way. Besides those two magical items, the rest of the deck fits well with an FBI Investigator using tools at his disposal.

Notice** I cut out the Dr., since he doesn't fit as well thematically as Alice, and the rest of the deck ended up not utilizing his clue drop at the location as much anymore.


.32 Colt over the .45 Automatic, it has more ammo, less cost for the more expensive events, and "officers preferred them... over the automatic".

Flashlight is necessary early game.

Hawk-Eye Folding Camera really drives in the detective "evidence pictures in a room" feel, while boosts 3 very important stats for Roland.

Roland's .38 Special over Mysteries Remain since we have plenty of other ways to clue grab, and a boost in damage early game is helpful, as well.

Hallowed Mirror An item he found while on a past case, it heals and card draws. What's not to like? And it's neat, different.

Bandolier gets a bad rep, I know, but you know what? When we upgrade that little .32 Colt into a 2-Handed monster slayer along with Bandolier**, having a free 2-hand weapon with investigation assets will be appreciated, and did I mention +1 to Willpower?

Alice Luxley +1 Intelligence and does damage? Sure! Oh, and thematic as it can get? Yes!

Beat Cop to beat up.

Enchanted Blade, it'll be much harder to knock down Roland for the count once he upgrades this magical beaut he found on a past case.


Crack the Case allows us to afford all of these nice, pretty and expensive things we'll be playing. It ties into Roland's other clue grabbing abilities AND how could cracking a case NOT be the quintessential detective motive?

Dodge one of, handy when you actually meet a monster that might hit you. I run one because I wasn't really using it too much once Roland got his mojo going.

Dynamite Blast, the biggest downside is the cost. But you know, that's a reason why we just have one and we've cracked the case in order to justify blowing up every monster in the room next door; or house, depending on how your dire situation. Hey, it fits the theme.

Emergency Cache yes.

Logical Reasoning just one this time around with Mirror at Roland's side. Mostly to get rid of early treachery, but feel free to upgrade to a Elder Sign Amulet.

On the Hunt I never used it more than once, and it was sparing. If it calls for it, use it.

Scene of the Crime is a Crack the Case and Hawk-Eye Camera feeder that you'll be using while searching around monsters or cultists you failed to kill last turn or who spawned on you via On the Hunt or not. Plus, there's a case to solved and Roland is on it!

Working a Hunch Like Scene of the Crime but free! Who doesn't like free actions? And it fits the theme again!


Inquiring Mind the grab those pesky clues or pass those treacheries while pondering about the case at hand.

Perception has to be second nature if you're a person working for the law.

Unexpected Courage Everyone has at least some. Well, most do.

Vicious Blow because when in doubt, grab your axe and go-a-hunting!

With that, my quick, simple thematic deck explanation is finished! I hope you enjoy playing this, as I usually prioritize theme over combos and whatnot when it comes to non-competitive games.

I'll be updating and inserting an upgrade guide in a little bit, too!