(3 Player) Rita beats Carcosa (Return to).

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Tsuruki23 · 2513

This deck made it through Carcosa side by side with Roland Banks and Marie Lambeau. It was "Stanhard" (standard bag, hard tokens) and wound up being a pretty capable team. Nobody got defeated and Rita managed to take center stage despite picking up perhaps just a dozen clues throughout the entire campaign.

This was the Roland deck: https://arkhamdb.com/decklist/view/14887/3-player-roland-beats-carcosa-return-to-1.0 I'll post Marie as soon as she stops bugging out when I publish her.

The premise of this deck is exceedingly simple, and it's VERY good at it: Grab the bad guys, evade them, and/or kill them. Even if the other characters had tools to kill things with, Rita Young would be ready and able to run at them, engage the troublesome thing, and slow it down until it dies, opening space for the other folks to ignore the trouble and go get clues. 90% of the evade triggers were used for damage, not movement, and as a combo maneuver Rita Young might grab and soften up an enemy for Roland Banks to finish and net a clue.

Rita Young is unbelievably good at this, with Track Shoes and Peter Sylvestre she manages to be extremely robust and to succeed on her tests with impunity, you might have noticed Oops! in this deck, an early addition. I cannot tell you if Oops! is a good card or not because, I kid you not, I landed every single shot with Old Hunting Rifle and Ornate Bow outside of a few autofails/jams, I played it a grand total of once when I got a with Old Hunting Rifle. That bow making attacks at +9 is just crazy.

While it was fun to add Ace in the Hole to my deck, it seemed allergic to my hand, and I drew it once. I should have tried to add it after scenario 3.

Frankly, this deck is perhaps a little too simple for me, I'm glad I was 3-handing. Generally her rounds consisted of dislodging the other characters and evading their threats or setting up while keeping up with the team, I really should have added The Red-Gloved Man to give her more flexible options per round. Despite the simplicity, she really was the key to the entire team doing their job quickly and smoothly.

Both Ornate Bow and Old Hunting Rifle were great. You might imagine that once the bow is on the table you just ignore the rifle but there were instances where I considered discarding the bow to play a rifle and I actually did it in Carnivale because I needed to more quickly burst a big monster.

Cheap Shot is ace, it smoothed out rounds where Rita needed to move a lot to reach a friend and just didn't have actions, moving twice then blasting some thing with an 8 to 10 strength attack that also evades was outright awesome and netted her the action leeway to be very useful to the team. In a similar vein Track Shoes was important for saving actions. There where rounds where Rita would combo the trigger on Track Shoes and Cheap Shot to drop kick an enemy from 3 locations away and get Marie or Roland out of trouble.

All in all Rita Young was great, but she didn't have any one big moment of excellence, even just moving to engage an enemy, and then continuing to evade it to oblivion, that was a very good strategy for 3-player and she'dd routinely do it perfectly safely even when the weapons stayed elusively in her deck. Rita was never really in any danger, Peter Sylvestre had a lot to do with that, he's absolutely awesome for Rita.


Jan 08, 2020 sleepybunny · 1

Gonna be posting that Marie deck from the 3 player?