Dreams of a Madman: Improv Boxing

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Die Abenteuer von Nathaniel Cho 0 0 0 1.0

NightgauntTaxiService · 367

One of the biggest problems facing Nathaniel Cho is his potential to run out of events. As the scenario draws to a close, you're likely to run out of Clean Them Outs and Counterpunchs to throw at the Mythos, forcing you to either draw to force a reshuffle, hope and pray that you draw the , or spend your turns saying "I test to deal 1 damage."

There are two solutions to this problem, one obvious, the other requiring a little more thought. The first solution is simply to pack in more card draw so that you can keep drawing back into your events. The second solution is to take advantage of Blessing of Isis and the support got in The Feast of Hemlock Vale (i.e., Ancestral Token) to fish for the to consistently recur your fight events.

Then there's the solution I came up with, shown here: double Versatile (or, with a bit of XP rejiggering, DerBK's custom Versatile (5) from the Unofficial Return to the Dream-Eaters) to take two Improvised Weapon.

In most investigators, Improvised Weapon is considered a bad card; when not played from your discard pile, it lacks the all-important text "This attack deals +1 damage." However, Nathaniel Cho gets around that, turning its base form into a pseudo- "You get +1 and deal +1 damage for this attack" and playing it from your discard pile gives you another valuable source of 3 damage. Granted, Boxing Gloves can't tutor Improvised Weapon, but by the time you need to start relying on Improvised Weapon, your deck should be out of Spirit events anyway. Improvised Weapon is your "bottom-of-the-barrel," "we've exhausted all other options" damage-dealer, even if it's a very good one.

The rest of the deck is pretty standard: Nathaniel's toys, Beat Cop for and damage, Tetsuo Mori to fish for your Items, Handcuffs so that you ideally only have to deal with one of the most boring weaknesses in the game once. Guided by Faith is a really weird pick, mainly meant to provide you with some clue-gathering potential that, unlike Scene of the Crime, can be fetched with your gloves. Stick to the Plan finds Ever Vigilant and Prepared for the Worst to give you a better start, with the 3rd card either being Toe to Toe for a "break glass in case of emergency" card or a copy of Improvised Weapon to make it more likely for Boxing Gloves to find something they can fetch by filtering out cards it can't grab.

There's obviously plenty of room for improvement; putting Improvised Weapon on Stick to the Plan raises the question of why we need the second copy, and thus the second Versatile, and Guided by Faith is really shaky as an inclusion given Nathaniel's base 3 . But the point of this deck isn't to be the best, or even to be good; it's meant to share the idea, to start a conversation. If someone manages to make a better version of this (something that won't exactly be hard), I'll be happy at having contributed something to the community, even if it's something they laugh at and go "Did he seriously think this would be any good?".

Thank you for suffering through this abomination of a deck and the wall of pretentious text accompanying it. Let me know what you think and I hope you enjoy!


Apr 19, 2024 HungryColquhoun · 6682

Nice idea! I think the key concept - using Nate's ability for the +1 damage on base Improvised Weapon, and then it's doubly good and ready to use when discarded - is cool.

I think more card draw is key, and probably you could just get away with one copy of Improvised Weapon (especially if you're putting it on Stick to the Plan) to not pad your deck too much. You've got some card draw already (Glory, etc.) but stuff like Overpower •• isn't included. My personal thoughts are Boxing Gloves ••• isn't usually worth the cost as well and you can get away with base Boxing Gloves (and then maybe pick-up some juicer Spirit Fight events).

For more or less a full list of card draw for Guardian cards, here's a link (I had a look through Neutrals as well but not many stood out to me): arkhamdb.com

Apr 19, 2024 NightgauntTaxiService · 367

Thanks for the feedback! I agree that cutting the second Improvised Weapon and Versatile would be a good idea, though I'm hesitant on downgrading the Boxing Gloves, probably because I'm more used to the level 3 version. If you manage to keep the number of Spirit events high enough, the level 0 version should work, though.

In terms of card draw, upgrading Overpower is obviously a good choice, and Daring could also help. Not really seeing that many other options, though; I'd hold off on Stand Together (3) because, at least for me, I prefer to keep my resource generation and card draw separate most of the time to avoid situations where I gain the resources to play something then promptly draw a weakness that prevents me from playing it.

Apr 19, 2024 HungryColquhoun · 6682

Hmmm in terms of card draw, I would say you could go Hallowed Mirror ••• as you don't have an accessory slot currently (but in that case definitely cut to 1 copy of Improvised Weapon). You could go with a couple of Backpack •• to increase your chance of drawing it and Boxing Gloves (Emergency Cache then becomes more worth it as a Supply card). If you cut down to the 1 copy of Versatile and base Boxing Gloves then you'd have 1 XP to spare, which could be used on something like Ace of Swords.

When you find Hallowed Mirror, the persistent cantrips should help locate your Improvised Weapon more easily - and it keeps your Beat Cop •• healthy as well. The downside to all of this is only one copy of Hallowed Mirror per deck, but if you find some way to squeeze in Overpower •• as well your card draw will be looking better.

Apr 19, 2024 HungryColquhoun · 6682

(plus you have Tetsuo Mori to help you tutor Hallowed Mirror as well)