Runic Axe Mark Harrigan with Comprehensive Guide, expert, v4

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Runic Axe Mark Harrigan with Comprehensive Guide [old v] 5 3 4 2.0
Inspiration for
My Mark Harrigan (for 4+ years) Guide, Expert Difficulty 8 6 10 1.0

LordHamshire · 727

(Check out my other Harrigan guide which is more detailed and an overall better deck: here.)

A basic Mark Harrigan start for succeeding on Expert multiplayer. If your party has Vincent Lee, this deck will really shine. Designed for 4 players but works with 2. Play Prepared for the Worst only if you both don't have a Runic Axe and have used any Tempt Fate (and other straightforward card draw) in your hand. If there is an enemy it may be worth using basic Fight actions to use up any Glory and Overpower before using Prepared for the Worst. Keep in mind there is no investigator that trauma hurts worse than Mark, so avoid being defeated and don't take In the Thick of It. If you are missing cards from the starting list, do not try to find analogous, subpar cards, simply use your judgement and run cards you find effective. Cards like Emergency Cache, Interrogate, Perception and Beat Cop would work. Don't take Refine, much like Delve Too Deep, this is simply a mistake on Expert difficulty, you can't take cards that do not promote success in an immediate, tangible way. (Note that Lurker in the Dark is just a stand-in for a basic random weakness.) If you are playing with less than 3 investigators, you may consider replacing Motivational Speech with Emergency Cache or the like.

As far as experience goes:

  1. Upgrade Runic Axe with "Saga" (3 exp) then "Scriptweaver" (4 exp.)
  2. Take Stick to the Plan (6 exp.) [You will typically choose Prepared for the Worst, Breach the Door, and Map the Area.]
  3. Grab one copy of Ace of Swords (1 exp,) cut one copy of Prepared for the Worst.
  4. Upgrade both copies of Stand Together (3 exp each.)
  5. Upgrade both copies of Overpower (2 exp each.)
  6. Upgrade the remaining copy of Prepared for the Worst (2 exp.)
  7. Upgrade Runic Axe with "Inscription of Fury" (1 exp,) "Inscription of Glory" (1 exp,) and then "Inscription of the Elders" (1 exp.) [If you are playing on a lower difficulty, especially if on Normal or Easy, you should take these far sooner.]
  8. Upgrade both copies of Vicious Blow (2 exp each.)
  9. Upgrade both copies of Evidence! (1 exp each.)
  10. Grab two copies of Ever Vigilant (4 exp each,) cut both copies of Motivational Speech.
  11. Upgrade both copies of Grete Wagner (3 exp each.)
  12. Upgrade both copies of Shortcut (2 exp each.)
  13. Upgrade both copies of Safeguard (2 exp each.)

Expert campaigns shouldn't exceed this point, but if you are crushing some exceedingly long campaign you can do something like take two copies of Key of Ys (10 exp each) or what not.

If you want to use the sheet I designed for this, you can find it here.

I have two last, half-joking notes

  • if you want to run this sort of deck solo: see here.
  • If you want a more thematic deck that matches Mark's card art, just replace the Runic Axe with the .45 Thompson and instead of customizing your Runic Axe just upgrade it into its Guardian upgrade .45 Thompson and move on with the experience guide.