Kymani's in the thick of it (v3)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

DrMChristopher · 406

True Solo

This is v3, with changes to the "Level 0" deck based on my playthrough of The Dunwich Legacy.

Kymani's Bonus XP:

  • 2X Lockpicks (1) to reliably Investigate.
  • 2X Blur (1) to reliably Evade because that's what Kymani wants to do, and for extra actions.
  • 1X Ice Pick

In the Thick of It XP for economy and boost:


  • Lucky Cigarette Case is a placeholder for Eon Chart (1). I think Lucky Cigarette Case (3) is one of the best accessories in the game, but both it and Quick Thinking require you to "succeed by X" to be effective. Although I'm usually testing pretty high, it never fails that when I really want or need to succeed by two, I always pull whatever token makes me succeed by only one, or the . So I'll replace the case with Eon Chart (1) and eventually Eon Chart (4) for the guaranteed extra actions. I can use those extra actions to draw when needed, but I'm focusing on "extra actions" primarily to get (and stay) ahead in tempo.

Extra Actions sub-theme:

  • Grappling Hook: Spend two get three: situational, but good when the situation arises, thus the importance of Tool Belt
  • Blur: This one isn't really an "extra action", it lets you get the action you used to evade back, turning it effectively into a "free evade"
  • Leo De Luca: I added a second copy for consistency
  • Eon Chart: After the upgrade
  • The potential for extra actions makes Calculated Risk look appealing as an alternate to Unexpected Courage BUT they would be useless in the Mythos Phase and I need the guaranteed there to shore up my (see weakness below).
  • Note: Both Quick Thinking have been replaced with a second copy of Leo De Luca and a second Lucky Cigarette Case (which will be replaced as noted) for consistency.

Gravedigger's Shovel:

  • This is really interesting with Tool Belt because I can "store" one in the belt and discard the one "in play" for a testless clue, then grab the one out of my belt. I also get +2 to Fight, plus Ice Pick and/or Crafty buffing as well to make it a fairly reliable basic weapon.


  • tests are still a weakness in this deck, so I've compensated by prioritizing Unexpected Courage over Overpower and plan to hold onto them for the mythos phase. If I have any spare XP laying around, I can upgrade these to Savant (which isn't great in Kymani) but I get 1 extra by doing so which might make the difference on a test.

Primary Upgrades (probably in this order):

Secondary Upgrades (in whatever order is convenient):


Nov 15, 2022 Wittebaard · 319

Fun deck, but I believe Gravedigger's Shovel a very expensive option for relatively low reward. It costs you 2 actions and 4 resources to play, only rewarding you with 1 damage per attack action and 2 clues if both get discarded. For consistency, I would stick with the Lockpicks for investigating and maybe consider the .25 Automatic. It's fast (sparing you actions), has 4 ammo for 4 resources, but rewards you with probably 8 damage in total since Kymani evades everything anyway.

Nov 15, 2022 DrMChristopher · 406

Thanks @Wittebaard! The .25 is definitely better for the extra damage, and I had it in the very first version of this deck before any testing. The Shovel is Tool traited though, so I can pay for and/or boost it with Crafty, and "store" it on the Tool Belt. The plan (which played out well in Dunwich) is to use Kymani's ability to (attempt to) discard the non-elites.

That said, a .25 one-of would be good, and another option might be to upgrade the Shovels to Dirty Fighting (Trick traited, so it benefits from Crafty while also synergizing with Kymani's abilities). Maybe one shovel to .25 Automatic (2) and the other to Dirty Fighting. It's something to think about! Thanks!