Wini Meenie Money Moe (with deckguide)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Jenny Barnes is a cryptobro (or sis) [Deck guide] 24 20 1 1.0

minikisto · 765


Billionaire business woman Winifred Habbamock buys artworks and uber-rare exceptional relics while makes ostentation at speed light.


This deck materialices the idea of joining 2 inner basic mechanics: First, it takes advantage of resource generation from the class and the turbo draw ability from Winifred Habbamock while depleting her deck.

Edge of the Earth expansion brings to the table a lot of improvements on the motion side but also some jewels like The Red Clock and The Black Fan (both are exceptional so probably they are not going to be auto-included in all decks...).

This deck was made to be functional in all their stages and to be played in a progressive way (from 0 exp to 19 exp). It was tested in solo mode but it may work in multi too.

Table of contents

  • Overview
  • Main strategy
  • Here comes the money
  • Actions, Actions, Actions
  • Boosting the stats
  • Enemy management and encounter deck
  • Mulligan
  • The perfect combo
  • Upgrading
  • Versatile


Difficulty: ★★★★☆

Enemy management: ★★★★☆

Clueing: ★★★☆☆

Encounter deck handling: ★★☆☆☆

Survivability: ★★★★☆

Economy: ★★★★★

Card Drawing: ★★★★★

Healing: ☆☆☆☆☆

Main strategy

  • Taking advantage of Winifred Habbamock ability most of the time (assign 2 cards per test, draw 1), since this helps to see all cards in the deck thanks to Underworld Support (25 cards, just one copy per card).

  • Obtain all resources you can (+20) to potentially have 6 actions per turn.

Here comes the money

We are going to be able to generate a lot of cash. With Emergency cache, 21 or bust, Unscrupulous Loan and Sneak by the net worth scales to 22 extra resources. Not bad.

The Red Clock generates 3 resources each 3 turns for free while gives us some extra juicy benefits.

Actions, Actions, Actions

Once the money is in place, our engine starts to work at full-speed.

  • The Black Fan adds an extra action each turn.
  • The Red Clock adds an extra action 2 out of 4 turns (Move up to 2 times in the second tick, an extra action in the third).

Last but not least, Chuck Fergus adds the sixth extra action with his while we are playing an event reducing it cost in 2 or boosting our ability in the test.

Boosting the stats

The Red Clock will boost (+3) the very first test we will make once per "cycle", Chuck Fergus will add another +2 to the event and The Black Fan will add another +1 to the statline. If we do the maths, this results in playing an event with a 6+ boost once every 4 turns. With +3 boost every turn. Savage.

Enemy management and encounter deck

The biggest problem Winifred Habbamock has to deal with is her , with just 1 (in fact, 2). She will struggle with the most of the encounter decks since they usually tests a lot. That´s why Guts, Unexpected Courage, Counterespionage and Anything You Can Do, Better are so so important to Wini and it is worthy to keep some in our hand.

Enemy management should be an easy but slow task. We have cards to make extra damage: Backstab, Sneak Attack and the Mauser C96 but our first choice should be to evade and then to attack to prevent suffering unnecessary horror in the enemy fase.


The Red Clock is the center-piece of the deck. Unscrupulous Loan and The Black Fan are good choices to keep. If The Black Fan is in our early game, we should wait some turns until we have enough money to get the boosts. Guts is also a no-brainer to deal with the encounter deck.

The perfect combo

When our setup is complete: The Red Clock, The Black Fan, Chuck Fergus and Unscrupulous Loan gives us El Dorado. 6 actions in one turn. One of this actions,will be spent to play an event with a +4 boost, adding Opportunist to the test and an extra ability card. The earnings with this combo are the following: Opportunist will go back to our hand, Wini passive ability will be triggered so draw 1 card and finally, the ability card we committed to the test has the ability to make us draw a card if we pass the test.

For example: Backstab + Opportunist + Manual Dexterity. Wini is attacking with 5 (base) + 2 (Chuck) + 1 (The Black Fan) + 2 (Dexterity) + 1 (Opportunist). Only the can break our combo, if not, we are making 3 damage, draw 2 cards and Opportunist will be back to our hand. In one action. We still have 5 to go.



Depending on the scenario, we can stick to a more "seeker" style if we favor Lockpicks and Eon Chart instead of the Mauser C96 and Counterespionage.

Maybe it worth a try to explore the way to add In the thick of it to add a Charisma and keep both Chuck Fergus and Lonnie Rittner to enjoy that +1 bonus and the to heal damage from Leather Jacket.

One last take, Use Savant instead of Counterespionage since Savant can be more versatile.