Flexible Archer Wini for 3P

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Winifred con arco mazo evento 0 0 0 1.0

Aesyn · 542

What is this deck?

I just wanted to play with Ornate Bow + Haste. I also love to draw cards generally, and this deck sometimes equal Seeker madness when it comes to drawing cards. In the end this deck has lots of extra actions, somewhat OK clue power, easy time with evading, and serious damage potential with Ornate Bow.

If you are not familiar with Haste, 2 back-to-back actions can trigger it, no matter what those actions were. So you can Shoot-Reload-Free Shoot with Ornate Bow, or Reload-Shoot-Free Reload. Just make sure you are not engaged with the enemy while reloading to prevent attack of opportunities.

Since this deck can provide lots of action economy, sometimes you'll find yourself having nothing worthwhile to do. You can draw 3 cards or resources with one of those coming from haste free.

Starting point



How it plays

You need tests for this deck to work. You want to over commit agility icons to those tests, over succeed, and draw tons of cards. Other tests can work too (not ), but they are harder to over succeed and you have limited amount of cards with wild icons.

Therefore you need to get Ornate Bow down ASAP. Hard mulligan for it, don't even keep Leo De Luca. Upgraded Lucky Cigarette Case can be usually kept, the first Backstab or Pilfer will usually provide what you are looking for. Once you play Ornate Bow, it will provide all the agility tests you need.

Deck is definitely lot slower in the first scenario without Ornate Bows, ask your friends to carry you for a while.

I played this deck in 3P with a dedicated cluever, and pilfers were amazing to clear those 1 locations in a single action. Intel Reports were rarely used, but can be clutch in certain situtations.

Use backstab if you failed to find your Ornate Bow, and keep digging through your deck.

Save your "You handle this one!" to those willpower tests, and anything that threatens your Ornate Bows.

Resource Intensive?

Deck doesn't have any resource cards except "Watch this!", however you usually have lots of extra actions so don't be afraid to spend actions for resources. With Haste and Leo De Luca, you can action for resource 3 times and still have 2 more actions! I usually didn't have any resource problem except for the first turn, luxury upgrades definitely include Another Day, Another Dollar.

Spoiler Part

First scenario was kinda calm, I didn't even had to play Mauser C96 because Mark Harrigan just handled the enemies fine (thanks for the carry). I helped Luke Robinson with clues, Pilfer was mvp.

After that, I was the demolishing every enemy while offloading pesky encounters to Luke. Deck became the "main monster fighter" quickly, passing Mark. Luke was still the main cluever, but Pilfer proved its worth again and again. One-of Nimble was a big deal.

Wini unfortunately had to "retire" at the end of The Unspeakable Oath, in a really thematic fashion. Luke Robinson resigned first, and we drew a 7 HP monster with a "Victory 1". I told Mark Harrigan to Elusive then resign and let me deal with it. I easily dealt with it, but was 1 action short to resign myself. Next turn I drew a treachery which was going to deal lethal horror to me, had to commit Arrogance to it, and actually failed by 1. With "You handle this one!" in my hand :(

Maybe I should have also included Elusive, since it is crazy good. If you include it, don't cut a skill for it, don't drop 16 skills for the purpose of Wini's ability.

About taboo compliance

Losing Double or Nothing definitely brings down the deck a bit, but it can survive. I actually used it 3 times total in 4 scenarios, playing in standard difficulty, I just didn't have to depend on it too much. Two times it was to deal 6 damage to an enemy, and the other was to generate more resources with "Watch this!". It probably drew me few more cards in the meanwhile, but I'm sure you can replace it.

Quick Thinking is still good with the taboo.

Streetwise is still good, but probably can wait after you get all the necessary upgrades, maybe only preceding Momentum.

Upgrade Order

  1. Ornate Bow * 2
  2. Streetwise
  3. Haste * 2
  4. Lucky Cigarette Case * 2
  5. Momentum * 2 (drop these to become 19xp standalone deck)

Luxury Upgrades

For luxury upgrades, I would drop intel reports and backstab.


Jul 20, 2022 banjokaczynski · 1

What do you think of Narrow Escape in this deck? It seems very good for the bow/haste combo but starting with it seems kinda rough as it's basically just a worse manual dexterity.

Aug 01, 2022 Aesyn · 542

In short, I think Manual Dex is better even after Ornate Bow.

You'll usually use Narrow Escape as an event after reloading the bow, it will let you avoid the AoO and give you +2 on your second shot. If you had commited Manual Dex on your second shot, it would give you the same +2 skill value, but also 1 draw on success, also complete half of your character trigger (which Narrow Escape wouldn't do if played as an event).

I value 1 draw on success + half a trigger more than a Dodge, because Winnie usually wants to cycle her deck as fast as possible.