A degree of simplicity

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

, · 528

Why make this deck?

I created this deck to be used by people who are interested in Arkham Horror, but don't want to be nerds about it by looking up decks and buying all the packs etc. (ironic choice of investigator I know).

In order to play this deck, you'll need the OG set (you will either need a second set, or a willingness to photocopy some of the OG cards), Harvey Walters deck, and the ability to print out occult lexicon, and draw your own blood-rite.

How to pilot

This deck is simple, use Harvey's ability to draw lots of cards so you can play them and have fun, I know his deck is designed around having a big hand, but playing cards is half the fun of being a new player! Just try to get Occult Lexicon in your opening hand, or Research Librarian.

Card breakdown

3 ways to generate resources; Cryptic Writings, Emergency Cache, Burning the Midnight Oil. Easy money for doing what you do with this deck.

3 ways to hit things; Disc of Itzamna, Occult Invocation, "I've got a plan".

3 ways to buff your tests; Perception, Guts, Unexpected Courage. Your other stats are too low and buffing them will rarely help.

4 Helper cards; Higher Education, Deduction, Feed the Mind, Magnifying Glass. These cards help you do what your deck does best, find clues and draw cards.

2 Versatile cards; Occult Lexicon (which gives us Blood-Rite) and Mind over Matter.


The only Upgrade that is mandatory for players is: Higher Education, this is simply a more cost-effective card, plus you get to play it before you even draw your opening hand. Instead of buying it you can just pretend your original copy is this version. Don't forget it costs *6 exp now!!!

Extra information

"Wait" I hear you say. "What about research librarian?", "How is mind over matter not a fight card" and "Why is occult lexicon so important?"

Occult Lexicon gives us Blood-Rite which is our safety card, whatever we need it to do it will do. Need cards? draw, need money? get some, need to hit something? fire away! This is the lynch pin of the deck.

Research Librarian is in the deck to increase our odds of opening with/drawing Occult Lexicon. This card plus a full mulligan gives us a high chance to draw Occult Lexicon in our first turn/hand. When you get the lexicon keep Librarian in your hand to help you activate Higher Education.

Mind over Matter, is widely misused by new players. If you absolutely must use it to hit something, fine but that's not where its power lay. Instead use it to pass a difficult but important or test. This card allows you to use your with the bonus of Perception and Magnifying Glass for a whole turn instead of any agility or combat tests.

"OK everything is good, but I photocopied the cards now they look weird in my deck." Two options glue the photocopies onto very bad cards Medical Texts, or simply add off class cards in your deck to represent those cards. Example, Dynamite Blast = "I've got a plan".


Jan 06, 2021 zozo · 2971

Lovely write-up with some excellent thoughts and points. If you intend to do more of these, perhaps it's worth acknowledging two core sets, just for the very beginner player who might be surprised by some of the doubles! Likewise you mention the taboo list modification of Higher Ed without actually mentioning the taboo list - for beginner players, that might be worth skipping? Otherwise I really enjoyed reading this. Thank you!

Jan 06, 2021 , · 528

Taboo is a list of cards that required balancing after release, these cards have been since modified. Players can see the modifications by clicking on the taboo list during their deckbuilding process.

I didn't want to overwhelm anyone with reading, like in my other deck so I figured I'd cut the bit out. however, I have added an explanation in this comment as an extra extra.

I have also now added several points about what to do about adding cards you may not own into your real life deck, including second copies of the OG set. Appreciate the feedback! It's always fun to hear people are reading through my decks.