Leo "All-Rounder"son (Single Core) Updated

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Time4Tiddy · 236

After a playthrough of Return to the Dunwich Legacy, this deck has been boiled back down to a level 0 starter for Leo that is capable of solo-ing or supporting in a tank role.

This deck relies on pulling/handling monsters for success, using "Let me handle this!" and On the Hunt if monsters are not obliging. Monsters will enable clue gathering with Evidence! and Scene of the Crime, while "Watch this!" and Quick Thinking produce extra actions and resource economy while fighting. Overpower helps with card draw and ensuring the attacks hit the necessary overage for your economy cards.

Decorated Skull is mostly there if you have a dead action. You'll upgrade this to Police Badge by your third scenario.

As always with Leo, immediate upgrade to Charisma.

Other upgrades will include .41 Derringer ASAP after Police Badge and Charisma, for the additional action economy, Beat Cop and Leo De Luca, and .45 Automatic when you get to it. Enchanted Blade will go in favor of guns that can be recharged by Venturer.

With .41 Derringer, Quick Thinking, and Leo De Luca, you can pull a handful of 6 action turns provided a monster is available. Police Badge will also add actions in a pinch, but the bonus to Will is worth hanging on to until a true emergency.

Flashlight is there for clue-ing when there are no monsters, and Emergency Cache could be upgraded to Stand Together, but Leo requires a lot of resources to play both guns and allies, so I would not recommend dropping it for anything else.

TWO CORE RECOMMENDATIONS: A two core version would start out with doubles of both guns and Beat Cop in place of Enchanted Blade and Decorated Skull.

Vicious Blow could be swapped for a second Evidence!. Elusive is also easily swapped for second of any of the above cards. While a second Leo De Luca seems enticing, he's super expensive even with Leo's ability, and you will likely have him in your hand for a while generating resources. Playing him on the first turn is not advised without Emergency Cache, as you need enough resources to pop "Watch this!" effectively. Having said that, Inspiring Presence is a niche card primarily to keep Mitch Brown in play. and could be swapped for the second Leo De Luca and another of any other single card.


Jan 03, 2021 MagicBello · 1

Nice work. It's nice to see so much people thinking about this game. Just as a tip: labeling this as "solo" and including 2x"Let me handle this!" even as a core mechanic of your game plan is kind of WeirdChamp.

Jan 03, 2021 Time4Tiddy · 236

Good point! This deck was used in a 2p - for solo you could do any of the second core swaps I suggested at the end of the write-up, or Followed is a very solid alternate event for Leo.