Harvey's Speedrun Srats (Stage 1:Lvl0)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Harvey's Speedrun Srats (Final Stage: 29XP) 1 0 0 1.0

Corrupt_Idealz · 46

Have you ever wanted to play your starting entire hand and still have 3 actions to spare? Does your weakness keep you from doing what you planned? Do you wish for your friends to beg you to stop giving them cards and ignore them like the great professor you are? Did you ever think to yourself, "Hey that's not a weakness that's a combo piece" aloud? Welp, maybe Harvey is the right investigator for you.

Overview: The entire deck relies on the help of fast cards. Given Harvey’s ability and desire to draw cards, the deck is packed with card draw, fast actions, and any other card that will give him the ability to handle the scenario himself.

Draw: What kind of Harvey deck would this be without card draw? The deck runs a total of 13 card draw effects to maintain a constant flow of action as the game progresses. Cards like Mr. "Rook" and Eureka! have a special interaction with Harvey in that you can grab the cards you want, shuffle your deck, then draw another card right after. These specific cards help you get rid of your weakness at opportune times to mitigate the damage thrice can do to you and gain a bit of extra support right after. Since there is a bunch of duplicates in the deck, Dream-Enhancing Serum is a key component to ensure actionless draws and, once the signature weakness is in discard, can help you maintain a huge hand when so desired. The plentiful amount of card draws help the deck ensure plays can happen and combo with other cards such as Occult Invocation and Cryptic Writings to produce both resources (unless you are an unlucky sap and draw it during your upkeep) and damage.

Fast: As the deck entails, fast cards are a priority for the deck. Running 12 at level 0, each fast card helps enable certain actions to be done without having to expend an action which will be used either to draw, play the few assets we own, or move. Shortcut helps get to a location faster and provides a possible action to investigate said location. Working a Hunch and Connect the Dots help acquire test less clues and if paired with crack the case can combo off each other. Mind over Matter gives Harvey the option to run away and let others handle it or smack an enemy with his 5 big brain plays. Magnifying Glass helps him investigate better which is never a bad thing especially when his signature draws cards from succeeding investigates.

Mulligan: In terms of mulligans, Harvey mainly only cares about having a way to draw and keeping cryptic writing as far away as possible. Out of desired cards, Mr. Rook and dream serum are high on the list of keeps as well as crack the case since Harvey wants to use his actions to draw and investigate rather than gain resources.

Upgrades: Two words: Cryptic Research. A card so perfect for Harvey that it draws, is fast, cost 0, and has Harvey himself in the art. What makes it better is that it can have someone else draw 3 to 4 cards as well just for 4 experience.

Segment of Onyxis another first pick upgrade after 1 cryptic research in that it pairs with dream serum, is fast, gives actionless actions, and combos off with another card mentioned later under the Spoilers category.

Magnifying Glass is the next upgrade of priority since it decreases the cost to 0, and if thrice is gone, helps you gain more resources once cryptic writing is upgraded.

The rest of the upgrades are cryptic writing, Mind Over Matter , Studious and Preposterous Sketches because they do what the deck wants to do but better which is churn through your deck but faster and cheaper.

Spoilers: If you got this far then that means you want to know the secrets to Harvey being the best character created so far and to understand that one must delve into his background. Did you know he committed murder prior to his tenure days. That’s right! What Have You Done? is the one weakness Harvey desires If he wants to combo off with pendant of the queen. To assemble the combo you need dream serum, what have you done, pendant, and an empty library. With an empty library you trigger the weakness to shuffle it back into your deck and draw said weakness each turn. Once pendant is out of charges the three segments go into the deck, you draw, exhaust dream serum then just rinse and repeat. Rather than having to worry about your weakness or spend many resources on trying to find the pieces, all you do is forgo one action to either test less evade, clue, or teleport to your heart's desire. If you're lucky in a campaign, then Kleptomania could do the same especially when others continue to provide you generous funds for your amulet needs though it requires more set up than the previous weakness.

Playthrough: The playthrough this Harvey went through was Carcosa. Throughout the campaign the build was able to cycle through the deck at least once and get pendant out at least 2-4 times each game. One of the issues the deck has is when to reshuffle the deck. One of the issues when reshuffling is having the potential of redrawing the weaknesses again which could lead to high damage potential especially when running into campaigns that add weaknesses into the deck. Out of the cards in the final build miskatonic funding is not a card that this deck would recommend unless laboratory assistance are being replaced since the limitation of 1 damage/horror gave Harvey a few close calls in the campaign though no defeat was done. One of the things that was impressive on the deck was the ability for the deck to clear places quickly by combining the various fast actions together to gain resources and pick clues up from other locations without expending a single action which occurred turn 1 after another investigator, moving, clearing 5 clues, gaining 13 resources, and drawing 4 cards, gaining 3 more resources, drawing sig weakness and taking 0 damage. Although the previous mention was dream wonderland, the simple fact the deck could accomplish deck demonstrates the potential Harvey has to simplify the game


Sep 22, 2020 unremb · 238

Arkham FAQ: Rulings and Clarifications (1.13) Shuffling A Card Into an Empty Player/Encounter Deck
A single card cannot be shuffled into an empty player deck or encounter deck via card effect. If this shuffling would occur during the playing or revelation of a card that is typically discarded after it is resolved, such as an event or treachery card, it is discarded. Otherwise, the card remains in its current game area

Oct 26, 2021 Hellthy · 1

I'm strongly leaning towards this build for my run of the fan made Alice in Wonderland campaign. Do you have any additional thoughts about it a year later? Any newly released cards that you would sub in for the ones in this post? How would you handle the Rook nerf from the latest taboo? Thanks!!!

Oct 30, 2021 Corrupt_Idealz · 46

@Hellthy, After a year, I would say this deck is still one of my favorites as it is able to search for answers fast, stall/maintain itself when the fighter is busy, and is able to clue spectacularly.

In terms of cards that I would sub in, (after asking my group if curses are okay) I would sub Preposterous Sketches for Deep Knowledge to save resources for other cards and have the potential to let other people draw without using their turns. If the campaign is more on the enemy side I would sub Mind over Matter for Anatomical Diagrams to allow anyone in the party with bad stats to succeed even with the addition of curses.

For the Rook nerf, I would consider substituting him for Jeremiah Kirby and substituting the skill cards for even cost cards such as Burning the Midnight Oil, Tempt Fate, and Deep Knowledge while using In the Thick of It to get Magnifying Glass to Magnifying Glass since Kirby is able to draw up to 5 cards while delaying the weakness if it is revealed and provides 2 health if the weakness is drawn. If going this route I would also suggest having 2 of him since they draw each other and changing Mind over Matter for another even cards such as Stirring Up Trouble if going curse route or Guidance if going with the optimize route since having 3 odd cards (signature and Dream-Enhancing Serum) will reduce the amount of failures when using kirby.