Trust me, I'm a reporter. [Co-op Forgotten Age]

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Sly as a Fox (Rex Murphy solo) 28 20 1 2.0
Inspiration for
None yet

justDoji · 51

Rex has sniffed out a story involving a scientist who claims to know of a lost city in the South-American rainforrests. Even though he personally agrees this particular professor is probably a nutjob, Rex' chief editor claimed the headline "El Dorado is real, and we've got proof" was too good of an opportunity to miss. Somewhat reluctantly, Rex joins forces with the expedition's leader hoping he at least gets a relaxing vacation out of this editorial folly.

Co-op playthrough of The Forgotten Age cycle with guardian ally.

Intended playstyle

run around and search for clues.

Clue finding

Rex is a boss at finding clues if he has some assets in play. For some scenario's shroud values get boosted, so Deduction, Seeking Answers, and Vantage Point are there to help deal with them. Shortcut is added for utility and some more speed when time is running out.

Getting resources

Your best friend, Dr. Moneybags will keep your funds high. In case he decides to not show up, using Burglary on a low shroud investigation, in combination with your passive ability, gives you resources and clues for one action. The deck does not run Emergency Cache as I never feel like resources are a problem with the current money engine.

Dealing with encounters

Since my co-op partner likes to play whack-a-mole on the enemies that show up, there is no real need for fighting ability at this point. If baddies do show up, Persuasion can get rid of them. "You handle this one!" is there for delegating these enemies to your ally. guardian investigators are usually happy when you send monsters their way.

Upgrade paths

Swap 1 Hyperawareness for Higher Education: is a staple upgrade. Since it's permanent, you only need 1.

Pathfinder is a consideration if you are moving mostly yourself around with Shortcut anyways.


Update one: Added "You handle this one!" for delegation of enemies to my guardian ally. Got rid of "I've got a plan!" to make room.


Jun 28, 2020 Relea · 1

You don't need to swap Hyperawareness; a permanent card dont count towards deck size...

Jun 28, 2020 justDoji · 51

@Relea Thanks for pointing that out! I ended swapping it out for clue-moving cards.