Agnes Baker - Structure Deck Series ( Dunwich Legacy )

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Kopia Agnes Baker do kampanii dla newbie 0 0 0 1.0
Dunwich Campaign - Agnes Baker Rex 0 0 0 1.0
Agnes Baker solo Dunwich copy 0 0 0 1.0
Dunwich Campaign - Agnes Baker Rex 0 0 0 2.0
Eggy's deck 0 0 0 1.0
Agnes Baker (Revised Core+EotE+Dunwich Legacy) 0 0 0 1.0
Agnes Baker | Five Player |Revised Core + Dunwich 2 0 0 1.0

Uncle George the Farmer · 39763

Hello Fellow investigators

Welcome to my structure deck series!


We finished with the core set and we decided to buy the whole Dunwich Cycle to feel the Arkham experience. We 'll discuss the new cards we added in our deck and which upgrade choices we take in solo and multiplayer.

I will focus on 19 XP upgrade routes since this is pretty much average in my Dunwich runs. I will also create decks of the Dunwich investigators and I will upgrade everyone setting as the final cycle The Forgotten Age. In the Circle Undone, Taboo List was introduced and I think you will already know the advantages/disadvantages of your favorite investigator in order to create your unique deck.

Let start with the show, shall we?


Before we start let me mention a few changes if you're going to play Solo campaign:

2x Baseball Bat Fire Axe

2x Forbidden Knowledge Flashlight

2x Drawn to the Flame "Look what I found!"

While in multiplayer you focus more on fighting in solo you need to investigate too. Flashlight is there for the low shroud locations and "Look what I found!" combos better with Flashlight. Fire Axe we prefer it in solo than Baseball Bat in order to have a free hand slot for Flashlight. Other than that Baseball Bat is more consistent to deal +1 dmg so the choice is yours.

We do have a few changes for Agnes and first of all, it is Rite of Seeking. Similar to Shrivelling you use instead of your other stat and if you succeed you get +1 clue. If you want to avoid the negative effect try to investigate your last action.

The new VIP card in our deck is Peter Sylvestre. While it doesn't combo with Agnes' ability you can easily soak 1 horror from a treachery effect when you don't have an enemy around. The +1 makes evading viable for Agnes Baker but you won't use it much. Where he really shines is the combo with Painkillers and the new engine to trigger Agnes' ability.

Remember in order to activate Painkillers you need to be damaged otherwise you cant. Example of your new engine: Enemy attacks you dealing damage and horror on you. You activate Agnes ability from the horror to deal +1 damage. Next turn you activate Painkillers dealing horror to Peter Sylvestre and you heal 1 damage from Agnes. At the end of your turn Peter Sylvestre heals the horror he took. This loop helps Agnes survive more effectively and protect her low health.

The last new addition in our deck is Delve Too Deep. Do you feel pretty confident about your setup in the game? Use Delve Too Deep. Are you going to lose and you don't have enough victory points? Use Delve Too Deep. Don't use Delve Too Deep when you don't have answers for it (like Ward of Protection). It's a great card that helps you get that extra XP to get your expensive upgrades faster but remember in multiplayer it has a bigger impact where you and your teammates need to be prepared when you use it (better go for it at the end of a scenario).

Upgrade Route

There is only one route here and is to upgrade your spell assets.

Our priority is 2x Peter Sylvestre Peter Sylvestre. Not only he has 3 sanity but he also buff our main stat . You get him before any other upgrade.

Rite of Seeking Rite of Seeking

Shrivelling Shrivelling. It's better going for the Lvl 3 upgrade if you feel you won't be able to get LVL 5. The extra 2 horror mess with Agnes Ability and you need the upgraded Peter Sylvestre to soak these. Although If you are the main combat character in multiplayer go straight for Lvl 5 version.

2x Delve Too Deep Stroke of Luck. If you want more damage for your group go for Blinding Light.

Final card we upgrade is 2x Fearless Fearless.

**If you have extra XP to spent upgrade Lucky!.


What can we say about Agnes? The Strongest investigator from the Core Set becomes even stronger? We have new tricks for her, a great ally by her side and overall a strong and solid deck. The difficulty of this deck is to manage your resources well and prepare your field which might take a few rounds and you want to avoid any treachery card that might lock you down. I hope you liked the card choices and we 'll continue with our Daisy Walker new deck.

To be continued..


Sep 08, 2020 Leomonde · 1

Thank you so much for doing these deck guides. They're really helpful. I've played Dunwich by myself before and I'm about to start with three friends. This will be their first full scenario (we've just completed NotZ). Who do you recommend for 4-player? I want investigators that are more beginner friendly really. I plan on playing as Agnes as I want to try the mystic class. I was thinking of Zoey as the damage dealer, Rex as the main clue finder and Gold Pocket Watch Jenny as our fourth. Would you recommend changing this?

Oct 12, 2020 slee333 · 1

Just solo-cleared the whole DL campaign with this deck. Yes, I was lucky for finding shriveling early in games in almost every scenario, but at the same time, this deck was solid. Enjoyed playing this deck :)

Oct 15, 2020 Uncle George the Farmer · 39763

@slee333 I'm glad you liked it :)