William Solid Yorick (19XP)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

blakink · 135

Hi guys! This is a William Yorick deck made to make him almost invincible. It works thanks two combos that you can set with 19xp.

1st combo: Aquinnah and Peter Sylvestre. While Aquinnah reflects foes damage, Peter Sylvestre absorbs the insanity. If one of them is discard, you can always bring them back from death thanks to Yorick amazing reaction hability. No damage, no insanity.

2nd combo: Eucatastrophe and Drawing Thin. This one concerns primarily intelligence tests, which is a big deal for our gravedigger. I have included many solutions to pick up clues without testing but sometimes there's no other way. Moreover I prefer to use this combo for low difficulty intelligence tests and my no-test option for higher ones. You begin your test (1 to 2 difficulty), exhaust drawing thin to get 2 ressources and draw a card and boost the test by 2. Then, thanks to your 2 fresh gained ressources you use eucatastrophe to succeed the test and get back Eucatastrophe to your hand. Because of the low intellignece value of Yorick you almost always get to 0 because of the chaos token. But now you almost always succeed.

We are done for damage taken and clue gathering. What about sending back foes to hell? The multiple knife we have are here for that. The Meat Cleaver combined with Peter Sylvestre allows you to do 2 damage per attack (and restore a horror after killing a foe). The Survival Knife brings you the famous counter attack (action gain) to end another foe without taking any damage thanks to your allies in play!

Other vialable options:

  1. Include Police Badge to gain more actions
  2. Replace Winging it for flashlight (I prefer Wing it because you can gather 2 clues when played from discard pile but is not mandatory) 3.Obviously if you have 2 core set (not my case) you are able to include another evidence or look what I found (better than scene of the crime in my opinion)
  3. I changed trusted for inspiring presence as this one his costless and allows you to ready an Ally.

Path of leveling:

  1. Buy eucatastrophe to boost your clue gathering tempo
  2. Charisma to allow you to play both allies
  3. Aquinnah (replacing Alice Luxley)
  4. Peter Sylvestre (replacing the 0xp version)

Mar 25, 2020 Phelpsb83 · 195

Eucatastrophe only works if your SKILL value is reduced to 0, so drawing thin has no effect on its proc

Mar 25, 2020 Phelpsb83 · 195

Nevermind, I get it now -- it's just for the resources to effectively pay it for free. Nice combo!

Mar 25, 2020 Sassenach · 179

I don't really get the DT/Eucatastrophe combo tbh. It only bounces back to hand if the test succeeds. So let's take even a shroud 1 location. By double activating DT (which is what he described) the difficulty of the test becomes 5 so even if you manage to convert your modifier into an elder sign your new skill value is still only 4 and the test would fail. You also just spent the two resources that you gained to play Eucatastrophe, so you've effectively committed a very valuable event in order to draw one card. That doesn't make any sense. It's a horrible waste.

I guess you can only tap DT once and then it would work out at any shroud 1 or 2 locations, but even this isn't exactly great. You either gain 2 resources that have to be immediately spent again for the net gain of 1 clue or you gain 1 card and 1 clue for a cost of 2 resources. In both cases you're out an action to achieve this, and in let's remember that it only works on very low shroud locations. A flashlight would be way more efficient.

Mar 26, 2020 blakink · 135

@Sassenach You're right it only works on very low shroud location (1 or 2) and the purpose of DT/Eucatastrophe is to "replace" a flashlight. I find it more efficient because:

  1. Playing flashlight or playing DT needs one action (so using a flashlight has no action gain)
  2. Flashlight as 3 charges, DT/Eucatastrophe is "illimited", and as I use it namely with investigating action, Yorick low intellect stat make it almost always posible to use eucatastrophe (namely in difficult ot expert)
  3. Flashlight takes a hand slot and I want it for my weapons to deal more consistent damage on foes (meat + survival)

However, I agree that in easy mode this combination is worthless as the chaos bag is not enough harsh. In standard mode may be depending on the campaign... I think I would use it on TFA and TCU.