"Ashcan" Pete cats and dogs

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

HarrisonF · 158

Typical Pete deck making use of new Miss Doyle to make cats and dogs work together against the Ancient Evils.

Calling in Favors is designed to allow you to find the pretty kitty to get this started.

Lots of card draw via Rabbit's Foot, Take Heart, and Drawing Thin to dig out the spawned cats.

Cornered is important both for getting to +6 to skill checks, and also for the thematic element with the cats and dogs. Dark Horse similarly can get you to the +6 for the cats.

Peter Sylvestre is there for three reasons:

  1. More targets for Calling in Favors
  2. Key of Ys will be an upgrade target
  3. Mr Sylvestre is really great for Sanity soak
  4. Pete and Re-pete are good, see #1

For Skills, we are picking up some Innate ones for optional ability to add in True Survivor


Oct 01, 2019 HarrisonF · 158

Potential upgrades are adding Drawing Thin, Key of Ys, True Survivor maybe.