Daisy Walker summons Exodia the Forbidden One (Lv0)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

damirius · 1110


I was thinking about creating some deck which can make good use of Segment of Onyx/Pendant of the Queen. First thing that came to my mind, was of course, Mandy Thompson with her filtered draw possibilities, second was Minh Thi Phan with her now famous card drawing powers. While that's all great I was thinking how to keep Pendant in play as much as I can, there aren't many cards that can add charges to cards but there are few.

Recharge and Enraptured.

So I started to think about Mystic Seeker combos, there aren't actually many investigators which can take both Pendant and Recharge+Enraptured. While Segment of Onyx is both Relic and card it is unfortunately level 1 which rules out Marie Lambeau, Akachi Onyele and Norman Withers. So we are left with Daisy Walker (in the moment of writing this guide I don't know Mandy Thompson's deck limitations). Do not think that's too bad, Daisy Walker is amazing investigator in her own right and she can play out some unique strategies. So let's dive in.

Change log:

  • Added Eco options seciton

Deck Idea

So, main idea is to get Pendant of the Queen into play. To do that we run with lots of filtered and unfiltered draws:

Mr. "Rook" - Maybe most important, free filtered card draw, top 3/6/9 cards but with drawback that you need to pull 1 weakness if it is among the searched cards which can actually be helpful.

Old but gold - No need for introduction and why it's good on Daisy.

Scroll of Secrets - Personally level 0 isn't anything to write home about, but it's also a tome which enables usage of Daisy's ability and it can pull cards from the bottom of the deck and from the encounter deck.

No Stone Unturned - Filtered 6 card search, nothing more to add.

Preposterous Sketches - Unfiltered pure draw power, seeker's special.

Eureka! - Optional filtered draw

Research Librarian - Optional tome draw

Combo cards

Truth from Fiction - In early scenarios it will work with both Mr. "Rook" and Scroll of Secrets, later on it will become even more amazing.

Enraptured - Flexible card which can put secrets on Scroll of Secrets or on Mr. "Rook" but more importantly also charged on the Pendant of the Queen. Investigation requirement is not too hard for Daisy Walker, she will spend a lot of time investigating anyways.

Quantum Flux - Not exactly a combo card, but if you drop some of the Segments, you can pick them up mix them back and thin your deck. Of course Quantum Flux is generally good tech card and perfect one of which is good since there are 3x Segments.

Support cards

Mind over Matter - If there's no one around to help you with nasty enemies or with some treacheries in your threat area

"I've got a plan!" - Similar to MoM

Deduction - One of those always good cards, don't forget that you have 5 and that you are and that means you'll be on clue duty

Shortcut - Very cool card, almost always good, but it can be exchanged for something else.

Premonition - One of the best multiplayer support cards IMHO, but it will soon become combo card, which will be explained later.

Edit: Eco Options

Special thanks to user matt88 for bringing this up in the comments

Crack the Case - Instead of one Quantum Flux we could bring another Crack the Case. Card on it's own is good enough to bring as eco option for Daisy, but with Pendant of the Queen we could hit highest shroud location with one clue and get some huge influx of resources. So if going with costly Pnakotic Manuscripts would highly recommend taking two Crack the Case and keeping them in, instead using some of the draws either Preposterous Sketches or No Stone Unturned.

Emergency Cache - If going with both Pnakotic Manuscripts and Archaic Glyphs there is for sure some need for even more eco support. Emergency Cache is simple but effective and we will probably exchange some of our card draw for it, both Preposterous Sketches. Then instead of upgrading Preposterous Sketches into Cryptic Research we could upgrade Emergency Cache into Emergency Cache. By doing this we are bringing up our econ options but bringing down our exp costs since both Pnakotic Manuscripts and Archaic Glyphs are already costly in that department so Cryptic Research would be hard to get.

Calling in Favors - Again special thanks to matt88 for bringing this card up. Instead of some draws or instead of Truth from Fiction if not going for Pnakotic Manuscripts we could bring this cards. They are both eco options and filtered draws since if we hit Research Librarian we get another tome draw and if we hit Mr. "Rook" we get another 3 secrets on him when we play him again. We don't have that much allies so it's a bit risky, but it could work.


  1. 1 x Crack the Case + 2 x Shortcut -> 3 x Segment of Onyx - It feels little bit weird leaving out Shortcut so early and you can for sure change that up and leave out 2x "I've got a plan!" or 2x Mind over Matter depending on the campaign.

  2. 2 x Mind over Matter/2 x "I've got a plan!" -> 2 x Recharge - Now this seems a little bit weird but it's core of the deck almost as Pendant is. Note that you can put 3 charges on Relic cards and Pendant of the Queen is one, of course drawback is big if we pull some BS token and unfortunately if Pendant is left without the charges it gets out of play immediately, so we would prefer to try and Recharge it when it's on 1 charge. Second more safe and better option is to play Premonition + Recharge, if you pull some number token we are good to go, we doubled the number of uses. That's amazing.

Now we have some choices to make

  1. 2 x Scroll of Secrets -> 2 x Scroll of Secrets - This is optional but now even with just 3 secrets this tome becomes amazing, pulling from bottom of the deck you can draw, and thin the deck in one bonus action.

  2. 2 x Eureka! -> 2 x Pnakotic Manuscripts - If not going with Scroll of Secrets upgrade we can instead upgrade 2x Scroll of Secrets in 2x Pnakotic Manuscripts instead, since both of them fight for Truth from Fiction use and we know who wins easily. Pnakotic Manuscripts are just too good to pass up in this setup, we already have Truth from Fiction and Enraptured and of course Daisy Walker, it just gels together nicely. We don't want to put all our eggs in one basket (Pendant) and Manuscripts help with that.

  3. 2 x No Stone Unturned -> 2 x No Stone Unturned - Find your segment. What to say about this card. Of course it can be little bit pricey so that's a concern, but it's always nice to have options to help you find all segments but also find any missing piece of the combo for your teammates too.

  4. 2 x Preposterous Sketches -> 2 x Cryptic Research -> One of the most popular upgrades for seeker.

  5. Higher Education- With current Taboo list it's a bit pricey, but if you find yourself with lots of exp go for it.


Like mentioned in the upgrade paths. Mostly you will choose between bringing both Scroll of Secrets or not. I don't think Pnakotic Manuscripts are a choice at all, they are just too good with rest of the cards.

Other options include:

Archaic Glyphs - Level 0 is the tome, rest are just Spells Archaic Glyphs/Archaic Glyphs/Archaic Glyphs but still great on Daisy. One of the strongest options. Probably make space for it by leaving out Scroll of Secrets. While Archaic Glyphs is generally great on Daisy, with Pendant and support of "I've got a plan!"/Mind over Matter there's no need for it. Combo between Archaic Glyphs and Pnakotic Manuscripts can win you the game (especially in 3+ players), as a huge plus you will have now another target for Recharge which is great.

Backpack - Interesting option which can hit up to 3 cards in top 6, like Old Book of Lore, Scroll of Secrets (optionally Archaic Glyphs lv0) and of course all 3 Segments and Daisy's Tote Bag, later on Pnakotic Manuscripts My thanks go to MB discord user Snek for suggesting it

Dr. Elli Horowitz - Takes up an Ally slot which is a hard bargain especially since we want Mr. "Rook" around and we also have Research Librarian running around. It can hit Segments, but Segments are both Fast and just 1 resource and they don't take any slots anyway. So this is rather weak option, later on with Pnakotic Manuscripts it becomes rather serious consideration but still would opt for some other stuff first.

General thoughts

For now I see two Pendant deck builds.

One is Minh Thi Phan way where we have immense card draw power. We just plow through the deck like there's no tomorrow and find all segments that way. She isn't the only one who can draw cards, but she is currently the best at it. Of course while doing it she in the same time helps the whole team with both her clue gathering and general skill boosting through card commits. As an added bonus, as a she can also Scavenging Segments from the discard easily which opens up even more options.

Other one includes Daisy and for sure Mandy, where we have filtered draws. And in the case of Daisy instead of counting on drawing whole deck multiple times per scenario we try to keep the Pendant in play.

In the end we can say this is just another Pnakotic Manuscripts deck build with the option of Pendant of the Queen usage, or we can say it's vice-versa. In any case I'm pretty happy with the looks of it, but will be happy to get some feedback and ideas about this option where we try to find Pendant quickly and keep it in the play as much as we can. Thanks for reading, hope to hear some of you in the comments! Cheers!


Sep 13, 2019 matt88 · 3093

If you play Calling in Favors you don't need all that much card draw and filtered draw. You will have so much mileage from Old Book of Lore and Mr. Rook that it will be enough. Try it and you 'll see. You 'll end up drawing your whole deck. I also don't think that Quantum Flux is a good choice and I really don't like Pnakotic Manuscripts in this build at all. I also think that you don't need to focus on keeping the Pendant of the Queen in play as much as possible, because after it gets used up the Segments get shuffled back into your deck (if I'm not mistaken), so I think it would be more beneficial to focus on finding them again, which with Mr. Rook and Old Book of Lore, should be relatively easy.

Sep 13, 2019 damirius · 1110

@matt88 Thanks for the comment appreciate it. Interesting take on Calling in favors instead of some other draw, it would be cool to try out. I still don't think that Manuscripts are bad, I've ran them in some similar build and they work quite well with Truth from Fiction and Enraptured, it doesn't take anything from the deck almost and if ran with Archaic Glyphs it work wonders. Can you elaborate on it a little bit more? Can't see any drawbacks except of exp of course and probably the high resource cost.

Sep 13, 2019 matt88 · 3093

It's the high resource cost that, in this deck, makes it rather prohibitive. You run only 1 econ card and your other assets and events are quite pricey. To be honest, I believe that only 1 econ can't even support the resource needs of the cards you already have, let alone an expensive asset like this. I also think that you shouldn't focus on 2 different things. This deck is all about using and abusing the Pendant of the Queen. The cards you will take with your XP will focus on this. Going for Glyphs and Manuscripts means you re taking an entirely different direction and this means that you need to devote your XP on 2 different things, which in turn means that one of those things will come late in the campaign. Additionally, during the game, it will drive you off from your main purpose, which is getting the Pendant of the Queen in play as soon as possible.

Sep 13, 2019 damirius · 1110

High cost is quite problematic, that's true. But I wouldn't say that they are two different directions totally, but I guess that's a matter of opinion. I don't think going 100% for Pendant is a good choice, just like going 100% on any card, but as I said this is just my opinion.

Sep 14, 2019 damirius · 1110

Giving some thought to it, I think that you are right that with Manuscripts it goes over the cost of the deck, without it I don't think it's a huge problem. All that said, I think bringing two Crack the Case and keeping them till the end could work wonders. With Pendant you could hit last clue on highest shroud locations without a need for the test and immediately play Crack the Case for huge influx of resources. So as an option instead of bringing Quantum Flux bring another Crack the Case keep them in the deck. Will update the description.

Sep 14, 2019 matt88 · 3093

Thanks for giving me some credit. It's nice to know that my comments have been helpful.