Flatfoot and the Fed

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

jmmeye3 · 614

This deck is part of my exploration of Alice Luxley. Alice's activated power has great potential, but requires some planning. There are 3 major ways to use her: 1) in a deck that can gain clues as fast actions (to avoid attacks of opportunity), 2) in a deck that plans to evade enemies and 3) in a multiplayer game where the partner is trying to take all of the enemies. This deck fits in the 1st category. Among investigators that can use Alice Luxley, Roland Banks has the best built-in way of activating her power. I will be posting a separate deck that uses strategy 2) (evasion).

The basic strategy of using Alice in this deck is:

  1. With no enemies at his location: Roland investigates with the help of Alice Luxley's passive boost, Flashlight and Magnifying Glass.
  2. With one enemy at his location: If the enemy has 1 or 3 health, Roland Banks starts by using Scene of the Crime, then attacks if needed. If the enemy has 2 health, or 4 or more health, he just attacks, and uses Working a Hunch if needed to add an action-free damage.
  3. More than one enemy at his location: This is where the Roland-Alice combo really shines. Roland attacks the first enemy, gains a clue when it is defeated, activates Alice to deal 1 damage to the second enemy, then finishes off the second enemy. Shortcut can be used to recreate this scenario by dragging one enemy into the location where another is present.

From these examples, you can see that Alice Luxley basically improves cards like Scene of the Crime by adding a damage to their effect. Working a Hunch is even better since it can increase the damage-dealing capacity of your turn (even better than Vicious Blow in some ways because it is test-less!). I did not include Interrogate because it is too situational with the Humanoid, skill test and "clue at another location" requirements. Roland's activated power is mainly useful when there are more than 1 enemy present, making this deck better in multiplayer games where swarms are more common than in solo play.

This deck still needs to be tested. The current list is based on my experience using Alice with Joe Diamond. If resources are a problem, Charles Ross, Esq. can be added. My favorite upgrade option would be Agency Backup (with Charisma) because the clue effect can activate Alice 4 times. I probably would add only 1 Agency Backup since it is so expensive. Other considerations include Flamethrower (works nicely with Alice because she can provide a flex damage to save ammo, and its incredible damage output ensures Roland and Alice are activated each turn when enemies swarm) and Magnifying Glass.

Any comments would be appreciated!


Jul 17, 2019 Rancord · 1624

It seems to have a bit to many cards for the handslot, without Bandolier.

Jul 18, 2019 jmmeye3 · 614

Yes, you could be right. Most of the hand slot cards have limited uses, so I assumed more would be needed to replace them. The exception is Magnifying Glass, which I included even though it will probably have to be given up at some point because it is so cheap to play. Do you think he could get away with less? I was just worried he wouldn't have the weapon or investigate-enabler when needed if I included less.