William Yorick: A warrior's first steps on the road (0XP) -

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
William Yorick: A warrior's first steps on the road (0XP) - 3 3 0 1.0

mogwen · 252

Hi everybody!

I've liked William Yorick from the beginning part because of the Shakespearian reference, part because of the "you discard pile is a toolbox" ability.

What I want to propose today is a 0XP fighter William Yorick deck for standard, I've already played a Fighter/Tank William Yorick deck but I wanted something more proactive than reactive.

I want a William Yorick who would be equally at ease being the fighter in duo with a dedicated seeker, the fighter with some back up from his fellow investigators in a three-players game or the second fighter in a 4-players with a dedicated guardian on his side. This William Yorick is intended (hope I succeed!) to be reliable, consistent and resiliant.

So, what's in THE DECK?

1.Weapons: 5 of them actually, seems a good number from the tests I ran without the need of a Prepared for the Worst. With Beat Cop your .32 Colt becomes an effective weapon, Machete is as always the star of weapons. A good surprise here is Enchanted Blade, because it's a good weapon for guardians but it has the drawback of having few charges. Good new, William doesn't care about charges, he will be able to replay a fully charged one regularly from his discard pile (he learnt swordsplay from playing Hamlet a while back). Edit: I swap .32 Colt for Meat Cleaver because it has such a good interaction with Cherished Keepsake and later with Peter Sylvestre

2.Resilience cards:Cherished Keepsake, Leather Coat, Tennessee Sour Mash and Live and Learn are all here to make sure William won't die and resist the most difficult treacheries.

3.Economy cards, because playing with your discard pile is expensive! Emergency Cache is an obvious one but Take Heart is a really fun way to make resources and draw cards, you investigate a high shroud location with your ridiculous , fail and get rewarded for that! Act of Desperation is another economy card, you throw a depleted Flashlight, Enchanted Blade or .32 Colt at your enemy and get money for this!

4.Investigation tools: Namely Flashlight and Scene of the Crime because in my groups, even the most hardened warrior wants to be able to contribute to clue gathering when there's no enemy to kill.

5.Allies: Beat Cop, of course, because of consistency, the +1 is so great, and it's another soaker you can replay from your discard pile.

6.Skills: With 12 valid targets, Resourceful is a no-brainer, as it enhances our gravedigger's ability to play with his graveya...discard pile! I told you, you were a resilient fighter and Steadfast makes use of that, Stunning Blow is here for more diversity to your attacks, we've already talked about Take Heart and Vicious Blowwill help with attack and damage.


There are a few obvious upgrades like Beat Cop, Vicious Blow but I'd like to talk about a few I like very much.

-Police Badge: a +1 is always welcome and it enables William to give himself (for killing those filthy monsters) or others 2 actions regularly, in multiplayer it's a massive boon.

-Bandolier and Old Hunting Rifle, because you like those augmentations, and if you're the dedicated fighter you need a 3 damage weapon along the way. The problem with Old Hunting Rifle is that it's quite an unreliable weapon so you need back up weapons hence the Bandolier.

-Cornered: This card can help you in a lot of ways. First it helps you put assets in your discard pile for later use without having to play them first. Second, it works like an Unexpected Courage which will help you deal with those pesky treacheries, distract a monster by throwing your Cherished Keepsake at him to punch him hard or under odd circumstencies find the last clue to finish the act. Charisma and Peter Sylvestre because more horror soak is good!

Sorry if it was long, but I wanted it to be as complete as possible for newcomers and experienced players alike!

This is a work-in-progress and I welcome feedback and advice, so feel free to comment.


Mar 23, 2019 matt88 · 3007

I think you would benefit from replacing the .32 Colt with 1 copy of Prepared for the Worst. Yorick doesn't benefit from the number of ammo as much as other investigators do and he really appreciates the combat boost on his weapons, so having a tool to get your better weapons will be more valuable than having just another mediocre weapon, in my opinion. I would also drop the clue-gathering cards since this deck is for multiplayer. Probably for Lucky!s and Unexpected Courages. If you want to keep them however, I suspect you would benefit from replacing Scene of the Crime with "Look what I found!". Having only one copy of that makes it too difficult to hit on the proper spot, so I think "Look what I found!" would serve you better, plus you can combine it with Flashlight to get clues from a high-shroud location. Also, if you go Old Hunting Rifle consider adding Oops! (2) as well. It works great with the Rifle.

Mar 23, 2019 mogwen · 252

Oops! is a great idea if I go for the Old Hunting Rifle, I think the colt will be quickly upgraded into the rifle, so... As I said the clue-gathering part is a trope of our group. "Look what I found!" is a better idea, yes! thank you for your advices!